
Tuesday, April 11, 2017


[image credit: Time of Grace]

which comes from 

Today's portion of Isaiah 53 is verse 10

"...Yet the Lord was willing
To crush Him,causing Him to suffer;
If He would give Himself as a guilt offering [an atonement for sin],
He shall see His [spiritual] offspring,
He shall prolong His days,
And the will (good pleasure) of the Lord shall succeed and prosper in His hand." AMPLIFIED

Time of Grace's devotional for today with this verse is 


" ... You can add God’s name to the list as well. What!? God caused Jesus’ suffering? Yes. Behind the lash of the scourge was the hand of God, who was pouring out the judgment, wrath, and punishment for the sins of the entire world upon the Son. Isaiah’s prophetic insights allow us to see what was really happening in Jerusalem on Good Friday: ... {insert today's Bible verse} ... 

this is just a small portion of the brief devotional

the part that follows the above portion

describes the


Image result for scourging
[image credit: Bible History]

even by the sound of the word, it sounds so awful

I really can't imagine such gruesome treatment!

especially on the Son of God

One who did nothing


certainly did not deserve it

{however, I have a hard time thinking that anyone does}

"It is hard to understand why God would crush His innocent Servant. 
But it is in His suffering for sin that God deals decisively with sin 
and its harmful effects." 
taken from 
The Voice version
{added between verse 9 and 10}

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