
Monday, January 15, 2018

Journey to BELIEVE

Image result for Dr. Martin Luther King and the word believe

My journey to BELIEVE as the One Word for 2018 for me was not as simple, easy or straight forward, clear choice as in other years and different One Words. I was beginning to believe that perhaps I should just continue with “healing” another year or maybe Strength is what God wanted me to decide on as what might bring me the healing I need, which could have led me to Joy - as in "defiant joy" - but it actually ended up leading me to think that “unshakable” may be the One Word for me. Clearly “strength” is related to “healing” and according to Max Lucado, “Unshakable“ is connected with Hope and Strength, as well as Courage (Jan. 14-Mar. 18) and I guess this eventually leads to another one on Joy also.

Even though, I don’t have a specific scripture verse yet, I know that I came to the One Word as BELIEVE through my readings in the Word of God and other readings I was doing in devotionals, You Version reading plans and Daily Prayer from iBelieve. BELIEVE just seems too vague and since I already Believe, what does God want to connect me to, with this One Word - my beliefs, my lack of believing, what others believe or don’t??? I’m not too sure even after I commit to this One Word as mine for 2018 with no doubt that God will reveal more and whatever this One Word leads to ... God wants me to stand “unshakable” in all iBelieve.


So just to be sure, I began the YouVersion reading plan above for 77 days on Christmas eve, plus I have been enjoying the videos available at Max Lucado's church (currently up to week 4) and although it's great, I decided none of these are the One Word God wants for me ... but just in case, I also got a copy of Christine Caine's "Unshakable", which will see me through this entire year. Max Lucado's church will be continuing with Unshakable Hope: Courage (because the Strength portion was last fall and the Joy portion will be following the Courage series

Anyways, when you read the title to this blog today "Journey to Believe", it's possible that you were expecting a testimony from me on how I came to BELIEVE. However, I have no special word or testimony of me coming to BELIEVE because I can't think of a time in my entire life when I didn't BELIEVE (thankfully) in God, the Father, Jesus - His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yet 2018 will AWAKEN many of my beliefs and keep me UNSHAKABLE in my faith and standing on all iBelieve ... God, more than likely has some new revelations that I still need STRENGTHENED in me, for a "journey" in believing lasts a lifetime and I hope my faith increases and grows in many ways, new and old. 

I will be starting the Online Bible Study with Lifeway and Priscilla Shirer this week; I can't wait "Discerning the Voice of God" better in 2018. My book came with "Awaken" also written by her, for Christmas! I'm sure this will aide me in this One Word discovery with iBELIEVE! as well as the declaration for Unshakable Hope: 

"We are building our lives on the promises of God. Because His Word is unbreakable, our hope is unshakable. We do not stand on the problems of life or the pain in life. We stand on the great and precious promises of God." ~Max Lucado

Of course, music also will. So here's a song from my childhood that replays in my head (even though it's worldly, it's beautiful - I guess even Elvis Presley sang it, but that's not who I remember singing it) every time, I begin to think of why ...


"... I believe for everyone who goes astray someone will come to show the way, I believe, I believe. I believe above a storm the smallest prayer will still be heard, I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word ..."

I guess these are the lyrics that impact me the most
although they all do

"... then I know why I BELIEVE ..."

* I do not do Pinterest but the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote that I had chosen, had a conflict and it didn't show up or disappeared - so I searched and found it in Pinterest, but in case it's not shown again or too small to read, these are the words ... 

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

... chosen for his BELIEVE echoed by Oprah with "You become what you believe" - even though we are more familiar with his "I have a dream" speech, there are many powerful and meaningful quotes by this man we celebrate today. 


  1. I'm sure as you progress through 2018 you will understand the reason for choosing the word "believe". I've found there are multiple layers to all of the words we choose and it is nice to go deeper and deeper. I like the song you've shared. I definitely remember Elvis Presley singing it but I loved Elvis' singing.

    1. Thank you Penny for your visit and kind words. So you loved the singing of Elvis, huh? what a memorable voice! I agree with you about our word, going deeper and progress we make with God’s leading and layers! Beautifully said! Bless you

  2. It's always so amazing to me how the Lord does lead us to go deeper with our "word" for the year as He reveals layers we would never have uncovered on our own...even though I consider myself an optimist, I must confess there were times when my "word" gave me pause as I wondered on the negative connotations first instead of the positive...but God has ALWAYS overwhelmed me with what He has in mind as we travel this life road in and out of different I expectantly look forward to my year of "sacrifice" as my Saviour/Best Friend/Beloved/Faithful One/Redeemer and EVERYTHING leads me to a deeper relationship with Him....

    1. WOW! "sacrifice" ... lots of depth and layers to this One Word, Karen! how true your words ring out in how we "walk" through wondering of negative (oh ohs) rather than looking towards the good yet still I believe that to "accept" a Word like "sacrifice" takes alot of courage and strength along with the profound realization that His sacrifice covers all of ours and outweighs tremendously however we in our humanness know how weak we are and how strong He is, yet He sacrificed ... as we and others may and to us, it's enormous especially at the time, but reflecting on this Word and His Promise in His Word ALWAYS helps us reflect and relate more intimately. You are brave, my dear sis ... however I await and pray as you venture forward with how God will meet you and your expectant heart. I even considered changing once or twice, maybe to "WALK" to go with WOW and our devotional but nope, believe is sticking, and being confirmed again and again already. Some One Words are more of a challenge; but isn't that what the old resolutions also were ... a way to develop, grow or change us. iBelieve that you have faced many circumstances that have called you to understand your Word already in recent seasons of many sacrifices; your way for His way ... God bless and lead you through EVERYTHING as you face them head on with Him, Your Everything!

      Love, prayers and God's favor/best!

  3. Like the photos of our area and wanted to share a link to my private blog of articles I've written for La Voz and other newspapers so you opened a blog to keep them (when it's public, it'll be)


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy