
Thursday, September 11, 2008



Please join all the others over at DOT
~Dogs On Thursday! Great friends!

Hi "hola"-it's me again Chimi...

The tall "tale" tail-or, I mean story-teller. Today, I'm being chained for going in the garden.

So I wanted to take the time to introduce the another part of my family. First, there was  the big boy "Bravo" then he let me be the big boy...until he found this stray...thrown away on a real busy street, down in an enclosed area with a wall around the bank kept yapping and scratching on the wall like it was gonna get was never gonna climb out of there or figure how to get out, so they went around and down there to get it, at least that's the story Bravo gave me. 

We weren't living where we live now, we were renting a small apartment that really did not want dogs at all. At this time, Bravo and I were taking turns living there with mom (Peggy) or back in Minnesota. 

So after rescuing this dog, it went to stay with Lizbeth [remember her, she was my first owner] and her grandma. It wasn't a good place to live (lots of mud and other animals) so our mom promised to find a house for us. She did shortly after that, when I came instead of Bravo and I got to meet this new dog.

This dog was different than Bravo and I. This dog was made funny and had a different smell. It didn't take long for me to get to know that this dog was different because it was fe-male...and I really got to know her. If you know what I mean! It hurt so bad, really hurt and I squealed like a pig. My mom went crazy because she didn't say we could or even know we could or would. She was so upset as she did everything to try to get us apart, even threw water on us. Well, you can be sure for the rest of her time...we were never let outside together again. She was kept in a kennel. Me...on a chain just like today after I went in the garden and the mud! It's been raining! So there's lots of mud, how could I help it.

Ohhh, was too late by the time mom figured this stuff out because shortly thereafter we had 6 more little dogs like magic. My mom was disappointed in me and made sure that this would not happen again with me and anyone, but at the same time she really loved those newbies. 

Oh, the name of this third dog was given by grandma of Lizbeth ..."Toby"...she calls all animals Toby...but my mom Peggy likes it now because she found out that "Toby" means "GOD IS GOOD!" And HE sure was...6 times good.

.. "He created them male and female" and God said, "it was good! "See, I'm not all bad...even God says so. Thus getting to know Toby, we brought 6 more lives into this household January 2006.

Here's TOBY...she is such a mixed breed but my mom thinks 
she has a dachshund face and longer body!

What does she look like to you?

TOBY has done some bad things too 
but my mom Peggy won't let me tell about those times...
she says that's being a tattle tail or tale 
besides Toby is getting better now!
She barks at everything though especially motos, cars, quads...
every animal that goes by here, and most people!
I'm not that bad, but I'm learning to be pretty tough and working on my bark being tough too!
So that's it for today...
(photo is Bravo, Toby and me)
...still leaves a few more to talk about next time!



I was reminded by my DOT friends
let's take a special moment to honor those from 9-11
and say a prayer for their loved ones who still have to deal with this senseless tragedy & the grief and loss they suffer every they recall the pain left from 2001.



  1. Hello dear Friend,
    How adorable is that little face!!!! I can't be around dogs but I still think they are cuties.

    I didn't know you started at the SA Children's Home. How did you get started there? What did you have to do to help out? I haven't heard back as to whether or not they will find a place for me for a few days. But I'm already imagining the joys and sorrows of being around those children. I love being able to share God's love with children in need. I thought your post on the Children in Poverty below was great. Photos are such a great way to touch the heart and mind. Dios te bendiga.
    En Cristo
    Phil. 1:21

  2. both chimi and toby are adorable!

  3. You are absolutely hilarious. What a fun and delightful post. Love you boy and take good care of your mama, Peg. A BIG hug from Cali...

  4. Peggy,

    Thank you for your concern! I am actually going on vacation tomorrow. I have a 6 a.m. flight so I should be gone well before the bad weather hits. Lucy is at a nice kennel with emergency backup electricity so she should stay safe and cool even if the electricity does go out.

    I'll be back to visit your blog again after my long weekend!


  5. I had started reading your post this morning and completely forgot to finish it, so I am doubly glad you came by mine. Your babies are so darling. I think they are all good kids. BTW, my middle name is Lizbeth. I've always loved it. You have a special spot in heaven with your kindness and goodness.

  6. Chimi and Toby are such sweeties :) Thanks for this cheerful post, Peggy. It makes me smile throughout. Take care and God bless you!

  7. Hey Sweet Peggy,

    It was so good to hear from you my friend.

    This was so cute!! I'm so grateful for the things God gives us, even our pets!!


  8. toby's really cute! i was looking for you on thankful thursday. anyway, just dropped by to give you a big (((HUG))). ♥

  9. Tattle "tail." That's funny! I agree, I think Toby kind of does have a daschund face.

  10. What a darling post. They are such cuties and I know you love them dearly!!

  11. Peggy,

    I'm so touched you stopped by Kelly's blog and left her such a beautiful word of encouragment!

    I am humbled how God brings us together in His Son's most precious holy name!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart reaching out to her and sharing His love in her time of need.

    As the body we must carry one anothers burdens!

    Have a blessed weekend!
    In His amazing grace,

  12. What a fun post. They are all so cute! It's amazing how these furry ones can work thier way into our hearts, isn't it?

    Thank you for your ever-kind words. I really enjoyed my time with Tom, but I've missed everyone and I'm happy to be back! = )


  13. oh Peggy, you sure know how to tell a story!! I loved hearing all about your doggies...

    I would be useless if Darcy were to perform shananigans with a female! I must remember the water trick LOL!!

    We don't have Darcy de-sexed as David doesn't want to (it's a male thing I'm sure haha). But he is with us all the time, in a fenced yard. So far, no babies on this home front - yet!

    Yep, I would say dachshund for sure... I love her dear little face!! She is my favourite so far ;-)


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy