
Sunday, May 21, 2017

S.O.S. ~ so many GOOD choices

It's been quite some time since I have shared any


{it's had different meanings}

but most often and lately

it has stood for

Study On SONday

(especially if it's posted Sun. around 6 p.m. like this)
however originally


A bottle with SOS washed up on the shore

was thought to stand for "help" as in "Save Our Ship" even "Save Our Souls" as a distress signal yet those were after thoughts (known as backronyms) yet on this blog, it stood for


with a song, scripture, scene and later added sermon and studies

but I have digressed from the reason I've not been sharing any


it's not because I am not doing any

nor that I don't have a song, scripture, scene or something that I'm soaking in/on

it's because I have too many and have gone in 
too many directions
 yet somehow God is weaving them together 
or else I'd be sending out a real
for HELP from
you and God
as I'm still being
(yes, that is the last study I began sharing 
but have not kept up with that here)

Here are the sessions:

Click here for Session 1.
Click here for Session 2.
Click here for Session 3.
Click here for Session 4.
Click here for Session 5.
Click here for Session 6.

but I now have a worse dilemma: 
I have two or maybe more that I have signed up for this summer
starting soon (I think) in June and 
perhaps you remember that I paused midstream in

"You Are Free"
by Rebekah Lyons

(hoping I'd be able to get back to it and finish it)

so that I could start

"REDEEMED" by Angela Thomas-Pharr

mostly because I can't choose

when I read about the Online Bible Study

I'm sure it's the ONE that God is leading me to do until ...

I read the next one that comes along 

after I already signed up


 one of these is one that I purchased quite some time ago

and decided that I couldn't do it because as I opened to the beginning, I felt that I needed the DVDs to go with the study to really be able to do it and now I'll have that opportunity so I don't want to miss out and because it's Lifeway's Beth Moore's:

A Study of 2nd Timothy

(which contains my life verse)

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (NKJV) 2 Timothy 1:7 You see, God did not give us a cowardly spirit but a powerful, loving, and disciplined spirit. (TheVoice)

They ALL are so good and I'm thankful that they are being offered online 
but not all at once ... yet truthfully, I don't think I've ever seen 
a Bible Study that isn't good, just some speak to us more clearly 
in the current season of our life journey and where we're at ...

so I guess this is an indication that I need this other one too

the other choice over at

Faith Gateway OBS

is an excellent one from another excellent author

Anne Graham Lotz




the wisdom offered through the book of Daniel, his prayer and

Anne Graham Lotz
who was Chair of the National Day of Prayer
(if you missed hearing her, I recommend strongly you check this out)

[the National Prayer]
plus over at You Version, I'm working through 
and I have more saved to read

all of these helping me with

which one is for you?
which one do you think is for me?

Pray that I can receive from God what He believes is meant to guide me


And I can't believe that there is actually ANOTHER study that I must share ...(that's besides Margaret Feinberg's (Philippians) and Bonnie Gray's book club (Whispers of Rest) and probably others too) ... by another outstanding author with the OBS ministry of Proverbs 31: Jennifer Rothschild's "Me, Myself and Lies" ...  boy, oh, boy ... like I wrote above: too many really good and needed studies this summer and very difficult to choose between them for me. God's working overtime to offer so many ways to HEAL ... that's what these studies offer besides the actual study and content - ways to heal and grow beyond where you are with a better understanding of God's Truth. I'm pretty sure that "Entrusted" will take most of my 'extra' time, but I hope to follow along with the others as able.

Join our next Online Bible Study!

{beginning to think I really need Bonnie's on "...Rest..." after all this, so I ordered it}

Monday, May 8, 2017


Earth Psalms

This isn't a book review

it's just a very strong gift recommendation

for you or someone you love

maybe for this

Mother's Day


any special day or just a day that you'll make special for them



I just happened upon it at our nearby public library and I wish I could keep it checked out to read one each week of the year (because there are 52 beautiful devotions and reflections!!!) You can check out some at Francine Rivers website!

Unique Environments
[image credit: Francine Rivers]

every one is this awesome

pointing us to our


I'd love to be "gifting" this book to each of us!

For now,
I'll be content with my library version before it's due
(in two weeks???-not use to this again yet)

{Very impressed that someone requested or chose this
along with some other really great choices
although I am far from short on books to read,
I couldn't pass this one up!}

Each devotional is personalized lessons in nature
starting with a scripture verse, 
followed by "Reflect, Apply, Connect (prayer)" sections
ending with a Psalm
however what makes it unique are the exquisite
photographs throughout the 208 pages
plus often a part of a hymn or song

You have to have the hardbound copy to hold
because the Kindle version 
just does not do justice
to the images

Of course, the real Artist is God and His handiwork in nature!

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they (we) can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So (we) they have no excuse for not knowing God."Intro

lines up perfectly with the online study of reading Psalms with the book

"Redeemed ..."


Angela Thomas-Pharr


"... God speaks through nature"
(the rest of the title of "Earth Psalms: reflections on how ...)

this is clearly shown in this book and words

You do realize another selling or buying point for me
in any devotional are the prayers
here is a sample of one
that goes with her #16 devotion 
of my life verse
2 Timothy 1:7

"Dear God, so often I feel like a turtle,
retreating into my shell because it's safe.
But making safety my first priority won't lead to growth.
I don't want to miss the opportunities around me
because I'm too afraid to take a risk.
You have given me a spirit of courage.
Please help me to trust You,
to trust Your love for me and Your good plans for my life.
Help me to move forward in courage."

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


the day has finally arrived when I have no


not because

I've stopped


not because

I'm not


not even because

I haven't heard any wonderful



I have and I most definitely am




and every day


"Worship is Life"

God is so worthy of us living lives of worship!

in wonder and in awe


this precious family was certainly out for a 


and then a


but it was my 4 furry family members

that caused them to take a dive into cold waters


before I leave this


let me share this playlist from one of my


You Version reading plan


"Labyrinth by David Baloche"

which fits with my theme for today

(see not at the end)


"Worship is Life" (actually is a book written) by Pastor Todd Marshall (which I was fortunate to hear speak this past Fri. at our AG EQUIP Conference, Fri. & Sat.). Pastor Todd and his wife Brenda were my choir directors and youth leaders at my RLC (home church -which has now changed to another one closer to home, yet I still consider RLC my church). Please check out their website, ministry and book!