
Saturday, June 18, 2016

"The Longing in Me - How Everything You Crave Leads to the Heart of God" By Sheila Walsh

"The Longing in Me - How Everything You Crave Leads to the Heart of God" By Sheila Walsh 

To me, one of the marks of a good book, an exceptionally good book which this is, seems to be how well does it resonate in your soul and changes something within you as you read, and as in this one, "leads you to the heart of God". It not only inspires you and strikes a chord deep within, but reading the book helps you "change the way you respond to life's stresses" {boy, do I need this} or life in general, and your perspective is awakened in a fresh way. That's what Sheila's "Longing ..." book is ...

Sheila Walsh not only states in her intro that this is part of her prayer for this book, but that it helps the reader (me, in this case; or you, if you're bold, brave and bright enough to read it) "find the one true Source who can meet your deepest longings so you can change..." and "give you tools to heal from the past and find joy today." And no one can do this as well as Sheila, with her honest and vulnerable style of writing, weaving her own personal life story and testimony, with a well known biblical figure of a man "after the heart of God" - as she walks us through David's life and worst choices, her life and the life of other women, like me and perhaps you, to study the "Longings" and "learn how to channel those to know God more" and help us "determine what to do when we lose our way", as often we do and have yet realizing that "Longings are part of life." ... not just good or evil.

... "We long to be seen.
We long to be chosen.
We long to be loved.
We long to know that we matter."

"When those longings are left unmet, what do we do? Where do we go?"

Sheila shows us in 10 chapters that she "believes it is a sacred ache, a longing for the very heart of God" and I couldn't agree more. In fact, Sheila's life story is one I can relate to ever so well and I find myself reading and rereading the parts that sound so familiar and have to pinch myself trying to remember she is writing about her life (or David's) not mine, still she tells it so remarkably well "I get it", which is why it resonates with me every step of the way and each longing or vignette touches my heart in a way that changes me, awakens me and illuminates a light in what use to be darkness or dark moments. So I nod as I read along, knowing that this book is making an impact and a difference in me in ways that only God knows. 

Those 10 chapters touch on our longings: the longing to be chosen, the longing to be protected, the longing for what use to be, the longing for control, the longing for your rights, the longing for that one thing you think you need :) - the longing to make everything right, the longing for what would glorify God, the longing to share the grace and mercy we've received from God and the longing for God alone. Each chapter starts out with a Scripture verse and of course, elaborates on a portion of King David's biblical story with the sharing of Sheila's own life experiences, some parts never written about before this book. "The fact is, your longings are built from the blueprint of your needs: for protection, for love, for God. And those needs aren’t going anywhere. You vowed you’d never repeat the same mistakes—yet you find yourself right where you started. What is it that keeps drawing you back into the same old traps?" Sound familiar? well, it sure does to me ... "If you keep reaching out to the wrong people at the wrong times in your own life, "The Longing in Me" will help you understand that your cravings are not the problem. It’s where they lead you that makes all the difference." (parts of the actual book description)

"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them." - George Elliot

Both the DVDs and the Study Guide
enhance this book greatly!

I so enjoyed watching Sheila in the beautifully chosen scenes of these DVDS and listening to her speak with us
in the 6 sessions that Study Gateway made available to us during the online study at Faith Gateway.

However, just reading this book alone will help anyone
but especially those hurting from their past
and trying to fill the voids in your life with anything
leading you to long for the wrong thing;
to fill what only God can fill
and He will
you read this book

Great for individual or small group studies with the Study Guide.
{although I prefer the Study Guides included in the book}

Sheila Walsh
"is known as a powerful communicator, Bible teacher, and bestselling author"
however she goes far beyond this 
in this newest release
of heart-wrenching
life experiences
as she is gifted in the art of 
retelling parts of the Bible, especially about King David
 and making each one come alive and become real for us today
as she applies the lessons to her and our own life
in a fresh, honest and eye-opening way
that touches your heart and brings 
everything you crave to lead
you to the heart of God

I can never say enough about
Sheila Walsh and this book
the lessons that Christ continues to teach her and me
on our life journeys
especially how her honest words help me become more aware
of my "longings" in the past and even now
with a kind healing and peace
that only God can give
and has
as is/was
Sheila's prayer
to receive healing and find joy
which helps me as it did her
to "understand the past", "fully engage in the present" 
and "find hope in the future"
with this truth:



I will treasure this book and quite likely return to it often!

especially when I long for God and need to be reminded of how 
He longs for me.
{another mark of a good book "returning to read it again"
besides the turned down, well worn pages, 
 which in a Kindle ebook converts to bookmarks and highlights}

Disclosure: I received this book free from Book Look Bloggers and Thomas P. Nelson Publishers in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

And if you are not totally convinced that this is the book for you to read yet, see this and you can even check out some others linked below that are longer...
"The Longing in Me..."

"The Longing in Me Small Group Bible Study by Sheila Walsh - Session One"
"The Longing In Me Online Bible Study Kickoff "with Sheila Walsh

The images all belong to Sheila Walsh
{and she has more images with really wonderful quotes on her book's page 
down at the bottom}