
Saturday, December 31, 2016


{last day to get a post in for this past year & one that will usher in the new year}

This book review is establishing my direction for
{mine and others, I pray}

Image result for the one year book of healing - Tyndale
Dr. Reggie Anderson
Jennifer Schuchmann

... it's the rest of this book's title that captures my attention and interest to read it ...

"...Daily Appointments with God for Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional Wholeness"

Thanks to Tyndale, this is a real book, not a virtual ebook that I can
actually hold in my hands, day after day, like the beautiful one
I so enjoyed this past year by Chris Tiegreen
(also from Tyndale)
"The One Year: Hearing His Voice"
"Book of Healing"
{was waiting for me when I arrived home from MX}
is one I intend to read more meticulously for 2017

" Dr. Reggie Anderson, author of the acclaimed memoir "Appointments with Heaven," knows it can’t be predicted how God’s healing work will come to pass in our lives and hearts . . . only that it will. As a country doctor who has had remarkable experiences attending people in pain, Reggie wants you to see what he sees every day—that whatever your sickness, whatever your hurt, God is alive and active in your life. He wants you to be truly well, even if that looks different than you might expect. Rich in story and inspiration, The One Year Book of Healing will reveal the many ways our Savior heals and intervenes in the lives of the sick and the hurting—giving you the faith, hope, and patience to believe that God can do the same in your life."

Although "The One Year Book of Healing..." is the first book that I have read by Dr. Reggie Anderson, I was familiar with his previous book, "Appointments with Heaven," and had heard much about it, so I was intrigued and so ready for this book. "The One Year Book of Healing" is an inspirational book to read daily God's "prescription" for the day with encouraging, heartfelt messages that on many days give personal stories of healing or a message from Dr. Reggie Anderson. 

I enjoy the set-up of this devotional. Each month starts out with a monthly "Checkup" and a "Booster Shot" - God knows I need the 'check-up' part more than the 'shot'. So the book is clearly divided into the twelve months, with a devotion and reading from God's Word each day. The monthly checkup is an overview of common experiences: such as October, where I started, sharing gifts of kindness and setting goals; whereas January realistically speaks of our interior life, because January can be gloomy but gives us a time to prepare our hearts for renewal; or what we might expect that month physically or emotionally.

Each monthly "Checkup" introduction gives us a spiritual monthly challenge "to enhance our relationship with God." I really like this motivation and the various sound ideas given. Dr. Reggie Anderson clearly does give us what his objective is: "to help us see God through fresh eyes". I look forward to giving these a try but he also leaves us free to adapt or replace his suggestions if they don't work for us. The "booster shot" is meant to encourage us to better and healthier lifestyle - "greater health and wellness" (are his words).

Each day before the devotion, the book gives us a Scripture and we are encouraged to have our Bibles to go further and read in context to get more understanding. The personal stories from his own life and  medical practice are all true but, of course, the identity and privacy of the patients are protected. I appreciate that Dr. Reggie hopes that these stories demonstrate that "God is always present in our pain and suffering" and that his patients will amaze us with their "stories of how their faith has grown, even when their prayers weren't answered the way they hoped."

After each day's devotion, Dr. Reggie writes a daily Rx ... offering us a "suggestion for something we can do or consider" to feel better, grow stronger, or draw closer to our Father. Then as I love, he closes in prayer. {you know that's my favorite part in any daily devotional, it serves to focus my prayer and I use them usually as a prayer starter} ... 

I am sure that reading this daily will inspire me and encourage me; after reading this for an entire year page by page, that these rich stories will bring testimony to God, hope in healing, and most definitely "reveal the many ways our Savior heals and intervenes in the lives of the sick and hurting" - this most certainly will give my faith a boost, stir up my hope and teach me a bit more patience to believe that God can do the same for me and my loved ones as HE has done for the others in this book. 

I truly believe that this book - "The One Year Book of Healing" - holds the hope and the healing that I desperately need, even still and now in my life journey, of God's healing touch on my life. I'm only giving it 4 out of 5 stars on my recommendation, yet by the end of 2017, I should probably give a post review to see how this book has served its purpose of inspiration and healing that I can share with others, who also need a touch of God in their circumstances ... and the increase of my faith and hope in God, our Healer, Jehovah Rapha, for HE is alive and active in our lives (even if and when we don't feel or see healing) God is undeniably at work, for He most certainly wants us to be "truly well, even if that wellness looks different from what we expect". As I pick up this book, look at the beautiful cover of flowing, healing water and in colors that invite me to turn the pages and find the testimony, scripture and prescription that promises to do a deep work in me as I'm challenged to allow God's healing. 

In fact ... I have decided that this


is the




{but we'll see more about this WORD, after I start my year with
40 Days of Prayers}

with LifeWay Women

40 Days of Prayer
[image credit and link]

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through their Tyndale Blogger's Network. 

Disclosure: I received this book free from Tyndale Blog Network blogger's review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

... and the ending of this blog post is in no way a part of Tyndale nor is this book part of LifeWay Women. They are not connected except by me.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy