
Thursday, August 28, 2008



Hi - Hola All You DOT Dog Lovers~

My name is Chiminito. My mom is Mazmagi, better known as "Peggy". I'm a Chihuahua/ Bull Terrier mix. Some say that I look like a Jack Russel. But there's no Jack in me! Oh, that's not entirely true, I jump or leap like a jack rabbit. I understand English and Spanish! Aye Caramba

Anyways, I was born in 2003. My mom says I'm a miracle baby. I shouldn't have lived. But I did! I'm here and in great health - thanks to my mom! My real mom died and so did my sister! My mom lived on a roof top and no one really took care of her. We were all infested with all kinds of parasites: fleas, ticks "garapatas"...some very small and some very venemous! My body was filled with them. That is until this mom saw me and tended to me! I even had one in my ear that she got out!

Ouch! I still fight her when she's taking them off me, even though I wear a collar and do all the right things. It just can't be escaped here in Mexico. [They say "that's life in Mexico for a dog" or pet. I tell them not in my house.]

Well, my mom cleaned me up, dipped me, cleaned me again, but the day I remember her most was when she sat with me on a curb, at my first owner's house, Lizbeth. She was just a little girl back then. Lizbeth loved my dad, I've watched them running on videos.

I had been crying night after night because of the little critters all over me. No one even knew how bad! But my mom did. One by one she picked those little buggers off of me, even the microscopic ones. Then she dipped and bathed me until I was well. She took me to her place to take better care of me. Lizbeth came and visited and stayed once in awhile. Lizbeth loved me so much that she let me stay with my new mom, so I could get well and stay well. I love Lizbeth!

My dad's name was Chimino. I'm named after him. I'm a little piece of Chimino...the -ito in my name is endearing and means little one. I saw those videos of my dad but we don't have any photos. My dad ate something bad and died too! But that's how I ended up with my mom and Bravo.(You'll met him last time). He became my BIG BROTHER! Kinda surrogate dad. We use to play together, but he's gotten too old I play with my daughters. You'll meet them another time.

Years have past, and I have lots of tales to tell but the greatest was 2 years ago when I became the proud father of 6: 5 girls and 1 son. Now, I shouldn't have done that so that's why my mom took me to the vet so it never happens again. Just like Bravo!(the mother had to go, too). But now we live together with 2 of our daughters. One lives in Minnesota. 3 found new homes but sadly 2 of them died; my only son was one of them. I guess that's why my mom kept the others.

That reminds me, I have to tell this GREAT tale of when I was so tiny and my mom left me alone with Bravo! This is why she says I'm a miracle too!

Our home was on the second floor and she thought I was safe on the patio. She had it pretty well blocked off. But curiosity got the best of me. I had to go snooping around, looking for where she went. She hardly ever leaves me alone, so she couldn't have gone too far. Well, I found this tube, I thought I'd check it out. (Mom says it wasn't a tube and it wasn't where I should have gone, it was a rain gutter).

When she came home, I heard her and started crying. She was looking everywhere for me, upstairs in our home. She wasn't even close. So I kept crying!
Finally, she looked over the balcony in total disbelief toward my yelps for help and saw me, down in the basement. It was quite the ride or slide! She was down the stairs, two flights, almost as quick as I got down there. She was loving me, and checking me and so worried, but I was fine. I'M A MIRACLE! The angels were watching over me. That's why I'm the favorite!

That's a bit of my tales!
I've got lots more 'cause I'm the trouble maker!
These are my daughter's fighting. If you notice the one who looks like me, except her color, is winning! Like father, like ... daughter! And she was the runt! I say she's the real trouble maker!


March? 2003 - August 29, 2018

Please join all the others over at DOT~Dogs On Thursday!

My mom showed me all kinds of new friends over there and human friends that love DOGS! Tell me how much you love me ... I otta have more comments then BRAVO ... he thinks HE'S the BEST just cuz he's BIGGER!


  1. Adorable dog...looks innocent and a bit mischievious all at the same time. That's scary about him going down the rain gutter. Looking foward to more stories!

    Thanks for the comment last week. I'm still getting caught up on reading blogs. Zeus is about 11 years old, a beagle and pit bull mix. He brings alot of joy and snuggles to the household.

  2. What a great story! Thanks for sharing. It brought a smile to my face.

  3. This is a "What can I get into now?" face if I've ever seen one!

  4. Cute pics!

    Yes, we've fostered several last year... up until Sophie decided she wasn't going to leave and we became a 4 doggy household. :)

  5. I just love your post today!
    It brought joy to my heart to know
    your current mommy was there to take care of you!
    You are a very adorable pooch and quite smart to understand two languages!

  6. Hola, you are so cute. I'm so glad you found a good home.

  7. What a great post! Thanks for sharing! He's got a beautiful face!
    Happy DoT!

  8. I enjoyed reading about Chiminito and also learning about Bravo in a previous post. They both are very lucky dogs to have found you.

  9. Aaww...Chimi, you sure have come a long way! So glad you found a loving home with your mommy. Hugs to you and wags and licks from Happy!

  10. Wow Chiminito you have had quite the history! Glad things are much better for you now and that you have such a happy home and family!!

  11. What what a story. We really loved reading it. The gutter story was really scary!
    Thanks for sharing his wonderful story and exploits.
    We joined DOT too I think it will be fun! We'll find new friends like Chimi (did I spell it right) for Daisy to talk about on her Sunday post.
    Come by tomorrow to meet her friend Happy.
    Have a Blessed Weekend.
    Sherry and Daisy


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy