
Friday, September 18, 2015


My Chiquitita

begged me to share this one
{she's not even a real beagle, just thinks she is and kinda looks like one}
told me to dedicate this to
(fortunately neither one of them had a life so "ruff")
[photo credit: Sharon]

{OK, so it's not my project, but I still care}
Just watch the

Here's some of the articles I found here that you can read and find out more about these Beagles:

"Beagles Freed From Lab Cages Discover What It Means To Truly Be Alive"
 "Beagles Freed After Years In Lab Cages Touch Grass For The First Time
"Dogs Trapped In Labs Given Hope For A Loving Family"

The Animal Rescue Site
made me aware of this
{I use to have the buttons on my blogs to click daily and give}
keeps me aware of doing this
It's so easy
just go to the site and click

To learn how to adopt a rescued beagle, or find out other ways to help, visit the Beagle Freedom Project's website
I, for one, can't resist the cute face of a

{too bad, I already have 4 furry friends to care for}

Plus, I promised someone back in MN, I would not rescue any more
furry friends, wanting to bring them home with me

Even if it's not
my usual
it's worth
the  care of precious

Pass on
the Rescue Beagle info

Monday, September 14, 2015


How timely is this title!
Declaration of "Glory Days"

..."These days are Glory Days.
My past is past, my future is bright,God’s promises are true and His Word is sure.

With God as my helper,I will be all He wants me to be,do all He wants me to do,and receive all He wants me to receive.

These days are Glory Days."


"Glory Days ... " by Max Lucado, is simply a glorious rendition of Joshua with lessons we can learn through another of Max Lucado's finest, not to be missed books, especially if you're in the midst of a battle or trial, in need of some encouragement and the strength to encounter your vision of the Promised Land that is yours for the taking of really, actually "...Living Your Promised Land Now." The contrast to the immigrants that first came to America seeking entering into a bright, new beginning is such a wonderful insight to how we too might seek our new beginning in Christ and God's Promises. 

I just love the down to earth writings of Max Lucado, yet somehow this one is still filled with so much GLORY! It is sadly true that "Life has a way of taking the life out of us" so that "often we go through situations where the challenge seems so much greater than our strength" however Max has a way of teaching and retelling the story of Joshua in this new release of "Glory Days" with lessons that are still true for us today, where we can find hope and inspiration from Joshua, to move us from whatever our "wilderness situation" or wanderings may be into a new mindset of victory toward our own Promised Land. Max has a special gift of writing that makes stories in the Bible come alive as he relates Joshua to our own lives in a wonderful story-like fashion as if you can hear him actually telling you this and opening your eyes to grasping the truths so you can live this faith and believe the promises that your best days - our "glory" days - are still ahead of us.

After reading each of his 16 chapters of "Glory Days" that parallels with chapters from Joshua in the Bible, you will have a new, victorious mindset of "God Fighting for You" and giving you a new vision for your life where you can move "from a wilderness existence into a promised inheritance". And if you follow and do the *added bonus* included, you will be better equipped to deal with "Life" - your Christian life - following God's promises for every step and "Living your Promised Land Now" as more than a conqueror. The chapter that stood out the most to me, for me personally, was "Voices, Choices, and Consequences" wisely followed by "Pray Audacious Prayers" which I did and will continue to do, as I lean on God to fight my battles, learning this truth: that I (like those in Canaan with Joshua) not fight for victory rather from victory, the one Christ has already won and I cling to believing and receiving. "Heeding God's Word is more critical than fighting God's war." I do want the Promised Land life and desire the fullness of "Glory Days" ... I long to experience Canaan ("a life defined by grace, refined by challenge and aligned with a heavenly call") to the fullest, which I learned reading this (as if I did not know or hear this before) requires obedience to God's commands. As Max writes: "In God's plan, in God's land, we win more than we lose, forgive as quickly as we are offended and give as abundantly as we receive." Obedience leads to blessings and favor. "Security comes as we put God's precepts to practice. We're only as strong as our obedience." I need all of the benefits of obedience. Since I know I am a child of God's, I need to choose obedience since I am indwelt by His Holy Spirit, I am equipped and empowered for an eternal assignment, not an easy life but one that is blessed; hearing the right voice, making the best choice, enjoying blessing upon blessing.
"Obedience, " wrote C.S. Lewis in "Yours, Jack: Spiritual Direction from C.S. Lewis", "is the key to all doors."
Thankful to know  it's the key for me and I do believe after reading "Glory Days" that I will have a "Crossing Over" moment or moments soon, because I now see the "potential of a Promised Land life" better and I will break forth from my many years of "wilderness wanderings" and "dry desert days" into fully experiencing more of God and His promises. I highly recommend this book as a small group study or individually. I was not at all surprised how much I loved and learned once again from Max Lucado, knowing that the truths in "Glory Days" is one book I will refer back to again and again to be reminded with God's help "I can ..." and even a not so favorite book in the Bible - like "Joshua" - due to its bloody battles and violence, can reveal how I will better embrace God's grace through times like these.

The website for this book (glory days book (dot) com) is filled with many other bonuses as well as through Faith Gateway (a free 64 page - ebook as a companion book to the "Glory Daysof 40 Promises for everyday battles - it's great and just as worthwhile as this book)! My favorite part is the Study Guide!

***BIG BONUS included!***
{actually just called}
"Questions for Reflection"
by David Drury
broken into 3 categories
Take a look at the intro to the Study Guide:

"YOUR WILDERNESS questions come from the struggling seasons of life, born of waiting, disappointment, discouragement, or heartache. For the Hebrews it was a season of wandering for forty years in the desert. Your wilderness, a wasteland of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, may feel no less barren. However hard such wandering can be, it can also be a season of spiritual growth and learning. These questions are designed to help you learn about God and yourself during your wanderings.

YOUR CROSSING MOMENT questions point to a symbolic Jordan River that separates your current life from the Promised Land life that is possible for you. You can cross over to this life because you have victory in all things through God, who showed His great love for you (Rom. 8:37 NCV). These questions will help you find motivation and practical steps to move out in faith and enter God’s promised life.

YOUR PROMISED LAND questions will inspire you to see the potential of your Promised Land life. It can be hard to imagine what a life of victory looks like. Those who have experienced victory are sometimes so humbled by it that they don’t share how it feels to win over sin and shame and sickness. But victory is not only possible for the faithful; it is promised by God. You can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be! It’s time to fully experience the Promised Land life. "

September 15th

Max Can't Wait to Hear Your Questions!
Author Chat LIVE web link (video to view later)
Monday, September 14, 2015 at 11:00 am EST/ 8:00 am PST

I've shared more in other posts before today's
'cause I could hardly wait
as I read and enjoyed
both the book and the e-book!!!
And, of course, I wanted you to be able to enjoy
being blessed too!
Enjoy your

* not to be confused with Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days"
so be sure you add book or Max Lucado with it
"PRAY Audacious PRAYERS"
a sample of Max's "Glory Days" at Faith Gtaeway

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review blogger's program BookLookBloggers . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the F T Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255