
Sunday, March 11, 2018

"THINK LONG" ~ Session 4: days 22-28

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... so that is where we are on Monday, starting Session Four, in "Draw the Circle" (at least that's where I am, and think we are, if I'm on track with the Online Study emails) ... "Think(ing) Long" which is exactly what I'm doing as I'm praying, I'm also prone to more long thoughts ... (or is that different?) because actually I'm probably thinking too long (and not enough praying, if that makes sense). As Mark Batterson writes in the intro to this:

"We can't dream big without thinking long. We often want God to do things at the speed of light, but in God's Kingdom, things happen at the speed of a seed planted in the ground that has to take root before it can bear fruit." ...Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle

[Personally, I think I'm way past "dreaming big" anymore, yet it does not stop me from thinking long and hard, especially about those hard hearted souls. (sigh) However, I love the image of speed with the seed being planted ... then of course, nourished and watered to grow but that part about taking root ... well, let's just say I don't see that root happening (read Parable of the Sower, which explains about seeds and this root effect - has been a long time favorite of mine from Jesus' parables) and so as far as bearing fruit ... that will take a big miracle (as I've watched this in my own life and how long this takes to cultivate to bear fruit and I am a willing, thirsting soul that wants Jesus' Living Water) ... so I'm thinking really long ... and some souls don't have that long to get sprouting even nor do they even think that they need to believe in Jesus (double heavy sigh) and round and round it goes. The seed(s) get more hardened and seemingly impenetrable, so then I think even harder and longer and deeper as I  truly wonder as I release it to God and His perfect timing (or do I?) That's what all of this is about: trusting God to be God and be good, even with the hardened one(s) that I find impossible just to live with so my prayers turn back to me and my heart, my need to change, my changes that need to take root and what I need to concentrate on, in my own life, because this is all I really am accountable for when I stand before Him - and boy, do I have a lot of growth to do, although I'm thinking my roots go down pretty deep by now, almost like a sequoia, just not as firm and strong ... so back to working on me, His seed in me and what iBelieve.]

I digressed but continue with what Mark Batterson writes:

..."This is about trusting His timing - and with the Lord, "A day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day" (2 Peter 3:8) ...

[my interruption again]

that's exactly right
because these more than 40 years
seem like a century to me
of praying for at least one of the lost souls
who just seems more set and comfortable with his own
my heart grows weary with deep concern
multiplied by others that don't want
to accept or believe in Jesus
and my heart grieves as
the spirit groans
my flesh
cries out for an urgent fix
as I grieve yet another loss
which I can't grasp
as I wonder
how long?
how Our Heavenly Father
must ache as He watches and waits
for each of us to repent, to come
to seek, to be saved
from our selves

an eternity? 
that's forever

(much more than a thousand or 40 days or years)

"... We need more patience and more persistence ... and that's a by product of time and experience." Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle

I just can't
"Draw a Circle"
larger enough to encompass
all that

my, how the enemy is working hard and overtime
so we must
harder and longer
(that takes no thinking, just much faith and trust)
as long as it takes
("alat" instead of "asap")

which brings me back to

because I've been thinking long about this too

as you probably know from the way I wrote last week, perhaps you already sense what I'm going to say and do (yet we're so close to the finish - just one more session) no, it's not give up, not stop thinking, never stop believing, nor praying ... however, I've decided to not post daily, but put them all here - for the whole week (since I do them all on SONday anyways, it's the same for me), it'll just mean one long blog post for y'all to visit, however, and whenever, you'd like ...

Session 4
Days 22 - 28

Joshua 14:6-12

Day 22 "Pray Fleece" Judges 6:33-40 "When God gives a vision, He always makes provision." Judges 6:37
Day 23 "Not Now" Acts 1:4-5 "Sometimes God's no simply means not yet." Acts 1:4
Day 24 "Find Your Voice" 2 Timothy 3:14-17 "If you want to find your voice, you need to hear the voice of God." Jeremiah 1:4
Day 25 "A Prophetic Voice" 1 Corinthians 14:3-4 "Prayer is the way we recognize potential in others." Numbers 11:29
Day 26 "Game with Minutes" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Change of pace + change of place=change of perspective" 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NASB)
Day 27 "Double Circle" Matthew 17:18-21 "If you want to break the sin habit, you've got to establish a prayer habit." Matthew 17:21 (NKJ)
Day 28 "Quit Praying" James 2:14-17 "Don't just pray about it, do something about it." Matthew 25:23

No, I'm really not aware of your situation or circumstances,
nor have I clearly stated mine, yet we can still pray for one another 
as we are prompted, because I know and definitely believe that
God does know, and has known, long before we ask, think and pray:
so without a doubt, He's got this taken care of, He is God (and we are not)
He is in control, He is far more patient and persistent than we are, 
He loves every one of His creation and is waiting ... 
and longing to draw each one to Him, 
so He  really does care, and about what we pray
He's listening, so keep on drawing the circle and pray
His thoughts, being far above our thoughts means 
He's thought about this as we
Think Long
count far beyond ours
matter immensely
in His Hands


40 more promises (pdf print link) from
365 Promises

Enjoy a Blessed Week!


  1. finally having made it through my week’s worth of emails, I discovered a few gems and have a correction to make to the post above:
    Day 22 was mailed yesterday (Sat.) so that is officially when Session 4 started so Day 23 would or should be tomorrow (Mon.)

    i also read some more beautiful prayers in previous blog posts from my dearest sister in Christ, so if you can or have not read them, they are so worth going back and praying as I add my amen, I’m sure you will plus over at YV, another precious sis shared an image of another perfect verse for what I wrote above: Colossians 2:6-7 ““And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
    ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:6-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    so I looked at TPT ““In the same way you received Jesus our Lord and Messiah by faith, continue your journey of faith, progressing further into your union with him! Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by your devotion to him!”
    ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:6-7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

    I’m sure the Voice is just as wonderful!

    Placing a “prayer fleece” around this circle for salvation of loved ones with confidence in our Ever Present Help and theirs (if they only would receive and accept)

    Believing ~

  2. So much to take away from this post that poured from your full heart, sis...please know I am "thinking long" and "believing" with you for our prodigals...

    Col 2:6-7 from the VOICE reads:
    Now that you have welcomed the Anointed One, Jesus the Lord, into your lives, continue to journey with Him and allow Him to shape your lives. Let your roots grow down deeply in Him, and let Him build you up on a firm foundation. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always spill over with thankfulness.

    As He continues to "shape our lives", "infuse us with strength", and "encourage us in every way", let's continue to hold on to our hope of "miracles" and "changes" as He leads us thru life's "mazes", teaches us thru our "messes" and receives honor and glory as we "overflow" and "spill over" with "thankfulness"... just as this praise-filled post so greatly acclaims!

    So now I have to ask about this part, though - "as I grieve yet another loss which I can't grasp
    as I wonder how long?"
    ...please email if you have time and let me know if you can, sis...

    Praying for hardened hearts to become softened and pliable…strife to be banished from our homes..wanderers to return and new creations to spring up….and for multi-color umbrellas to remain strong and leak-free…love you, my dear sister of the heart!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy