
Thursday, April 3, 2008

What's in a NAME?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Shakespeare ~ Romeo and Juliet

April 3rd, 2008

... and Mazes, Messes & Miracles?...
... aMazing Grace
[added later]
but has become my main name
because of God's Grace &
 how I am more aMazed every day by how

Today is my first day of entering the BLOGGING world officially! Up until now, I have just been enjoying reading inspirational blogs of others, mostly Christian women. 

Today, I launch mine:

Mazes, Messes, Miracles ... aMazing Grace
aMazing Grace... Mazes, Messes, Miracles

But instead of giving a purpose for my blog,
or rationale of what I hope to accomplish or post,
I will explain the NAME.

First MazMagi and then aMazing Grace ... Mazes, Messes, Miracles!

MazMagi comes from
Maz for Mazatlan
the place I call home in Mexico
away from home in Minnesota
Magi a nickname for my real name.

In Spanish, my real name is a drink or a flower: margarita. I never used my real name in English, except for legal matters or when my father was upset with me, then I heard the whole name!!! Margaret Mary Teresa Anderson... but especially "Margaret Mary" from my dad. It was not a name of endearment but it came to be somewhat more precious when I studied the life of the saint, for which I was named

(a French nun devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

As long as I can remember (age 3-4), I have gone by "Peggy". Most people don't even understand how it derives from my real name, but it does. My dad would say that there is no "saint" Peggy, so I pray that I'm the first. (Although I believe when I was young, I read a pamphlet on Saint Peggy.) Anyways, my real name Margaret means "pearl" and from there, and other derivatives, comes Peggy.

In Mexico, many with my real name go by "Maggie" which in Spanish is pronounced and spelled Magui. (mah-gee) I chose to go by that at first, but I wrote it "Magi" on purpose (yet that is incorrect spelling of it). The reason was I wrote it like "Magi" was because of Jesus and The Magi at Christmas! The Three Kings, who brought gifts to the baby Jesus were known as The Magi. I added the background from "The Cutest Blog on the Block" for Christmas in honor of this.

2010 and 2011

When I come to Mexico, each trip, I usually try to bring gifts, because the needs of the people are so many! I don't have enough financially, as I found out on my first trip here, to meet so many needs, but my heart just broke with wanting to leave something, whatever I had to those who had less. I quickly decided that the reason I would come back every year was because I had a gift to give: me. Whatever I am, I would give, in the name of Jesus. Be it teacher or friend, I must stir up whatever gift or gifts lie within me to serve the people here in Mexico.

Of course, having a teaching degree, I thought it would be with CHILDREN, because children have held such an important place in my heart and God's, but I was soon to learn that God would use me, mold me, and minister through me with whomever He chooses.

The spiritual gifts that He has enabled me with, He will stir up, exactly what I need in the moment He needs it. If we are open to His Holy Spirit and willing to be used, He will speak to you and through you. His Word will be made real in your daily living!

So I am Magi...His gift...and my gift to Him is wherever He calls me to serve. That is the reason I live! That is the reason for MazMagi ... (mazmagi)

I really wanted to have my Blog have an inspirational name that reflects God's work in me and my life. I have found such beautiful and meaningful names that others have chosen. Than there are others that are comical and creative! So I wanted one, that one day I would be able to use as a ministry with what I post. I don't know if and when that will happen, so I chose:

... aMazing Grace

Mazes, Messes and Miracles 

because I guess that pretty much capsulizes
MazMagi's life.

I have MESSED up many times. I have gone through many trials, tribulations and temptations that have led me through this MAZE, called life or journey and I am aMAZED how God has seen me through the good and the bad.

But, I must admit I want to see many MIRACLES still in my life! I feel that the greatest miracle is the one God does each day in my life...because JESUS, His Son, not only did miracles in His 3 years of ministry, He still CAN do miracles today, through you and me by the power of His Holy Spirit. He is the greatest MIRACLE that came into my life and has had His hand upon me daily still, even when I may not have acknowledged Him or have strayed, HE was THERE & HE IS HERE reaching out, forgiving me, holding me, carrying me, filling me, leading me, completing my journey through this life by and through His Holy Spirit alive in me. The greatest miracle is how Jesus gave His life in exchange for mine, and Rose from the dead, conquered death and sin for me, or YOU-or anyone & everyone who puts their faith in HIM.

"For God so loved YOU and me, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him, shall not perish but have LIFE EVERLASTING! "John 3:16

The additional phrase aMazing Grace was added soon after I began, because I am saved by
...but for the grace of God, go I...

I am who I am
HE is who HE IS!
and by
I am being changed
to reflect JESUS!

I added this as my THEME SONG: Amazing Grace: My Chains are Gone by Chris Tomlin and now His aMazing Grace is my main focus, not the mazes, messes or miracles. It is through His Grace that I am free.

I love the original *Amazing Grace but this one by Chris Tomlin tells more of the Freedom I have found in Christ Jesus, which is available through HIS GRACE! Not because I earned it, not because I fought the battle alone to gain this freedom, but because Jesus fights the battle along side me daily, as I put on the FULL ARMOR of CHRIST, HE goes before me and HE already won the victory so that I may have it: aMazing Grace! How sweet the sound!

Isaiah 61 is the one from which I have chosen parts as my Mission verse on top of my page
" proclaim the year of the LORD's favor!"

You need to click on Isaiah 61 to read the full 11 verses & have a context to understand better to whom I pray that I will minister or touch with some of God's Grace as He pours through me and my words on each post. I pray that they will be anointed!

..."I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. 
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, 
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, 
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations."
(verse 10-11)

* this version of Amazing Grace is beautifully sung by this 8 yr. old phenomena Rhema Marvanne


  1. I Thank God for the day I met you, Peggy. So glad that He had us both right where He wanted us...may we press on for the mark - the high calling in Christ Jesus.

  2. Hi Peggy,

    Loved reading your posts. I expecially enjoyed your painting story and girl, can I relate!!!!

    Excellent. Praying for you this week. Lynn

  3. Hi Peggy,
    Thank you so much for the note you left ... it is always encouraging to know that what we share is shared by, or encouraging for, others. I also appreciated your recommendation of the song, From the Inside Out ... I heard it last year and fell in love with the song immediately. I hope you have a weekend of rest ...

  4. Hey Peggy... just read this post and found out that my suspisions were indeed correct. You are a Margaret. So am I. Cristine is my middle name. I have never used my first name, though occasionally my husband calls me Maggie...

    I found our names to be an interesting connection - especially given the fact that neither of us ever actually went by Margaret.

    Thanks again for your encouraging comments.

  5. This was all very interesting. Who would've thought we'd both post months apart with the same title.

    When I posted 20/20 Vision, a fellow blogger posted with the same title but different content.


  6. I have just now read this, and all that I have thought about your name and your blog name is true!!

    You are definitely not a "Margaret" but indeed an amazing Magi--Peggy--someone I met through the grace of God and has become a very, very blessed friend.

    Thank you, Magi!!


  7. I can't believe I am just now reading started blogging about 6 months before me...but in all our time of visiting each other I have never read back in your archives...

    One day I will catch up...probably NOT

    I LOVE your story and how the names all came to be...keep writing, bless me!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy