
Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Deciding between Jennifer Rothschild's new recent release, "God is Just Not Fair: Finding Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense" or her bible study "Missing Pieces" was a difficult choice, because I wanted to choose the BEST possible sampling by her as my first book, since I have waited so long to read one of so many of hers that are on my "wish list" but had not yet done so to learn the lessons that Jennifer shares of HOPE in the midst of life's struggles. If anyone knows about "missing pieces" and the fairness of God when life struggles keep us in the dark, reaching for the light, it would be Jennifer, who since her teens has encountered many dark moments after loosing her sight combined with all the other problems life throws at us all. She seems to handle it all so well and with such grace as she is so successful as a person, writer, speaker, singer, wife and mother ... yet in this recent book, she bares and bears, all in an honest, straightforward approach, daring to ask God what many of us may want to know (but don't admit it) with these 6 basic faith questions that show up when we encounter life's hardships: 

"God are you fair?"
"God do you err?"
"God, do you hear prayer?"
"God, do you care?"
"God, are you aware?"

"God, are you *(even) there?"
*{my insert}

These six questions form the parts to her book with 30 different "stories" sandwiched between "What I didn't want you to know" and "What I do want you to know?" with a wonderful "wrapped up" concept that Jennifer calls our "blanket of faith"; what we believe and what we experience in our relationship with God and our life journey. Some may be brand new or well and worn with "holes" yet each tatter and woven fabric show God's truth revealed to us. Jennifer Rothschild takes each of these questions and honestly deals with each one with real life situations faced while examining them in the light of Scripture and biblical examples like Job, Hagar, David, Jacob to New Testament parables and others, right up to current day ones. One of my favorite parts at the end of each section was "Threads of Truth" for your blanket of faith, which I will use to help me whenever I wrestle with my own questions of faith ... 

"If you are hurting, confused or just need a little reassurance that God does care, is there, is aware and hears your prayers, these “I promise” verses are for you. " So go READ Jennifer's "10 Promises for When You're Hurting" (Scripture verses of Hope) also grab a copy of her "Peace Giving Scriptures for Your Missing Pieces"

By the time, I had gotten to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Questions, I knew that this was God's lifeline to me with even more for my heart while my head pursues the answers, because so much of what Jennifer was sharing resonated with my spirit and life, knowing that even if I had never asked those faith questions aloud, I had quietly whispered them in moments of frustration, disappointment, depression, failure or just times of "giving up" and in need of some real Hope. Since I have struggled with "clinical depression", I value how Jennifer shares hers. I don't think when I started out that I had ever asked God the first 2 questions, so I read on with an open mind searching, and knew when I hit the 3rd one that I had asked that one many times. And the pages of her book kept speaking deeper and deeper to me, from someone who understood and could justify asking God what I was not willing to face or voice until Jennifer spoke it forth. I know without any doubt that God cares, He's aware, He's here and there, but I just was not too sure about whether He hears my prayers until it hit me! He does! EVERY ONE! Because God is just! and God is fair! He IS so much more than just a vending machine God, He is a God that cares and loves unconditionally as He listens to me go on and on. No one cares for me as much as He does! 

I'm so thankful that Jennifer walked me through this with such candor.  I recommend this highly for anyone dealing with thoughts and questions common to Christians and non-Christians alike in our struggle to make sense of life, especially when trials, tests and the hurting world around us brings them to light. When our life or world unravels around us, we need the hand of Almighty God to mend and end the pain with raw, honest answers. This is what Jennifer does and shares (you get a better glimpse of this if you read her "True Story Behind Why I Wrote..."). 

I'm so glad that I chose "God is Just Not Fair ..." because I think that it still gave me the "Missing Pieces" (which would have been the ideal choice, if I was doing it as a study with a group of sisters in Christ). From what I've read, I believe I made the better, more complete choice for me. Because on my own, these 30 lessons served a greater faith purpose on a personal level going deeper with God and me, through Jennifer and her use of God's Word with her real life situations and struggles. 

For now I'll just say ...

"the NOT FAIR prayer"
shared beautifully on Jennifer Rothschild Blog website

this Book's blog postsFacebook; Pinterest, You Tube, Twitter

... and REST IN GOD ...
placing my HOPE where it 
makes sense for my life

Looking forward to reading more of the books that Jennifer Rothschild writes on my "wish list" or future ones as I continue to check out her blog updates. 

wherever I read

Clearly, this was another great book for MY ONE WORD for 2014: HOPE! And rather than seeking if God is FAIR, or God is JUST or  God is just not FAIR, I was leaning in to Finding Hope, although in Jennifer's particular situation and desire for healing of her sight restored (which I totally get and empathize), she gives HOPE in her struggle and life journey to all of us, no matter what our struggle and need to have answers to these basic profound questions. 

I received a free e-book copy of this text from the publisher through the Book Look Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. 

My only regret is that I did not have my review ready on March 25th, when it was released. My apologies to this great author, Jennifer Rothschild and Book Look Bloggers for waiting and gifting me with this blessing. My dilemma was with my old laptop which contained the ebook copy and my new one with Windows 8 not being able to download it.

Zondervan Product page
for a book description and Scribd sample


Her teachings on LIFE Today for "Missing Pieces" (1) (2) shares many of the same ideas 
and stories that are in "God is just not fair" in better detail

This clip from the Life Today will help you understand  "blanket of faith" even though it's from "Missing Pieces", Jennifer shares much of the same in "God is just not fair ... Finding Hope ..."

So much more I'd love to share
but it's best if
you get any of her books
subscribe to her blog or follow
her various sites.