
Sunday, December 10, 2017

ADVENT ~ Week 2



"For a child has been born—for us!
    the gift of a son—for us!
He’ll take over
    the running of the world.
His names will be: Amazing Counselor,
    Strong God,
Eternal Father,
    Prince of Wholeness.
His ruling authority will grow,
    and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness He brings."... (MSG)

{not the traditional 2nd week but I have changed the order to somewhat correspond with the Names and Attributes of Jesus as found in Isaiah 9:6}


Perhaps you (as I) are wondering how does Joy line up with Mighty God. Truthfully, I just ended up putting these two together because the other ones did fit and this was left ... but as I reflect on Joy (or not really finding much Joy as I should at this time of year) I realize that if I reflect on God (in Jesus) and Him being Mighty ... it really does stir up some Joy in the assurance that no matter what we face, our God is Mighty and Jesus certainly showed us this along with the humility of coming to us as a man, a babe in a manger ... Jesus, in all His power and might.

Last week, I looked at Jesus as the “Wonderful Counselor”... "the one who would show us the Father and lead us to the truth about ourselves and about life" {and I certainly do understand looking at that name as "Wonderful" and "Counselor" separately as well} and bring us Hope, as we look forward with expectation to what is to come (somewhat hard to do as we see so much devastation going on around us and our own personal trials). This week I am focusing on the title, “Mighty God”.  "The Hebrew for God in this title is the simple word “el”.  It denotes a mighty power that can be found only in deity.  When we understand that the word for God means “Mighty Power” then we can see that this title really means the “Mighty Mighty Deity”.  In other words, Jesus is set apart from all other powers, deities and spirit beings.  His power is seen as far superior to anyone else." The "Miracles" of Jesus definitely show His power and His authority, the way He endured temptation and most definitively the events of His death followed by His Resurrection (and my, oh, my ... the benefits of His Power and claiming and proclaiming them with His promises - and the completion of them, especially the promise of salvation). So there are two reasons why this title of Jesus (Mighty God) should bring Joy:

  • "He is Able to do what He promise(d)"(s)
  • "He is Able to help where we need it"

..."The promises of Jesus are wonderful and they provide us hope.  But those promises often seem distant.  They seem sometimes unrelated to what we are going through in the present. The fact that Jesus is the Mighty God also means that He is able to help us where we need that help right now.  If you don’t know where to turn . . . turn to Him.  He can . . . and He will, help."... ©December 9, 2001 by Rev. Bruce Goettsche (and other parts in quotes)

Alleluia Singers

{and of course there is the upbeat worship song of  Don Moen "What a Mighty God we serve" but it was so short and neither are Christmas carols/songs 
like this Kid's one}

These are the Names Unwrapped in Week 3 in the book which goes with


but this is moved up to Week 2 to correspond here with


Great High Priest
(Heb. 4:14)
Alpha and Omega
True Vine
(John 15:1)
{skipping the book's 4th one until the 4th week but substituting with}
Lion of Judah
(Rev. 5:5)
Bread of Life
(John 6:48)


others to consider
{not included in the devo book}

Almighty One
(Rev. 1:8)

(1 John 2:1)

(Matt. 28:18)

Captain of Salvation
(Heb. 2:10)

Chief Cornerstone
(Ps. 118:22)

(1 Thes.1:10)

Leader and Commander
(Isaiah 55:4)

Mighty One
(Isaiah 60:16)

(Ex.3:14 and John 8:58)

Oh, there are many others of 









after all

"...the Joy of the Lord is my strength..."

Nehemiah 8:10

so it will be
no matter what

Praying for His Joy to surround 




this week, this season





May His sweet Presence

complete you

in His Mighty Name




draw near

and unwrap

the best gift given






{you must have known I had to share some Christmas music - 'tis the season}
Christmas must be coming 'cuz I couldn't wait ('til 6pm) for this JOY!


  1. A blessing-filled post as usual, sis...LOVED the first song the most, and one can never go wrong with Hillsong's sharing of "Joy to the World"...

    It is hard to "feel" that joy that bubbles up inside when we are looking at the messes around us…and even when we try to change our focus as we stumble thru the many mazes of life, other folks tend to bring us down and take our minds off what is “authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind.”(Phil 4:8 TPT)…sad, but true…

    BUT…our Mighty God…Abba Father…Faithful One….always, always has a miracle waiting in the wings…someone wrote that “where there is great love there are always miracles”…and no greater love exists than the Lord’s love for His children….so whether our miracle is something that happens to us or something that is prevented from happening to us…something we can hold in our hands or treasure in our hearts… we can be assured that the awesomeness of that sweet baby’s birth in Bethlehem, His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection from the tomb hold powerful promises that cannot be held down by ANYTHING man can say or do…or not do….

    So we must choose to be joyful…as our testimonies witness to countless times our Deliverer has done just that….our Advocate has pleaded for us when the words just wouldn’t come…and when we were starving and the Bread of Life sustained us….

    Your beautifully worded conclusion : ”May His sweet Presence complete you in His Mighty Name forever as we draw near and unwrap the best gift given ever” Amen and amen, Peggy!

    1. WOW Karen... aMazing❣️(so glad you copied this precious and beautifully spirit-led comment/post that truly exalts Jesus and speaks Truth and heartfelt authentic words that delight and warm my heart that I call you sis and forever friend. Such kindred spirit we share in Christ - I am richly blessed each time you write - your words flow like honey, Georgia peach and I am so honored we connect (ed) ... I could not be more sincere and so wish that on this side of eternity, I might hug you around the neck, face to face and experience the grace in person that I have felt online and from a distance! {that 2nd paragraph of messes, mazes and miracles in the next show how much we get each other} and how very much do I not just wish you my parting ending words but hope that God pours miracles on your loved ones that need a special touch and an abundant portion over you (and yours) as y’all celebrate Jesus’ love - cuz no one or no family deserves it more for the way you have given and blessed me since our paths crossed.

      Amen and hallelujah anyhow❣️dear Karen💙🤗peggy

    2. sorry the comment didn’t work and so glad you like the Hillsong Joy ... but the link should connect you to a playlist of their Peace Project 2017


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy