
Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Pete Wilson


Or even if you're not really beyond hope, but need to find more hope in your life, your immediate circumstances, a change in your life with a fresh dash of hope, then this is a great, easy to read book to renew your walk with God or life by learning how to make choices and "LET HOPE IN - 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever" by Pete Wilson.

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you." Ephesians 1:18 NIV 

This seems to be a season of many seeking HOPE and this theme is a key ingredient right now in so many books, movements, sermons, etc., because HOPE changes everything, just like prayer; and there seems to be a deep need in many of us searching for answers in HOPE that this will end our struggle. Most of us have areas in which we struggle and hold on or search for HOPE! Pastor Pete Wilson's book will help you get UNSTUCK ... and find freedom and HOPE!

Ask yourself these questions: Do you ever feel as though your life has become a broken record? Do you have any regrets in life? Do you struggle with your past?  Do you have fears or worries? Do you struggle with pleasing others and God? Do you ever wonder if you are good enough or how much is enough? Do you have guilt and deal with sin?  Do you struggle with anger? Do you need to be more loving? Do you need to learn how to forgive better? Are you looking for a hopeful future? Will you transform or transfer? Will you choose to be okay with not being okay? Will you seek to trust or please? Will you free people rather than hurt them?

Then "Let Hope In" is the book to open the door to Hope and Healing. It's the beginning of a long conversation as if you were sitting down with Jesus, or Pastor Pete Wilson, who writes as if you are there with him and he relates to you like a friend that has been down this road and knows so well as he encourages you to "Let Hope In" and how. 

"Your past is not your past if it’s still impacting your present." ~Pete Wilson~

The book is broken into sections for the 4 Choices we need to make in this process of letting hope in, with chapters under each one explaining more about each:

Choice #1: Choosing to Transform Instead of Transfer
Choice #2: Choosing to Be Okay With Not Being Okay
Choice #3: Choosing to Trust Rather Than Please
Choice #4: Hurt People, Hurt People, But Free People, Choose to Free People 

I'd like to tell you which chapter was the most beneficial or difficult for me, but at this point, every one of the 14 had something to impact my life, past and present with choosing HOPE for my future. Right from the start, "leaving shame behind" (Chapter 2) and "no regrets" (Chapter 3) all the way to "trusting vs. pleasing" (Chapter 7), to "breathe grace" (Chapter 11) and "trusting fully"- the last chapter, let me know that this book was definitely meant for me and I could not put it down. As a Christian, our hope is in Jesus Christ and God's promises in the Bible for our eternal destiny, but I think this book would help even someone not a Christian if they are willing to look at the biblical stories just as people in need of hope in their messy lives as we all are if we admit it. It has good counseling insights with great wisdom in processing our pain or poor choices in exchange for a better plan showing us "anything is possible" when we "let hope in." Everyone needs HOPE, we just look at it differently once we believe in the hope that God calls us to embrace. We can fill our past with the light of His hope. 

I'm looking forward to joining Pastor Pete Wilson and Cross Point Church in January 2014 as they do this as a series together, especially after reading the book and having "Let Hope In" to blend with another one and a personal purpose that I have chosen for me for 2014, before encountering all these books, God spoke His Hope to me. Pastor Pete just gave me the tools to challenge me to transform my practical life with my spiritual one through God's Word, through Biblical truths and stories like (once again Joseph) David, Tamar, Hosea and Gomer, King Hezekiah, etc. as well as his own and other's personal life experiences. Pastor Pete illustrates God's ultimate plan for healing by letting hope fill the dark places of your past.

I highly recommend this book for everyone, it will change you, transform you and help you make practical choices. His writing style is much like he is, very approachable and compassionate, down to earth real. He puts you at ease as he relates to us not having it all figured out and making mistakes. I do not know him personally but feel like I do. You really need to read this book and share it with others. 

I will choose Hope and this book hopefully has given me a fresh plan to
"Let Hope In"
as it will for you
Jeremiah 29:11
reassures us

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (NKJV)

Pete Wilson
"Let Hope In" website

Songs I chose to accompany this as I:
"Let Hope In"
"Hope for the Hopeless"
"Hope for the Hopeless" Sheila Walsh
"Oh You Bring Hope for the Hopeless" Hillsong United

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review blogger's program of  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255

* Note to Blog readers: I hurried up with my last wonderful book so I could read this one and review it with hopes of getting another one before November by Billy Graham to go with his campaign, yet I had another one in the waiting as well, so I had to squeeze these reviews in between my series or I may have missed being able to review them in time. Otherwise, I might have waited until 2014 for this one. Booksneeze does not let you have your next book until you review your current one (makes sense), so when another one comes along or you see one that you want, you need to hurry up. I'm sure that I will be going back to this book again especially with the church doing it the beginning of 2014. I know I will gain much more from this and it will be a book I will return to ... and I know that I need it. Thus, "Beyond Hope" ... as you might of thought I was ... when you read this title, I am not, I'm fine. Thank you! 31 Days "Revealing Jesus as Our Peace" and Letting Go series follows below and continues ...

Monday, October 14, 2013


* SIDENOTE: It seems like midway through these month long journeys and series that I've been doing, we need a break, at least I do, because I shared this book back here last month, but not as a review like today's, more like a promotion when it was being released to let you know about it! 

Little did I know then, that I would have this opportunity to read Max Lucado's book plus review it. In a way, a review is the best way to promote a book. But as far as Max Lucado and his books are concerned, they promote themselves, through the marvelous way in which Max weaves his message in all of his now 30 nonfiction books, not only as an author, but as a pastor, father, husband, fellow sojourner, he still delivers as the best story teller, captivating you even in a well known Bible story like Joseph. As Max encourages us with ...

"You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times"
by Max Lucado

does exactly this

... as he walks us through the Old Testament, well-known story of Joseph, of how Joseph triumphs from the pit, in "what satan intended for evil, God redeems for good", as God shows us through Joseph's story that we too can hold on to this same promise that He will see us through whatever we face with the sweet assurance that Max reminds us of in this new book once again ... in this phrase that Max repeats so we get it and then he shows us:

"You’ll get through this.

It won’t be painless.
It won’t be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don’t be foolish or naïve.
But don’t despair either.
With God’s help, you’ll get through this. "

And we can depend on this! Max Lucado offers us hope in our situations. This book is the perfect blend of inspiration and personal stories from biblical ones to real life now stories. 

For me, I can sit down and read Max Lucado's books from beginning to end without stopping, in one setting, because of the way he engages you in the story. He personally relates so much that you not only can relate the Bible story of Joseph to your own, but also the other ones that Max uses to connect with us the truth of God's Word and HOPE. This is what I needed and Max delivers, as God delivered Joseph and others in the Bible, as we pass through our life journey, we can wipe our tears, push through the pain and press on to what God will accomplish if we hold on to the kind of HOPE that Max shares, for indeed we are not alone even when we are alone, or feel like we are.

There is an accompanying study guide available but as usual included in the book itself is a section of "Questions for Reflection" prepared by Christine M.Anderson, which I always appreciate having it included in the actual book. "You'll Get Through This ..." has 15 wonderful chapters, whereas the study guide has only six sessions that go with the book's chapters 1, 2 & 3 combined, 8, 10 and lumping the final chapters together showing us "how God can use this for good" and God will and does "use our mess for good", as Max shows us to persist in hope and continue to fight the good fight, never giving up because it will be worth it and everyone can relate to the struggles shared in this book.

I highly recommend this, not just for you, if or when you're going through something turbulent, but any time and especially to help you encourage others while they may be going through something that you may not have the answers, but God does and this book will remind you of the many ways God uses our circumstances to give light and life to another as Max Lucado once again successfully accomplishes. I know that my hope has been restored enough that I want to share Max's practical wisdom, faith, and inspiration to launch others to the HOPE we have in Christ Jesus.

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review blogger's program of  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255

And at the end of reading this book from Max Lucado, not only will you realize that "You'll Get Through This ..." from his "Hope and Help in Turbulent Times" but through God's help and "Revealing Jesus" as Our Peace (my 31 day series this month), will become another of the benefits: Jesus, our Hope of Glory and our Prince of Peace! pushing back those turbulent times for triumphant ones of perseverance and power in Our Lord!

Max Lucado
Other resources:

You'll Get Through This Small Group Bible Study by Max Lucado (the start of the book)

Zondervan playlist Small Group studies

Max Lucado with Official 700 Club (shorter than above)
Max Lucado with CBN

Max Lucado through Q & A 

Max Lucado at Women of Faith event 

"You'll Get Through This" book site where you can download the first chapter (and see if you like it as much as I do)

*The post for "31 Days Revealing Jesus as Our Peace ~ Day 14" is below and today I am LETTING GO of ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  (you can go there and find out)