
Sunday, March 25, 2018

HOSANNA - Lord, Save us!

John 12:13; Matthew 21:9

in the highest

the TRIUMPHANT entry

...“So they took palm branches and went out to meet Him. Everyone was shouting, “Lord, be our Savior! Blessed is the one who comes to us sent from Jehovah-God, the King of Israel!”” ‭‭John‬ ‭12:13‬ ‭TPT‬‬ 

Yes, this is Holy Week (already) and yes, there are still 5 days left in "Draw the Circle" (Lent - "Cuaresma" in Spanish, officially ends this Thurs. March 29th, this year){I actually thought it ended before Palm Sunday, which we celebrate today} Palms up - give Jesus all praise, glory and honor with your thanks outpouring for what He accomplishes this Holy Week that we commerate as Christians every year and rightly so! Since I ended last week with days 29-35, clearly there are 5 more to make 40 days on this journey of prayer, but as we have learned along the way, this is just the impetus to get us continuing to draw circles and pray through ... and we're going to "pray through Holy Week"

Day 34
"Draw the Circle" by Mark Batterson (image from day 34)
Day 36-40

Day 36 "Senior Partner" Matthew 6:20 "What we keep we ultimately loose; what we give away we ultimately get back."
Day 37 "Prayer Contracts" Matthew 16:18-19 "Agreeing with someone in prayer is like getting your prayers notarized." 
Day 38 "Climb the Watchtower" Habakkuk 2:1 "Going back to places of spiritual significance can help us find our way forward again."
Day 39 "Holy Ground" Exodus 3:1-5 "The purpose of prayer is not to give orders to God; the purpose is to get orders from God."
Day 40 "Prayer Alphabet" Romans 8:26-27 "Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do."

I will keep on 
of God's Word

... while I am preparing my heart this week "remembering"  Holy Week and Jesus Christ! I will reflect on the lowest points of my sin, the price it cost Jesus, and the highest peak of what God allowed to show His incredible love for us and has done through Jesus ... I will go back and reflect on Jesus' Last 7 phrases not just words spoken from the Cross (shared on this blog and through various pastors and sermon/studies, but mine are most likely drafted) and ponder what would be the 7 last thoughts I might want to leave as part of my own legacy ...

...however I must share my little ranting ramble for this week:
"I often wonder when the Christian world will stand up and change the name of this upcoming SONday to something with RESURRECTION or REDEEMING LOVE SONday; instead of the customary pagan origin name that in no way exalts Our King of kings and Lord of Lords - Jesus Christ ... all the ecards and real cards and everything to our salutation for blessing everyone with a Happy ... should point to Jesus Christ's RESURRECTION, which is what we celebrate, not some goddess of spring. I want to send cards or even post an image here ... but all of the ones I have seen end with Happy E. ... not Glorious Resurrection or even Happy Resurrection of Jesus!!! (although this link makes the best connection I've found to why we use this Saxon word and clarifies better this misconception, if you're interested) yet I still don't like it or think saying "Happy Passover" is good either, although in Spanish they do use "Pascua" (for Jewish Passover) "Feliz Pascua" ... this is why "HE is Risen" and "He's Alive" express better what we are celebrating and that we are indeed alive and will rise with Him ... glory, hallelujah! {but I'm a little ahead of myself with this} but just in case ...

Related image
John 11:25

I serve and believe in a
crucified in my place
my Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ

so Lord, I draw the circle another week and ask You with this:

I beg You to save _______!

Please deliver us

You are the Christ
the Son of the Living God
You are the Life Giver
Our Messiah
save us from our mess
give us a message
to save others who are perishing
break our hearts Lord for what breaks Yours

Thank You
Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. ♫I see the King of glory
    Coming on the clouds with fire
    The whole earth shakes
    The whole earth shakes…

    ♫I see His love and mercy
    Washing over all our sin
    The people sing
    The people sing…

    ♫Hosanna, hosanna
    Hosanna in the highest
    Hosanna, hosanna
    Hosanna in the highest♫

    Mighty Lord and King, as we celebrate the glory of Your resurrection, we draw another circle around our prodigals….and anticipate the day we hear them join with us in singing “hosanna in the highest”….we ache for them to know You as the One Mighty to Save…our Rescuer, and most Merciful Savior…please hear our cry as we lift up these lost sheep…create a longing in their hearts for their Gentle Shepherd….make them dissatisfied with all the false hopes that the world offers….so they will desire Your love more than their next breathe….keep us ever mindful of You and focused on what is best instead of what is just acceptable….in Your sweet name…..amen


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy