
Sunday, April 9, 2017

SOS ~ "YOU ARE FREE" 3 (now also 4, 5, 6)

 UPDATE (4-23-17) now WEEK 6 (scroll to below)
{right now this is here, but it will be moved back to 4-9-17}

... when I published this back on 4-9-17 and knew it was Holy Week, I should have also let you know that I would not be finishing this along with the current Faith Gateway Online Bible Study group, but at a later date - because I know that I need to, that I still am not FREE in any stretch of the imagination as I should be, but know the freedom I am so richly blessed with, comes only through Jesus Christ, and actually right where we are in this study, is right where the 'rubber meets the road' and I should be digging in deeper, pressing into this study even more, not just this week, but the next and probably the rest. 

However, as I've mentioned after Resurrection SONday, I had already planned and signed up for "REDEEMED..." by Angela Thomas-Pharr with LifeWay Women - it just seemed to be so timely, when I started 2017 with the 40 days of Prayer that was part of this, and what could be better than being "Redeemed" after celebrating Christ's Resurrection ... so, for this study, "You are Free", I will just be adding the links for each week to FaithGateway OBS and returning to finish the rest of the book, study guide and excellent, personal videos with Rebekah, at a later date, through Study Gateway. Weeks 4-6 are at the end. My apologies for dropping this midway! This is such a great study to not complete so I will!

Image result for you are free rebekah lyons

Continuing with 
Session 3

April 9-15

Chapter 7

READING Chapters 7 and 8 in the book

Study Guide p. 51-56 after viewing video
Group discussion p.57-59  
Personal Study p. 61-70

"Free to Wait"
Chapter 8

you can catch it all over at
Faith Gateway

Online Bible Studies
with Laurie McClure
Rebekah Lyons
and her newest book (above)

Scripture of the Week

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” - Psalms 139:9-10

Psalm 139:7-10, John 14:23, Genesis 12:1-9, Isaiah 40:10-11

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS to Reflect and Comment if you choose:

Q1. Tell us about a time when you had to begin again- either in a relationship or a job or another city, or something else. What do these verses say about God’s presence during such times? 

Q2. Where in your life is God asking you to begin again now?

Prayer for the Week (by Laurie McClure at FaithGateway OBS)

Jesus, You are the One who ordains new seasons for us. You appoint the new beginnings. And, You come with us and You even make Your home  with us when we choose to love You and live in obedience. We believe You. Help us in our unbelief. Help us to lean on You through struggles and through seasons of blessing. We love You, Jesus! Amen.


Previous Schedule:

Session 4

Session 5


You Are Free Study Guide on pages 89-97
Read Chapters 11-12 optional in hard copy of "You are Free" book

Scriptures for this Week
“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.” - Psalms 126:5

Other Scripture Readings: 
2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 126:2-6, Ecclesiastes 3, 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

Session 6
"Free to Set Free"

[image credit: Faith Gateway]

once again
Laurie McClure
has covered this so well

Scriptures this Week
  • 1 Corinthians 13
  • Galatians 5:1
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • John 8:36
  • Matthew 20:29-34
  • Revelation 12:11
  • Isaiah 51:15-16

Prayer for the Week

Jesus, thank You for the freedom that You came to bring. Thank You that You woo us out of the damage we cause ourselves and the wreckage done to us. Thank You that You put friends in our path who love You and who have been through it before. Thank You that You put friends in our lives who need to hear what we’ve learned about You along the way and need to be loved on by us. What a privilege! We love You, Jesus! Amen.

  • Recap Week: May 7-13

{some links may not work if it no longer is that week, but may during recap week}

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy