
Sunday, January 7, 2018



... clearly, I exhausted all the words with "E" for me, when I brainstormed with the first "E" and there's still another one left that I left out on purpose in the last blog, which is one of my biggest dilemmas: [looked at as a weakness by most, and yet can be a strength (I guess if you are like me in this) or are more compassionate toward others because of it] ... EMOTIONS.

I'm sure that you can understand how EMOTION does not do so well with BELIEVE, however without EMOTION much of what one may BELIEVE, may also be limited, in my humble opinion.(lol) Yes, because God created us with EMOTIONS and we are made in the image of God, so God has EMOTIONS - no, not emoticons - real emotions that HE knows how to keep in control

[believe it or not, until recently, there has been little scientific research done on how emotions influence beliefs and how they relate, which of course is psychological, so I wonder if that takes into account our spiritual side (Emotions and Beliefs)]

Since "compassion" deals with EMOTION, it is core to iBELIEVE.

Anyways, you may think that this "E" blog post is not even worth sharing in my acronym of BELIEVE yet just because I have struggled for most of my LIFE with being too emotional or allowing my emotions to interfere with sound decision making, which probably also means living out my beliefs as I should, not according to how I feel or worse, the way I react ... contrary to what iBelieve as Paul wrote in Romans 7:15-20. Yeah, that's me

Admitting to being a sinner 

yet another word
allows us to


we do
His Word
His Promises
to us

The reason that I even bothered with continuing to post this is because I'm sure that throughout 2018 as I ponder and watch God reveal BELIEVE and all He wants to speak to me, without a doubt, it will involve my EMOTIONS and perhaps spark some of yours. So, it has to be included with what iBelieve.

Added this on Jan. 8th, after reading my devotional "Believing God Day by Day" by Beth Moore:

"... More than any other faith challenge I face,
believing that I am who God says I am necessitates choosing what God says over what I feel."Beth Moore "... But if I'm really serious about believing God, I also have to believe what God says about me."

How about you?


  1. I agree that our emotions are a very large part of who we are and reflect what we believe...and the Lord made us this way to use our emotions to ultimately glorify Him...the hard part is (just like with our words) self-control which is impossible to do on our our emotions can draw us nearer to God as we depend on Him to help us learn temperance...and that is just another thing that is daily and continual until we get to glory...

    That being said, tempering and stifling our emotions are two different things...I've gone to the extreme on both sides of stifling and all that does is harden one's heart and block compassion that needs to flow freely or creates an explosion that leaves collateral I choose to draw nearer to the One I depend on for EVERYTHING...and to thank Him for His great mercy and forgiveness every time my self-control "self" just can't handle it alone...I ALWAYS need the Lord!

    1. Thank you sis - good words of compassion, wisdom, and true understanding of ❤️ spoken (well, written) with truth and thought expressed in your elegant gift of writing. You ALWAYS help me as we draw closer to God apart yet together.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy