
Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I decided today, mid-August, to go back and add the 'prayer starters' I've prayed for each day of this month as I'm believing and "praying the promises of God"...


1 Wed.
"Jesus, as I continue to believe in You and trust You, fill me with Your peace and let me overflow with hope through the power of Your Holy Spirit... " Romans 15:13   
2 Thurs.
"Father, I'm leaving You in charge of my situation... " 2 Chron.32:7-8
3 Fri.
"Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me... " Psalm 26:6-8 which isn't the Psalm that says this - that's Psalm 51.
4 Sat.
"Father, let Your gifts flow through me to those around me. Let me be reflective of Your generosity and Your selfless love... " 1 Cor.1:4-5
5 SONday
"Father, I respond to Your love ... " Ps. 27:8
6 Mon.
"Lord, alert me to Your provision so that I can walk daily in it... " 1Cor. 2:9-12
7 Tues.
"Light of the World, shine deep into the deep places of my heartand reveal those hidden motives that have kept me enslaved to fruitless behaviors ... " Prov.20:27
8 Weds.
"Lord, I want to live in Your power. Really live in it. I don't want to be all talk. Nudge me when I'm talking one way and living another..." 1 Cor. 4:20
9 Thurs.
"Lord, pull me from the traps my enemy sets for me. You are the only one who can. I entrust myself to You for safekeeping... "Ps.31:3-5
10 Fri.
"Father, I'm trusting my life today and all my tomorrows to You. As I put my future in Your hands, I thank You that I don't have to worry because Your plans for me can't be thwarted! ..." Ps.31:14-15
11 Sat.
"Father, I surrender ______to You. Please come into my life with Your restoring power, and hear my prayers as You did Nehemiah's. As You prove Yourself mighty, may You receive much glory..."Neh.2:4-5

... because I found that as I re-read and re-prayed each one from my journal, that each of these were significant for me this month; so far, on the very day, which showed me that even before - God knew and loves me so much, that He called forth these very prayers to remind me of the promises I've claimed to BELIEVE Him in His Word. Each prayer spurred me to pray more and even as I go back and reflect on this month of August, I find that these words, these prayers encompass much of what has been going on in my heart and in my life.
I praise God and give thanks for His Promises and His Word that does not fail!
Perhaps one or more of these will encourage you and be a beginning of a prayer that the Holy Spirit will stir much more from your depths to meet with Him right then, right here, right now ... this One Year devotional has met me right where I'm at and so helped me and my spiritual growth and intimacy. Not so much the devotional part - as the reading and prayers that became personal in my life. 
I've seen a movie on cable tv at least 3 times now that has delighted my heart so, called "August Rush" ... and actually that title is almost how I thought to title this post, because the Holy Spirit has made this August ... such a 'rush' ... and this has nothing to do with the movie, but everything to do with how great God is!
[...rather than post one for each day, I decided to accumulate them all on this important day and maybe I will continue to add the rest of the month also right here each week ... for August. I'm thinking that probably every month has been like this, but it just finally made such a strong connection this past week and dawned on me that God is speaking through His Word and these prayers of His promises even before I realized it. I guess sometimes or lately, it takes me longer.
I have spent much of these past few weeks with a couple other people digging out a yard full of crabgrass - an endless battle, yet it has given me much understanding of how 'weeds' take over in our lives.]
I will be back to complete these squares with prayers. I guess declaring them publicly keeps me accountable and gives testimony to God at work for me. If only I could share more from my daily living on how these were just what I needed ... but you'll just have to believe me. These are not my own personal prayers, although I prayed them as if they were, nor can I share the personal details of each day, so you'll just have to trust me and believe when I say how perfect these prayers were orchestrated by God, before I even read them or knew what may transpire. But GOD did and He does ... never misses a beat of my heart and what's weighing on my mind or heart yet He promises He will carry me... (and you

"Father, You are the Giver of every good gift, especially the gift of forgiveness through the cross of Your Son, Jesus. May we not take for granted Your enormous mercy... " Ps.32:1,5
"Creator, breathe Your Word into me in this moment, made sacred by Your presence. As You breathe Your Word out, I breathe it in. May it flow into the deepest recesses of my heart, bringing life... "Ps 33:6 *
"Lord, I rejoice in the grace You have poured out in my life..." Neh. 8:10-12
"Jesus, forgive me for getting sloppy and out of condition spiritually. I want to keep my eyes on You and run the race with courage. Grant me Your strength and endurance to finish well... " 1 Cor 9:25-26* (8/23)
"Thank You, Lord, that though we go through many trials in this life, You will sustain and comfort the brokenhearted. You hear us when we call You for help and are eternally faithful. To Him who was and is and is to come, I praise Your name... " Ps 34:17-18 (8/22-23/18)
"Lord, I choose praise. I choose to celebrate the victory that is in pro-cess rather than to wallow in sorrow and declare defeat..." Ps 35:9-10
"Father, in my famine, You are still Lord. Let my famine serve Your purpose... " Ps.33:18-19
"Jesus, I set my heart to seek You. Anything else is a lowered bar of expectation. I want You... " Prov.21:21
"Jesus, enable me to express Your self-giving love to those You have to put in my world. Show me ways to love extravagantly, seeking no benefits for myself... "1 Cor 13:4-7 {if I loved or was loved like this or capable of doing this long ago, I would not be in a relationship with a spouse that does not even accept You but uses the Bible and God against me and my poor behavior and choices - my sin but his too}
"Father, direct my steps. I am desperately dependent on (You  and) Your leading... Ps 37:23"
"Lord, I am helpless in this area of my life: __can you guess?__. I need Your empowering grace, healing, and health. We are inadequate, but You are more than adequate. We are weak, but You are strong. Hallelu-jah! ... Job 6:12-13 "
"Father, hear my sighs and groans as I turn my longings toward You... "
Ps 38:9

[I dare not add ahead of the date, so as not to know ahead what God does]
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How is your

* shared on this post at precisely the date I needed it again (in parentheses)

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy