
Friday, February 21, 2014


I am officially done making trips here

to legally abide 

with my vehicle 

for now

Explanation, if you're curious or interested (for once I have something I can share about my life here that doesn't involve anyone really but me):

This was the year, I could have changed my status to Permanent Resident in this country and still remain a USA citizen living abroad (although when I returned home by airplane and went through the airport procedure in presenting my MN driver license, passport, etc. they told me I was more from here than there, USA, because I now spend my time here. I explained that I was born in USA and still consider my home there as my residence). So it only was logical to considering applying for Residency (not citizenship, not even dual married to a Mexican whose parents came from Leon, Guanajuato) but the law does not allow me to remain here with a foreign vehicle. 

Well, although my van is in its last years, I still depend on it quite regularly, especially for going or moving back home (USA) with my dog family. Since that was part of the stipulation, I did not want to apply and have to take my van back to USA, but continue as I have since 2009-2010 with an FM3 {because what would I do with my dogs then or in the future?}. Before 2009, I use to make trips to the border or home, every 6 months with a tourist permit (FMM) and a temporary importation of my van. As you might imagine that was very costly and put alot of wear and tear on the van and me. As it has become less safe to travel that distance, I have not wanted to make the trip north via a land vehicle, especially alone with 3-4 or last time 6 dogs on board. Each year or every 6 months, a permit is required to be here for me and thus my van (we go together) even the dogs (need papers too). Except they were all born in Mexico.

{missing 1 in photo from current ones here}

Anyways, the situation was changed by me wanting to remain with my MN vehicle ... so I was informed that I would have to leave the country and go to a MX consulate in the USA to reapply. There was no way, I want to travel home in the winter, not even to the AZ border (16 hr. trip one way) and wait for the process of the FM3 permit, I would probably have gone tourist once again for 6 months ... but I just really was not up to a trip at all. So it was recommended, I allow my permit to expire, pay the fine for that and then solicit reapplying for my FM3. This is why the long process and why so many trips back and forth where I live rather than driving to the border. At least I did not have to leave the country and wait somewhere until I was able to get a permit to return.

At first, I went in December to inquire about the truth in me not being able to keep my van here (which was true so... )it's been a long process, but I am done! And thanks to my spouse, paid until 2018. By then, I hope to have moved my van and dogs back to MN safely, even if I continue here. I now have permission until then when I will be able to apply for Residency once again. Once I have that, I no longer have to pay each year but I cannot have a vehicle from USA here. So that means flying, which I would not put any of my dogs through, so they have to leave in a vehicle driven from here to MN ... we'll see what God wills for the next 4 years and after that ... it's ALL in His hands.

And it's almost time for CARNAVAL, which starts next Thurs., so big time for ministry and evangelism here, people from all over come ...

{I'll have to go and take my own photos for this year now below because the ones I selected were not showing, so I added the 2013 one above} and now these from ...


They're already getting ready!

Time to pray for souls to be open to Jesus!

*Oh, and if you think this legal process seems ridiculous, it's even worse and less available for those wanting to go to USA from here (legally or illegally) ... it is multiplied, much more difficult and with much more "red tape", danger and seemingly hopeless chance for a better future ... the American dream ... broken and at a great risk. 


As of 2/20/14, it seems that I am encountering another setback once again with "laptop problems" (black screen on start up). So, I'll be waiting this one out and praying once again for a God sent miracle (it's happened before). Meanwhile, I do have many upcoming posts in place (just not completed) due to me being a bit involved, I try to set these up ahead. I clearly had no idea, I'd be encountering computer tech problems when I set these up, so I am thankful for that ... I must be really hard on computers. Please pray with and for me, and do not stop visiting me or being in touch, because I will continue somehow, God willing. I have 40 days set up for Lent, that I hope you'll enjoy along with me, even if I can't respond as often as I'd like. 

Should I leave the comments open or close them for Lent?

are closed
once again

but as always, your reaction checked below
let's me know someone was here
