
Monday, June 2, 2014


"The HOPE Quotient"
Ray Johnston

raised my HOPE level immensely after I "measured it",
 filling me overflowing, as I am sure I will continue to study 
and "unleash HOPE" with this excellent book, 
going back to it often, and following the steps.

So giving this book the highest recommendation of 5 stars
just does not suffice 
for all that I've gained from reading

"The Hope Quotient"

discovering mine
and the areas I need to improve

"I will NEVER be the same!"
if I do them

...nor will YOU, if you grab hold of this...

I'm looking forward to going back now and methodically dissecting all the wonderful information, stories, insights and practical steps applying them to myself, my family, my marriage, my kids, my career, my church, my community, my world(which is Part 3)

for my life
in the simple package of this book

I have found out that truly the
greatest gift you or I can give anyone

After reading the book description (actually just the title really did it for me, with My One Word for this year, given by God for a specific reason, for such a time as this, being "HOPE"); I clung to every word morsel and saturated my being with HOPE and a much better understanding ... and a passion to pursue HOPE with the 7 key factors (Part 2), presented so well, stirring up in me --- HOPE to thrive --- that I want present in my life in 2014. This book was written for me, sent by God, through Ray Johnston through the many personal life stories and Biblical ones that finally clicked in a new, applicable way and struck deep chord of HOPE within me. Throughout my life, I have teetered with hopelessness and easily fall into that pit. This time, I fell "hook, line and sinker" for my Anchor in Christ Jesus, with the knowledge from this book and this one truth, along with so many others below that confirm this:  

" ... because when HOPE rises - everything changes."

And I believe it! just like another book I have that says "prayer changes everything" by another author. Even the book flap of "The Hope Quotient" motivates us with this: 

"Hope: It’s the one thing that can change everything!

When you have hope, eleven things are unleashed in your life:
  • You have more satisfying relationships.
  • You’re more productive.
  • You’re less affected by stress.
  • You’re more successful.
  • You’re more satisfied.
  • You’re more compassionate.
  • You’re more willing to help people in need.
  • You’re physically healthier.
  • You hold yourself to higher moral and ethical standards.
  • You’re more likely to assume leadership.
  • You’re more likely to see God as loving, caring, and forgiving."

Can you feel it?

my HOPE rising

your own HOPE rising

That's what reading this does and then motivates you for more.

Each chapter is filled with highlights and so many quotes that I want to share, and most likely will later, but these are some of the ones that stand out and even this is difficult to limit these ... however, to read more, if you're still not convinced that this is worth your reading and purchase it, you can read some of it on Ray Johnston's blog for "The Hope Quotient"

  1. Hope liberates. Hope releases you from your past.
  2. Hope motivates. Hope helps you bounce back.
  3. Hope initiates. Hope sets you free to dream again.
  4. Hope activates. Hope is the fuel that makes the world a better place."Ray Johnston

Ray Johnston writes with compassion and passion in how he willingly admits his human faults or failings, not a holier than thou attitude, as he comes across directly addressing us like one of us, only it's clear that God is using this 'pastor' mightily to communicate to us whether we are Christian or not, a sense of something that takes us beyond where we are at, to something better: HOPE! Although he uses biblical stories, his overall points and informative 224 pages are filled with insights that would fit anyone's life. His rich and varied professional background is evident throughout the book as a leader and communicator and yet he doesn't hold back from sharing personal and family stories. I will come back to this book often as a great reference and help personally and for others.

"Some wise person once said that we can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air—but not a single second without hope. And that is why . . . " To read the rest of "The Greatest Gift You Can Give" just click on it. 

Here is the part that I read that sank in and became my lifeline, because it rang so clear to me deep within, letting me know, if I DO this ... it will unleash HOPE ... I really will NEVER BE the SAME! I so want that by the end of 2014 ... (OK, maybe it'll take a little longer, depending on my HOPE QUOTIENT results, but I'm HOPEful)

"Let me tell you how important this is to me. Every year, I set goals. Sometimes they go well; sometimes they don’t. Five years ago, I had one goal for the whole year. I was going to work for 365 days to do one thing—raise my hope level. My goal was to be more hope-filled at the end of the year than I was at the start of the year. {this is mine also with My One Word being HOPE}
By that time, I had learned that hope would improve my relationships, my marriage, and my impact, and I would be a whole lot more fun to be around. Not too long into that year, though, I realized I couldn’t raise my hope level by wishing to be more hopeful.{after reading Part 3 and working through Part 2, I see this as do-able }
You raise your hope level by investing in The Seven. Why is raising your Hope Quotient job one? Simple—the ripple effect. Raising these seven leads to hope, which leads to fresh vision, which leads to great new things in your life, health, finances, and future. In short, raising your HQ changes everything, because you will finally be living with a solid, secure, emotionally healthy, and spiritually solid foundation.
{this is exactly what I want and need, how 'bout you?}
(emphasis in bold, underline and blue words are all my input briefly to what Ray Johnston wrote & how it hit)

So, how do you measure HOPE? and how do you raise it? ... by reading this book and doing what it recommends (after taking the test about your HOPE level), you'll know how much you need to RECHARGE your HOPE battery to become a person of HOPE; defeat discouragement, build a new future as you thrive with genuine HOPE and unleash this HOPE for others, too! 

How do you measure the success of a book and highly recommending it for you, your church or others? By whether the book and the author convey what you need through personal experiences with biblical truths and spiritual, practical ways to apply to your life and make an impact on you that changes or will change you for the better --- so "you'll never be the same"! Then you know and HOPE is unleashed in you. I consider this to be one of my top books

I would love to be in one of the churches that is piloting or promoting this book and doing 50 days of "Unleashing HOPE". What a great church study!

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. 
I am so thankful that Thomas Nelson made this available to me.