
Wednesday, June 22, 2011



"So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie..."

In the "Shelter of God's Promises" by Sheila Walsh, she shares a key verse in each chapter of one of God's Promises in the Bible for Provision, Peace, Confidence, Love, Grace, Hope, Strength, and MORE plus Home! 

I have known Sheila Walsh, mostly as a singer or speaker with Women of Faith, so I was anxious to sit down and walk with her through this beautiful teaching of God's Shelter in His Promises. Sheila interweaves Biblical truths with her real life experiences of testimony of God meeting her or others in times and places of need of shelter. She is just as inspirational as an author as I find her to be as a singer and speaker, truly she is a woman of faith and lives it.

I received this book from Book Sneeze, just at the time that I needed God's Shelter and through each chapter, God revealed through Sheila's words and His, encouragement and inspiration to seek whatever God promises. Whatever you may be searching for, I highly recommend Shelia's book to build your faith, bring you comfort, and show you how to find "Shelter" in God's Promises. 

The highlight for me, is that you can use this individually or with a small group because of the addition of a wonderful study guide in the back of the book, that challenges you through each chapter with 4 categories to Discover, Believe, Live and Memorize. Either way, you can enjoy this book to strengthen and motivate you to live believing that God cannot lie and His promises are REAL!

"...Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us." Hebrews 6:18

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

"In a world of uncertainty, pain, and struggle, 
where do you find solid assurance and unshakeable truth?..."
Have you read this book? 

Please share one highlight if you have in the comments
if you have not
 which Bible verse (in the WFW) do you find SHELTER today?

Philippians 4:19
John 14:27
Romans 8:28
Romans 8:38-39
2 Corinthians 12:9
Hebrews 13:5-6
John 16:33
Matthew 7:7-8
John 14:2

PSALM 91 is my chosen scripture for this blog and for me this year 2011 with my WORD as JOY. I find my SHELTER in Psalm 91!

The images “shelter” and “the shadow” suggest a secure hiding place from the storms of life, much like the use of the umbrella from the rain or as here in Mexico, from the strong sun rays. We have a secure refuge in His hiding place. We have safety in the presence of the LORD.

The all-powerful God is our eternal refuge. The Almighty God is our protection. 
How often we go looking for security and safety in that which offers only a false security. The LORD God removes our false securities one by one until we trust in Him alone. Is He your hiding place? Have you learned how to find refuge in trusting in the abiding presence of the most powerful God? 

I pray that if you need Him in any of the areas that Sheila's book covers, that you will get a copy of this book and allow God to be your Shelter and Refuge. Seek and see that God does nor can He lie... He is TRUE to His Promises...

"Whatever God says, we can stake our lives on."
~ Sheila Walsh~
The Shelter of God's Promises

For more WORD FILLED WEDNESDAY, visit Internet Cafe Devotions 


  1. I have not read this book, but I am a HUGE Sheila Walsh fan. I have had the privilege of hearing her speak (and sing - what a voice!) twice now at the Women of Faith Conferences here in California. She has quite a testimony - and her witness is powerful because she possesses a faith that has fought tough battles.

    Is God my hiding place? Oh, yes. Have I learned how to find refuge in trusting in His abiding presence? Oh, indeed.

    Where else would I go, and to whom else could I turn, without Him?

    (Rhetorical question! There is NO place or person other than Him for perfect peace!)


  2. Sounds great. Shelia was on the 700 Club as co-host with Pat Robertson for a number of years.

    Psalm 91 is my favorite chapter. I use it alot and "hide in the shadow of the Almighty and abide in the shelter of the Most High."
    A friend told me one time that she appropriated this Psalm over her home when there was a storm and when she was going to be away. I do that also. You'll have to post this again on Wednesday.

  3. Hi Peggy:

    I've not read this book, but I will be hearing Sheila Walsh speak in a few weeks at my church. Each year we have an event called "Girls Night In". I'm looking forward to hearing her speak.


    PS - Love Psalm 91

  4. Thanks, Peggy! I'm always on the lookout for excellent devotions for boomers and seniors, like those I love by Randy Alcorn, and this sounds great. And so sweet as I love Sheila Walsh's ministry to my grandchildren through her Gigi and other books. :) I'll definitely have to check it out.

    And for my favorite verse, today I'll go with Romans 8:28 as I was just reminding my grandkids of it yesterday and because it's one of my three "life verse passages," along with Prov. 3:5-6, 1 Thess. 5:16-18. Couple those, and you know that GOD is in control, and we are safe in His arms. Thank you for the sweet reminder!

    Have a blessed and beautiful day.

  5. So grateful that He is my refuge!

  6. What a beautiful parallel message Ms. Peggy! Shelter is what those refreshing friends are...they are Jesus to us, they cover us! HE is the shelter when there are no reliable & refreshing friends, but what a gift from heaven when there are...what a beautiufl Word here girlfriend and are an amiga y una hermana en Cristo...

    You are amazing and wonderful...

  7. Love your WFW, Peggy ~ Thank God He is our shelter from the storm. Thanks always for your sweet visits. Love and Hugs ~

  8. Peggy, THANK YOU SO much for purchasing "Be Still!" I know the message will be a great blessing . . . I actually read my own book OVER AND OVER! ;) AND I WOULD LOVE it if you would write a review for me . . . if you have time of course! It is always a blessing to hear how the Lord has touched lives by the message! :)
    Lots of love to you!

    Also, as I noted at the beginning of the Kindle version . . . it is best formatted for FONT size 3. It was tough doing the formatting with "blurbs" and Scriptures . . . Kindle is still best used for reading novels etc. But, hope it comes through well!!

    I (Peggy) moved Cherie's comment here from GriefShare Study.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy