
Monday, October 9, 2017



Image result for just another birthday
[in case, I have to remove the image]
 it says:
"If things get better with age, then I'm approaching magnificent"

I can't believe that I'm 6_ _ _ and that Casting Crown has a song that I didn't ever hear until this past week when God led me to come across it quite by accident. 

Although the lyrics, do not really speak of my own particular situation or life, for some reason, God spoke to me through the words of this song in a special way that makes some of the parts mean something for me on this particular one - not for a 16th, 19th, 21st, nor dealing with my own "daddy" but our spiritual Daddy, Abba ... we each can know Him as our Heavenly Father and have the privilege to be His daughter, His beloved, His child and celebrate yet another year ... I was moved by this song "Just Another Birthday" because often we feel like that yet deep down, it's a powerful sense of becoming HIS more each year, different than a spiritual birthday (which is important too) but some of us don't have an actual date or day of being "born again", as for me, it's a daily being reborn and reawakened to the new life that Jesus Christ gives me each day; a fresh breath, anointing and so much more - all through His aMazing Grace

I almost was inspired enough by this song to rewrite the lyrics to really fit my own life - but for now just enjoy Casting Crown's version and the reason behind Mark Hall creating this song, is simply beautiful!

I've chosen this video with lyrics which suits me better than the original.


"It’s not just another birthday
‘Cause I’m here, she’s here
And look how far we’ve come
Since you’ve called me, saw me
Held me and freed me
Thank you, Lord, for another birthday
And we’ll be fine; We’ll be fine"

I was listening to "Oh, My Soul", "Broken Together", "Just Be Held" (you know the normal pity party of getting older) when I came across "Just Another Birthday", which allowed me then to stumble upon another song, which seems to fit better than the birthday one: "Wedding Day" {definitely not my earthly one, but this one I look forward to} and these lyrics - this song - wow - wipes me away!!! I was also reminded about the "Fireproof" movie and the song: "You Belong to Me" and other great songs in that soundtrack too. 

As you can see I was somewhat melancholic as this day was approaching, not wanting to celebrate the day, but so consciously aware of the gratitude I have for Our Lord for each year He graciously has given me, whether I want it ... or not, whether I'm weary, broken, feeling 'old' and useless, He's still speaking to me, actually sings to me {except in this case, He allows others to sing} and this speaks volumes to someone like me. Thanks Casting Crown!




but I'm so thankful

for another




it right


grow closer


My Father!

{more like His Son and full of His Holy Spirit}


to be blessed by


{Casting Crown's newest album}

"What If I Gave Everything"

*I'm pretty sure all this started with Michelle Nezat's weekly podcasts that I enjoy getting and listening to each week, learning so much more; although she did "Broken Together" back in September (#188) and "Just Be Held" back in Jan. 2016

My sister and my brother-in-law shared an early birthday delight
with me at their home and it was delicious (new to me) and a nice surprise: an apple blossom. 

Image result for apple blossom pastry

I went there thinking I was celebrating their 50th!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest sis of the heart, I am so glad you were surprised by your earthly sis and BIL with that apple blossom...and you are "magnificent" and more for sure...don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise...

    I will come back later to follow all your song links but I just wanted to wish you a blessed birthday this ya!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy