
Sunday, April 27, 2008


CHIQUITITA is the littlest pup of CHIMINITO from Camera Critters#2.
She was born January 5th, 2006 in a litter of 6.
Rejected by her real mom, she became my favorite. I had to feed/nurse her because she couldn't keep down her mom's milk, and she was the runt! She's named because of her size and the song from ABBA, "Chiquitita".
[I'd like to say the following photo in the hammock is taken by me of Chiquitita, because it looks so much like her and that's how she sleeps-belly up, but it's not mine! My REAL photos of CHIQUITITA are the ones above and below "Camera Critters".
Join the fun and meet all the CRITTERS over at Misty's Word or Camera Critters
Camera Critters


  1. Oh my goodness, she is the cutest thing! I bet she is terribly sweet and brings you such joy :)

  2. Chiquitita is a beautiful dog! Great photos!

  3. She is such a cutie! The runt always wins my heart too ;-) Great post!

  4. Hello Peggy, Wow! My friend Kimberly sent me an e-mail saying I should check out your blog. Amazing! God bless YOU!!!! I love your "unreached people of the day" and the fact that you're in Mexico, el pais de mi corazon. It's been years, but I've loved the culture, food etc... still do : ). Estaba en D.F. y tambien en Oaxaca para compartir el amor de Dios con Los Mixes en las montanas. Mi esposo y yo fuimos a Honduras por un ratito - sus photos con la cerca y el perro parace como Tegucigalpa.
    Check out my site - My husband and I work with Hispanic migrants each summer. Though my plans after graduating from college were to go to Mexico and work among unreached groups in the mountains, God has kept me here. My heart is with you as a sister in Christ. Dios le bendiga.

  5. Hello Again Mi Hermana en Cristo Peggy,
    I don't know your e-mail so decided to leave another comment. Thanks for your comment. Yah : ) I felt like I was reading about myself there. Started working with migrants young and kind of funny, but lived in MN for the first 5 years of my life. I take my Gramma, who was born and lived in MN until 2001, every Tuesday. So it was really fun to see your site and see the similarities. God is good. On the contact page there are other ways of reaching me. Hope you have a great week. Dios le bendiga . En Cristo Paulette.

  6. Oh I love this little girl!! She has the sweetest face and kind eyes. I would love a little one like that.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy