
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"LifeGrowth Guide - You're Already Amazing" by Holley Gerth

Gerth_AlreadyAmazingLifeGrowthGuide_3D 250+Gerth_AlreadyAmazing_3D 250



combination of 

"embracing who we are, becoming all God created us to be"

written aMazingly from the heart of

Holley Gerth

which truly is such a personal encouragement from this

best selling writer, certified life coach, speaker

and co-founder of (in)courage


I had the added advantage of not only reading simultaneously both books {due to the precious heart of Lori Schumaker who had a giveaway, but also decided to give actual hands-on copies to me, not even the winner} but actually working through the LifeGrowth Guide along with Holley Gerth and other readers through Holley's aMazing Online Book Club and exceptional resources made available on her website. Although the LifeGrowth Guide actually can stand and be read on its own with excerpts from the original "You're Already Amazing" included in it, if you are like me and missed out on reading the first one, it's so much better to read them both together as instructed at the beginning of each "session" of the "LifeGrowth Guide". 

There are only 6 sessions in the "LifeGrowth Guide" and the book "You're Already Amazing" actually has 11 chapters plus a "Go Deeper Guide" which makes both of these great for small groups at church or individual or with an actual counselor, although Holley's gifted in "counseling" and the exercises in both show her very qualified expertise plus the heart of a sister in Christ speaking frankly and openly with you throughout her books. She's as real as they come and a genuine kindred spirit that really cares! which shows in her writing in her books and on her blog (and in case you did not know on some very special cards that she's created at Dayspring). These 6 sessions – each with a section in the workbook also have a video session that’s about 10 minutes long are: 1)Who God Created Us to Be, 2) What’s True No Matter How We Feel, 3) Our Amazing Journey with Jesus, 4) God’s Plan for Our Relationships, 5) God’s Purpose for Our Lives, 6) How We Can Thrive for a Lifetime. The LifeGrowth Guide has sections in the workbook to answer specific questions, journal your thoughts and prayers, and do other creative exercises to help you GROW. Each section ends with a part called "Your Life Coach" and that is who Holley has become to so many of us struggling with our self esteem or believing we are aMazing. Her charts, tips, notes and wisdom from her own life and God's Word add so much to this edition.
Holley has gone a step beyond with this new "LifeGrowth Guide" of "You're Already Amazing". 

If you were privileged to have read "You're Already Amazing" best-selling book (published in 2012) and participate in the (in)courage online book club of this original one, then you have a definite sense of how Holley dares and empowers you, the reader, to discover our God ordained potential within ourselves then this "LifeGrowth Guide" will move you onward as a wonderful interactive means to engage fully in this process. Either way, reading the "LifeGrowth Guide" with or without having read the original, you'll find new information and more applicable exercises and questions to help you know who God created you to be and become. I believe this book would be ideal for a new believer or a weathered believer, who has yet to grow in ALL the ways of knowing who we are in Christ Jesus and to further develop our abilities, and reaffirm us by reminding us all who we are and encouraging us to become more for ourselves and then for others better. 

Reading the "LifeGrowth Guide ~ You're already aMazing" challenged me and stretched me in new ways! Holley writes as if she really is sitting down with us and talking to us individually with her own and other's life examples in a clear, understandable fashion. I cannot say enough good about all Holley has put together to further us in believing that we already are amazing and have all it takes within us to grasp how God sees us and made us. 

I requested this book originally from NetGalley from Revell Publishing because I was afraid that I would not be able to afford getting both and I wanted to participate in Holley's Book Club {but as you have read, Lori Schumaker made it possible for me to receive both books in their soft bound edition, which I simply love to page through and hold in my hands with adequate space to journal and make notes or answer.} I will go back to this book as an excellent resource over and over again as well as continue reading at both Holley's and Lori's blogs. 

Disclosure: I received this book free from NetGalley and Revell Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

*You can go back on this blog on "aMazing Mondays"  from March - May or search for "Already Amazing" to see links to Holley's and some of what I shared during the Book Club in 2016. "aMazing Mondays" started here because of Holley's books! She and her books are really "aMazing"! I am so sorry that the review of this book and another just as wonderful book is so late (the other will somehow have to be inserted somehow during my summer book club either on Weds. or the weekend so it is not even later). My apologies to these authors and their publishers that gave me review copies but this was out of my control.

1 comment:

  1. I have not read Holley's books, but I link up with her blog. She does have a way of phrasing things that is so encouraging. I all too often forget the fact that God delights in me - that He really finds enjoyment in His relationship with me. He thinks I'm amazing - now THAT is amazing!!



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy