
Saturday, January 26, 2019

"The Golden Thread: Experiencing God's Presence in Every Season of Life"

"The Golden Thread: 

[in fine print]
Experiencing God's Presence in Every Season of Life"
Darlene Zschech

"Do you feel like you are barely holding on?  

Let the golden thread of God's Presence be the calm on the other side of chaos.

It could be that He is weaving a brilliant new beginning in the middle of your mess."

[My hope was to have reviewed this back in December 2018 so- Let me preface this delayed review with a brief explanation for my procrastination to be fair in my review of "The Golden Thread..." from Darlene Zschech, by saying this: I chose this selection after reading other great books that I love by this wonderful worship leader, amazing person, mum, wife, minister, author ... exceptional person in so many areas, but I began reading with an entirely different expectation of what it was about, than what I found in 'The Golden Thread..." (my error). I thought that this was going to be more of a 'golden thread' running through her devastating journey and experience with cancer. It is NOT. Although there are references throughout to her cancer, it is not at all about this. With this in mind however, as I read, I dragged through many of her 17 chapters, hoping to find more details of how she fared through this struggle and battle with cancer, hoping to encounter that 'golden thread'. So I carried on, a bit disappointed. Instead, I would agree that the second part of her well-chosen phrase in her title fits perfectly, " ... Experiencing God's Presence in Every Season of Life" because this it does show. As is her gift, Darlene has written powerfully and with much encouragement for us ... and my high expectations left me with an unfair critique at first, of a very good book, and with somewhat mixed feelings about reviewing it. Thus, my procrastination and delay are due to wanting to give a praise worthy review of the book and author but needed to be honest also.] I love Darlene Zschech and felt this review should be higher since I am a passionate fan of hers.

With that being said, I found myself looking for a connection through her 17 chapters, of a beautiful weaving of her words and her concept of a 'golden thread'. I kept track of the pages where Darlene mentions 'the golden thread' so I might be able to better understand and appreciate her collection of highly positive, uplifting threads like: "In your current circumstances, this may seem like a sacrifice, but on the other side of your obedience to this hope that He asks you to maintain are the rewards of God's promises, His unexpected Holy showing up to thread the golden strand of mercy and love in every season of your life. The glory of God is drawing close."  See how beautifully eloquent she writes and touches on relevant situations that we all might face and apply various biblical Scriptures. I noticed that Darlene was sharing various versions but particularly enjoyed reading the Scriptures from The Message and The Passion Translation. 

Darlene does a 'marvelous job of sharing how we can see the continual thread of God's love, mercy, and goodness all throughout our lives, both in good times and hard ones', using the backdrop of her own personal experiences so we can apply and connect to our own. Darlene weaves us through such chapter content as: God's presence in everything, forgiveness, seeking God first, strength in weakness, the wilderness, holy discontent, walking in the spirit, one with Him, His strength, my courage, power of the table, checks and balances, transformed by hope, thankfulness, lift up your hands, soar, adventure - and send me. There - I covered all of the chapters in these but personally I needed the ones on strength. Darlene writes books with the same passion that she does songs! I hold on to these words written on page 150 after describing her trust in God to give her the best medical care as the best reminder: "... it is God's Word that carries life: the miraculous is woven within every conversation, every declaration I make, and every belief I adhere to." following with the finished work of Christ and His truth. 

Both Darlene's husband, Mark, and Joyce Meyer share in a Note and in the Forward, Darlene's beautiful spirit and passion, which will inspire us to go deeper in our faith, grow a greater intimacy with God, strengthen our faith, and equip us to face whatever we need to do in our life, as she blesses us with her story, her adventure with Mark and family, doing and living life to the full. It is her husband, Mark, who gives the explanation or connection of the 'golden thread' with the Japanese art of Kintsugi. Fascinating! It's a method used to repair broken historic pottery pieces with threads of real gold. 'The golden thread has given broken pieces ... new life', which certainly is what God does with our messes, we are God's handiwork, "no matter what's broken or cracked, God gives us beauty for ashes and it becomes our golden thread." Darlene starts out in the Introduction 'wonderfully and radically' that she can look back over her "life and see the faithfulness of God woven throughout every day - like a pure golden thread of His love and His nature." We all hope and look for this thread in our stories, our journeys in faith (wouldn't you agree?) and reading Darlene's book, we hope we'll be"...Experiencing God's Presence in every season of life" in one glorious golden opportunity to weave or see this woven tapestry wrapped around us, with all her personal uplifting encouragement and God's Word by reading Darlene Zschech's new book "The Golden Thread" ... 

"Take hold of The Golden Thread of His Presence, His loving kindness, His goodness, His power and His grace as you read ..." 

"The Golden Thread: Experiencing God's Presence in Every Season of Life" by Darlene Zschech

{I still recommend this with 4 stars and also that you read Psalm 16, in The Passion Translation, from where Darlene begins her book with "The Golden Secret", perhaps you might find a connecting golden thread between this charismatic, passionate author and yourself. This book is a treasure to behold!} The book description's opening statement was enough to help me choose to read this. (so maybe I should have held off my preface to an after thought so as not to discourage you, but I just have to keep my reviews honest. My err and wrong expectation was not the author's problem.)

Disclosure: I received this book free through BookLook Bloggers, from the publisher, in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255