
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


"...The Prayer that Unlocked My God and My Soul"
Jennie Allen

(2015) 254 pages 
{which now includes a Bible Study} 

the updated version of
(2012) 208 pages

{and truthfully my first time through this book was in 2013 with this}

Audible Edition

Today, June 9th, is the re-release date of 

"Anything ... The Prayer that Unlocked My God and My Soul"
by Jennie Allen

with a new, beautiful, teal blue cover,
new chapter updates of what has transpired since the 1st edition,
and the best part for me, an accompanying 8-week Bible Study Guide
with a main Scripture passage to study along with the books chapters, 
power-packed questions, 
two projects for personal reflection and application
six conversation cards for small group discussions

to draw you even deeper into your journey with God and 
being prepared for what might happen if you pray

"... And in that one little word we turned in everything for God’s anything."

Every dream for our lives.
Every dollar and possession.
Every safety and comfort.
Every person’s approval.
Every ambition.

And we opened our entire lives up to anything God had for us.

Any risk.
Any country.
Any act of obedience.
Any dream God had for us.

Perhaps you never read the 1st edition or don't know "Jennie Allen" or are familiar with her story, perhaps you are/were afraid to pray "Anything" ... perhaps you have and "things" have not gone at all like Jennie's, or perhaps God has used Jennie Allen and her story to inspire you and challenge you to GO BEYOND ... maybe you have found many excuses (valid or not) and it's time for you to step out ... the best place to start is letting this book by Jennie Allen move you step by step forward ... working through, guiding and processing this {of course, it's clearly better to get someone or a small group to do this with you, more about this later}

The book is wisely divided into 3 parts with 6 or 7 chapters in each: the first (pages 16-72) "Everything Keeping Us from Anything"; the 2nd part (pages 73-114) "Praying Anything" and the 3rd part (pages 115-163) "Living Anything Jesus' Anything" ... life changing ... followed by some finishing touches: "What is Your Anything" and "Since Anything" which updates much of what has happened to the Allen family since praying "Anything" and still happening (pages 167-174). Then Jennie finally is able to complete this book (pages 175-223) with her wonderful style of an 8-Week Bible Study, which definitely is not only her passion but her forte. {perhaps you are curious as to why I share the pages for these parts ... simply put, it's because I want to compare the 1st edition to the new one so that you can decide whether to reinvest in this one if you read the previous

Many have asked if the Study guide is available separate and as of now, it is not, but it is a good suggestion to the publisher and author as a supplement to the ones who have the 1st edition. However, you will miss out on the updates without this new version. I agree with others and Jennie, herself, that the book was is incomplete without this study ... and my review also is a bit incomplete without going through the Study first {more about that at the end}; reading the journey or pages is only half of the total impact without making the application to our own life, it's just like it is with God's Word. Jennie Allen's "Anything ..." is a call to action! "Anything" is a life changer and praying or working through this will deeply affect you and those around you.

Now for the added BONUS {the reason I hurried to get this review out and the MORE about this LATER parts above} beginning with a LIVE Online kick-off event on June 15th, you can join in this free access to an 8-Week Online Bible Study with study videos and more resources by signing up for the ANYTHING PROJECT with Jennie Allen and Faith Gateway.

Jennie's Invitation

I truly enjoy Jennie Allen and her heart! I would recommend highly any of her books to change and challenge you and your spiritual journey with God and one another. Beware --- this book will change you and your attitude (I pray) to truly take the risk of being a disciple of Jesus Christ in your daily EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Allow God and Jennie Allen's "ANYTHING..." Prayer to stir you and your life to be responsive and passionate about God and bringing glory to His Kingdom in this world for the next. Jennie has the gift to guide us to do this ... ANYTHING ... 

What I found to be significant and my favorite part ... kept changing as I read on and on, highlighting and wondering how Jennie's story would influence or impact my story of faith and that of others. Knowing that this can have a lasting affect on eternity in ways that we are yet to see ... just maybe your surrender or mine will open our eyes to God's ... and that will lead to His Glory and GRACE if we are willing to act and dream BIG about ANYTHING!

Here's an excellent example for us all from "stories" (as the "Anything Project" is collecting and sharing) from someone we all know, respect and love: our dear Ann Voskamp

I'm thinking I should do a follow-up review after completing this 8-week study! 

Other key links for Jennie Allen:
her blog
her Facebook
{you can get all the rest of the social media sites at the bottom of her blog}

{reading the Bible together with other women worldwide}

Disclosure of material connection:I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the, a book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

I apologize if this publishes all wacko but as I was pulling together and writing all of this, Blogger was really messing it up, and it was going askew so I only pray that it turns out somewhat in a sequential order and blocks as I hope. It was moving all around and lining and realigning itself as I typed or added images, links, paragraphs ... 


  1. Another great recommendation, Peggy. I am inspired by people who pray big, as I all too often pray thinking that God probably won't answer. Bad, huh? I have faith that He CAN do anything, sometimes I just think that He won't. And, of course, I often get frustrated with myself because I always seem to come to Him with a laundry list of things I'm asking Him to do, to fix, to work out. I need to practice more the fine art of simple conversation, simple enjoyment of His presence.


    1. Don't we all! Love your honesty Sharon as always, you inspire ME! ~ Love and blessings ~Peggy


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy