
Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Session 2
"Sow a Seed"
Day 12 

Day 12

... Matthew 17:20 ...

40-Day Challenge Daily Prayer Prompt


"If we do the little things like they are big things, then God will do the big things like they are little things." Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle

Luke 17:5-6

{all posts are done on SONday but posted on their proper day}

I receive an email daily (because I signed up) with a prayer prompt and an image, but so far, many times, I have found the image not to be the right one for that day's key takeaway, so rather than post and then have to change it later, I will just be using the image of the book. I will try to add the prayer prompts in the box with the scripture.


  1. Peggy, thank you for posting this :-)

    Blessings, Renee
    a new follower from over at

  2. “We Are Blessed”

    “God’s Son allowed Himself to be sown as a seed buried in death, that the great harvest of our souls might be gathered unto eternal life.

    Let’s lift our voices. We are:
    People who are blessed by the abundance of God’s hand.
    People who have received love and grace beyond measure.
    People redeemed to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
    John 3:16

    Moments with Majesty, Jack Hayford

  3. Holy God...Jehovah Jireh...thank You for Your provision in my life and the assurance that anything You lead me to do for You will be graciously favored with Your blessings...I know Your will is for my prodigals to turn back to you, and I know in myself I can't change please change me, Lord, from the inside out to be the witness You would have me to be to Your unwavering love and auspicious grace so they would be reminded of the things they are the name of Jesus....


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy