
Saturday, July 22, 2017



Esther Fleece

{pretend you see an image of the book cover here if it's gone}

Since I heard about "No More Faking Fine ... " being released January 2017, I wanted to have it and review it. I came across Esther Fleece, through another author, book and checked out her website. I instantly knew that this book on 'lamenting' was meant for me so I signed up to get the guide from Esther Fleece before I even had a copy of her book. After reading some of the top positive reviews and a couple of the low ones, the sample copy, and this lament guide, I was convinced that this was the book God would use to bring healing in my life in 2017. 

Esther Fleece does not disappoint with "No More Faking Fine..." - I found that this deep book is one of my 2017 favorites and still working through the many ways that God is using this to walk me through healing in my life, although I have not shared experience as severe as Esther Fleece's childhood and her life journey of getting "gut-level honest with God through the life-giving language of lament" ... I have been processing through this book since I received it months ago and delayed in writing my review until I truly had a sense of this book, like no other, from beginning to end - it shatters, inspires, encourages, guides and leads the reader on a pathway to true intimacy with God, giving us permission and "voice to the hurt, frustration, and disappointment' that maybe you, like I, have "kept inside and silenced far too long." I could have put together a review of high praise when I first began this long journey of healing through this book as I shared here and there that "No More Faking Fine ..." is a MUST READ.

When I read the title, "No More Faking Fine: Ending the Pretending", my reaction was not like other reviewers that chose the book because the title captured their interest, I was sure that I certainly do not 'fake fine', in fact, I was convinced I am the complete opposite, that I tell it like it is: good, bad and ugly. However, within the last year, I noticed that perhaps I was stuffing and have not been sharing much with anyone, except God, so I wasn't "faking fine", I wasn't fine and I recalled going through periods in my life where I had done this. I found that Scripture reveals a God, as I have seen in my life, who has met me right where I am time and time again and as Esther states "not where we pretend to be". Esther Fleece walks us through her life experiences, her life story with a "suck it up" mentality, where she stuffed and stuffed her emotions. I'm quite the opposite. Esther writes with such openness and vulnerability, most of us can easily relate, even without having the same experiences, most of us have had to deal with other people when facing difficulties, hurt, grief and struggles. Esther helps us learn how to lament and biblically shows us how it's OK to express ourselves honestly when it hurts. 

There are 3 parts to Esther's book: "Faking Fine", "A New Way to Pray" and "To Sing Again" with 11 chapters. Each chapter begins with a Scripture, is filled with scriptures, and ends with a wonderful prayer!{you know how much I love prayers in books}

This is a much needed book, as Esther exposes her personal pain in a powerful way to enlighten us in the need and manner to LAMENT, to walk through our own story of difficulties honestly, authentically and just as courageously as she has and learned to do so that we may heal. I know I need this book and will continue to go through it. I highly recommend "No More Faking: Ending the Pretending" with 224 pages of truth and redemption for you and others you know that need a friend like Esther, the real deal, who understands and seemingly links arms with you as the reader through a journey of healing and lament.

Disclosure: I received this book free from BookLook Bloggers in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCommission’s  16 CFR, Part 255


  1. Going by your review, I agree this is a much needed book. My initial reaction to the title was that everyone at some time or another has "faked fine"...with other people but certainly never with the Lord (although I suppose my wandering years when I ignored the Spirit was a time of attempting to "fake fine"). Then I read from your perspective and thought it might be because I am introverted anyway that would make me "fake fine" on the "more often" side of the any rate, your review has piqued my interest in this book so I will definitely want to check it out...and that is a "real" opinion...not "pretend"!

    1. Thank you Karen❣️what I appreciate about us is we don't pretend although sometimes that shy side keeps you from sharing all you are carrying, but that's you being an introvert however you're not always that way and you always genuinely care and share in other's pain without any fakey stuff, you are true through and through.

      I shared in one of those "here and there" mentions of this book when it was on sale for $1.99, which it isn't right now, yet still under 10 - if I see it on sale again, I'll let you know. Thanks for not faking with me, just being you and taking time to comment.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy