
Friday, November 16, 2018


... but this isn't just about 
Don Moen's
awarding winning song,
it's the title to his new 'memoir' 
his first-ever book,

"God Will Make a Way
Discovering His Hope in Your Story"
Don Moen with Robert Noland

... released on October 16th, 2018, and I couldn't wait to get my hard bound copy to review. For me, to not only read a book by Don Moen, one of my first, personal, favorite worship leader and song writer, which is an honor and delight, but to read one with this song as it's title and theme of hope, starting out with learning the 'story behind the song' for him - because this song (among many of his songs that I love) holds a significant personal meaning for me in 1990, and I never knew the tragic family story from 1987 nor the verse in Isaiah 43:19 until reading this book, followed by listening to his video of the story at YouTube. Such an inspirational moment of hope from God to Don Moen to give hope to his loved ones when they really needed "God to make a way". In the same way, as this song, this book pours forth much hope, even now for me, once again in a place where I needed to be reminded of how "God will make a way." Since we each face hard times in our lives, we need a song or book like this to see us through ... and to get us beyond what's happening, to a renewal of hope and fresh faith, to believe God is supernaturally still working behind the scenes of what we see with our eyes to what the Way Maker (God) has done and is doing that may not be so easily seen.

"God Will Make a Way ..." has a Forward by Manny Pacquiao, an Introduction (which is Don's 'personal note to the Weary and the Leary' - me, when I received this book) and 12 Chapters of "God Will Make a Way ..." Through the Storm, Through Our Surrender, Through His Calling, Through Our Trials, Through the Movement of His Spirit, Through Providing His Platform, Through His Miracles, Through Our Testimony, Through Life's Interruptions, Through Our Cooperation with Him, Through Our Worship in Spirit and Truth ... right back to the statements of hope and faith asked in his Introduction, bringing us or leaving us with "God Will Make a Way ... Through His Hope" with a beautiful ending prayer, as he prefaces with: 

"If I was somehow able to sit down with you for a few minutes, this is what I would want us to agree in prayer together for your life ..."

... and as you read through this encouraging book, this is exactly how you feel, as if Don Moen is sitting with you, sharing with you, encouraging you on ... through his personal stories, scriptures and song lyrics that will be familar to those who know his worship songs, with the same worship filled heart that leads us in spirit and truth to the throne room of God in so many of his lifetime of worship albums. He humbly leads us through his life and story, behind the scenes of his songs and ministry, while making a way for us to discover God's hope in our story, whatever our circumstance(s) may be. My only wish is that each of his chapters would have ended with one of his worshipful prayers as only some did (2,3,10,13). I enjoyed the middle section of 4 pages of personal photos that put faces with the people and stories included. I have so many parts marked that I thought I would share in my review, but since there are so many I didn't, so you'll really have to read the book for yourself because I'm sure these personally applied to my life and others will encourage you in your life with whatever you're facing as this book did for me, changing my "nots" into hopeful declarations with a new message of grace (2 Corinthians 12:9-10) because not only can God make a way, He will, even when
there doesn't seem to be a way! I read and reread pages time and time again, and know that I will in the future, when I need to be reminded, but the last chapter ... 'through His Hope', with his ten Praise Principles, will be one I will open often, because like Don wrote in that chapter: "Living without hope creates mental, emotional, and spiritual ache in the soul, that leads to a desperate desire to numb life ..." so instead "I Will Sing, I will praise ... " 

I can't say enough about "God Will Make a Way" ... and how thankful I am for having had the privilege to read and have this book added to my library. It definitely is worth it to me to break free from the crushing weight and reality of life's circumstances, thoughts and feelings that devastate us or cause despair and doubt. And who better, than a beloved worship leader, pastor, producer, artist and song writer, to show you the way to the Way Maker, who ultimately is our anchor of Hope, Jesus? 

Disclosure: I received this book free through BookLook Bloggers, from the publisher, in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255

{Ok, maybe I'm a little biased as a fellow Minnesotan to Don Moen}

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy