
Wednesday, February 14, 2018


I debated since the beginning of 2018 how I might spend and prepare for the next preliminary time before Holy Week and Resurrection SONday, commonly known by many as 'Lent' (a 40 day time not including Sundays, set aside for introspection, repentance, and fasting observed by the Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and some other groups - however, lately it's been shown to also have pagan origins). Overlooking this, I see the connection of 40 days of Jesus in the wilderness as a form of preparation for His ministry, enough reason for me to choose to set aside the weeks preceding the Resurrection Celebration of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and prepare my own heart and reflect with a set focus on Jesus and His sacrifice that redeems me from a life separated from God, when He chose to come to earth to pay the price for my sin (and yours - every one of us, whether we acknowledge Him or not).

With all that said ... I have spent quite some time looking and choosing what I would do during my time set aside. So many choices have been made available and I have been drawn to "praying" ... so originally, quite some time ago, I signed up for "Draw the Circle - 40 Day Prayer Challenge", which starts Weds., followed by another "praying" one that came to my attention right after that ... "Praying the Promises of the Cross" - I stopped all my YouVersion reading plans since the beginning of Feb. in order to specifically decide my 40 day time (and more, since I began before today - Ash Wednesday, known as the beginning of Lent). 

In the beginning of 2018, I also chose a One Year devotional "Praying the Promises of God" and a "Prayer Journey Bible" so as you can see God has been directing my steps and putting this time altogether to truly spend the next 6 weeks in "prayer". As I peeked ahead into these books and direction, I noticed that the 40 day prayer challenge claims right at the top that this is going to change my life ... and my hope is that the change in me will help change the lives of the "prodigals" and others around my life that iBelieve that 2018 is their year to come to the knowledge and saving grace of salvation in Jesus Christ. I began "to pray about what to pray about" as suggested in the intro and my heart/tears flooded with the "prodigals and the lost". My heart was broken before our LORD as I knew this was it. Although on a different blog, I had declared 2012 my year for "praying for prodigals" and followed another book for 13 weeks of prayer with 3 other sisters in Christ and of the heart, I strongly felt that I need to press in once again and focus on these dear loved ones and not just pray for prodigals or pray God's promises, but I will be ...

40 DAYS+

(maybe it will continue all year until there is breakthrough)





is the year!!!





as I Draw the Circle

around me


and then



in my heart and mind daily




2 Corinthians 1:20

with a


1 Corinthians 13

I can't promise that I will continue to blog or set up blogs for all 40 days yet I felt I should be accountable to let you all know my plan ... I use my SONdays (not counted in the Lent 40 days) to blog, catch up on mail and my You Version plans already in progress - some for the full year so I may pop in online, otherwise I am offline (my tech fast) ... by the way, we all are or have been "prodigals"! May you all feel God's LOVE this special day as you share His love with your loved ones, be blessed and filled with the aMazing Grace and Love of Jesus!

[image credit: Dayspring]

my Valentine and prayer for you
your prodigals and loved ones

(reminder that I covet your prayers for Thurs. noon medical hospital procedure)



  1. "I BELIEVE prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do. It's the difference between letting things happen and making things happen. It's the difference between you fighting for God and God fighting for you." ...

    "Over the next 40 days, we're going to pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on us. And I BELIEVE that God is going to show off His power, His grace, His goodness." ... Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle, Session 1 "Drawing the Circle"

    1. Session One

      Day 1: Get Ready
      Day 2: Established by God
      Day 3: Amazing Things
      Day 4: Don’t Pray Away
      Day 5: Write It Down
      Day 6: Shameless Audacity
      Day 7: Put on Waders
      Day 8: One God-Idea
      Day 9: Dream Factory
      Day 10: Crazy Faith
      Day 11: First-Class Noticer
      Day 12: Sow a Seed
      Day 13: One Day
      Day 14: Speak to the Mountain
      Day 15: Contend for Me
      Day 16: Lord, Surprise Me
      Day 17: Do Not Delay
      Day 18: Keep Circling
      Day 19: Memorial Offerings
      Day 20: Go. Set. Ready
      Day 21: Set Your Foot
      Day 22: Prayer Fleece
      Day 23: Not Now
      Day 24: Find Your Voice
      Day 25: A Prophetic Voice
      Day 26: Game with Minutes
      Day 27: Double Circle
      Day 28: Quit Praying
      Day 29: A New Prayer
      Day 30: Abide in Me
      Day 31: Spell It Out
      Day 32: Get a Testimony
      Day 33: Prayer Covering
      Day 34: Raise Up a Remnant
      Day 35: The Longest Lever
      Day 36: Senior Partner
      Day 37: Prayer Contracts
      Day 38: Climb the Watchtower
      Day 39: Holy Ground
      Day 40: Prayer Alphabet

      Batterson, Mark. Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge

  2. The day we lose our burden for our prodigals and the lost is the day we lose everything...drawing a prayer circle with you and believing and claiming victory that each one will open their eyes and hearts to see the truth....


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy