
Sunday, May 26, 2019


I cannot believe that it is already Memorial Day weekend 2019, and I never announced my One Word for 2019, nor have I written any posts, except for one book review (sadly, it may be my last, because of some new guidelines with them, and I've been inactive too long {again} so my account is expired)

You may think by now, that I did not get a new One Word for 2019, or that I've given up on blogging, neither is true - I wasn't even waiting for confirmation of the Word I thought I heard. The only truth about it is that I was not sure what form that Word should have, whether it should end with -ing or -ed or just as it is, so I guess I settled on:


{still leaving it open to be that or 'embracing or embraced'}

because it simply seems to be what I need in this season of my life. I just need to 'embrace more grace' and so much else about me: embrace myself, embrace my identity and my identity in Christ, embrace my failures, embrace my strengths, embrace my past and my future, embrace the highs and the lows, and there is so much that I still need to EMBRACE - {things that are that I cannot change} the unchanging, and the changeable; and deal with life as it is. Looking at the definition is important: 

"To embrace something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, accept completely."
"Embrace is from the French verb embrasser, which started out meaning "to clasp in the arms" (but now includes kissing). You embrace someone by giving her a giant hug, and when you embrace a new idea, it's like your brain gives it a hug. The noun and verb form are similar: If you embrace someone who isn't your sweetheart, you might get caught in an embrace. ..."

Primary Meaning of  'embrace':
squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness (verb or noun)

take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own (verb or noun)

include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory (verb)
From: Vocabulary (dot) com dictionary

My primary reason for choosing this is because I want to EMBRACE whatever God has for me. I really like what I read, in a sample copy of a *book by Lysa TerKeurst that I received at a conference last year, and just found out that it's the 2019 Christian Book of the Year, because the book description and title confirm my choice of One Word:  

"... A real embrace indicates an intimate level of closeness. It’s not a high five or a casual handshake. The best kind of embrace is when someone we know deeply loves us flings their arms wide open and pulls us in close. Our hearts were made for this kind of love and security but for many of us, we know more about the pain of heartbreak and fear than the unconditional love for which we were created." EMBRACED..." by Lysa TerKeurst

Yes, that's what I need in 2019 and forward in my life, an 'intimate level of closeness' with Our Lord ... "the Ultimate Embrace"
"God opening His arms wide on Calvary through Jesus so that He could pull us close for all of eternity. Welcoming us into the safety and hope of His grace and His love." Lysa TerKeurst, Embraced: 100 Devotions ...

As my One Word for 2018 was BELIEVE ... iBelieve this with all my heart and I look forward with hope that others will soon be able to EMBRACE the Jesus that I know, love and serve as best I can, and long for an eternity like this, for me and them! Yes, my deepest desire is to EMBRACE His Love, His Word and His plan! {even the parts that I don't like or understand} ... and hold on to each of His Promises!

Time to
who I am
all God is
in me
all God has
for me

*I never even made the connection to Lysa's book with my choice of EMBRACE until I received a promotion to get her book now with the announcement that it's the Christian Book of the Year. It certainly deserves it, as Lysa herself does also ... Bravo Lysa! Sending a warm 'embrace' of congratulations your way!

However, there was a book by another author that was at that same conference that I did think of after I chose 'EMBRACE' because I have wanted to get it and read, "Embrace Grace..." by Liz Curtis Higgs. I just felt that "EMBRACE" and His "Grace" belong on a blog called "aMazing Grace ..." 

So now I have two books plus another 40 day devotional 'to embrace your inner healing' (I thought this was a good place to start).