
Sunday, June 18, 2017


Study On SONday

Jennifer Rothschild's book
"Me, Myself, and Lies"


Proverbs 16:23 (NIV84) | "A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction." | Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies | Week 2 Verse | #NoMoreLies #P31OBS
[image credit: P31]

"...  Jennifer gives us a battle plan to help shut the door to those negative thoughts:
The three R’s — Recognize, Refuse and Replace
I know I find it hard to Refuse the “lie.” That’s the one “R” I want to work on this week. What’s the most difficult “R” for you? What can you do to shut the door on your negative thoughts?"
- See more at: P31 OBS and Jennifer Rothschild's book, "Me, Myself and Lies"
I am only highlighting this so you can link up or follow along with
Proverbs 31 OBS
who already do an exceptionally wonderful weekly discussion
but there's quite often so many "comments"
it's hard for me to connect
but I love them, their choices for book studies and their team
No reason for me to reinvent what they do so well


you are certainly welcome to comment here rather or in addition to there
because I have so few comments, you're guaranteed that I won't miss it

I'll Repeat the questions (and that's not even one of the "R") here:
What’s the most difficult “R” for you? 
What can you do to shut the door on your negative thoughts?"

For me,
I'm sure I struggle with all 3 of the "R's"
but initially it has to be

because often I don't realize that and recognize it as a lie
but receive the lie as truth
usually spoken by another but rehearsed and replayed
in my mind without recognizing it as a lie
or device of the enemy to mess me up
but I am getting better at discerning a lie spoken to me

and I guess
that if I knew the answer to the 2nd part of this ?
I would have written JR's book and not be struggling with this,
hoping I will learn from this book how to shut the door
especially when the negative thoughts are mine or 
spoken by me to others (but I sure hope not)


Going to try to do Fridays for
Faith Gateway's OBS
"The Daniel Prayer"
Anne Graham Lotz
but I will share on
that week's link

Session 2
"Preparing for Prayer"

What are some areas you need to work on to better 
prepare your heart to pray as Daniel did?

{but this is for Friday for me here, if I get to it before then; 
if not, this will have to do-sorry}

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy