
Monday, March 26, 2018

"E" ...

{sorry, the plan was that one of these would post daily this week each day, but I forgot to change from draft to publish them}

I intend to add more next time I'm online so these are a work in progress like me.

{there's more of an explanation and links on "B" blog post}


Image result for seven mile miracle


for my

Eternally Saved

day 2


to me
"Jesus, I praise You for the grace You showed to the man hanging next to You on the cross. Your mercies are greater than anything I can comprehend. Thank You for remembering me specifically, although I deserved the punishment You received. Open my eyes, Lord, to receive the mercy You make available to me so that I may remember You in everything I do. In Jesus' name, Amen."

... because of our SALVATION made possible by Jesus Christ, we will have an ETERNITY with God and all BELIEVERS, as iBELIEVE

1 comment:

  1. "Everyone needs compassion
    Love that's never failing
    Let mercy fall on me

    Everyone needs forgiveness
    The kindness of a Savior
    The Hope of nations

    Savior He can move the mountains
    Our God is Mighty to save
    He is Mighty to save

    Forever, Author of salvation
    He rose and conquered the grave
    Jesus conquered the grave

    So take me as You find me
    All my fears and failures
    Fill my life again

    I give my life to follow
    Everything I believe in
    Now I surrender
    Now I surrender

    Savior He can move the mountains
    Our God is Mighty to save
    He is Mighty to save..."


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy