
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Continuing EMBRACED ...

[I'm trying to respect and be a little cautious regarding copyright and what I share on here (not being aware or knowing is not an excuse), however I truly wanted to share this 100 day journey - EMBRACED - with you all (it'd be better if you actually had Lysa's book or at least the YouVersion plan). I'm not even sure how much Lysa has on her own website, because it's the publisher's, not the author (I think].

Anyways, today is the first day that the YouVersion 5 day sample plan does not have, and the next one they do have is #6. So, first I'm going to list the ones covered in days 1 -3, in Part 1: EMBRACING the Pursuit of Him and His Direction, then I will share #4.

#1 "Giving My First Moments to God" Psalm 86:11 (Key verse), 
Psalm 81:10; Psalm 84:1 and Psalm 86:13

#2 "The Pineapple Principle" James 1:21-22

#3 "Stop Reading Your Bible" Psalm 119:34; Jeremiah 29:11

In Lysa's book

#4 "Great Sermons aren't Preached, They're Lived" 
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Now, you may be thinking or reading this to see what these devotions have to say and that I am sharing my EMBRACED journey here to stay accountable (which in part is true) but it's always best to go to the source, in this case, the devotion Lysa wrote -  and as usual, each one so far, is like her other books and writings for me, true to my heart, as if I had written or said this, although so much better from Lysa - trust me (here's one of her paragraphs that stood out in this short 3 page devotion, after the Scripture verse of 2 Timothy 3:16-17, yet every single sentence rings true to this soul) "... essential that I view my time with God each morning as a preparation and an invitation":

"... Every verse I read is part of God's preparation for me that day. So, instead of just rushing to check off my to-do list that I spent a few minutes with God, I must allow His teachings to seep into my heart and mind. Then I can prayerfully ask God to interrupt my natural flesh response and remind me throughout the day of the truths He taught me that morning." ...

That's what this journey is about ... EMBRACE all God has for me that will help me throughout the day so that I may LIVE what iBelieve and read in God's Word, that I would be the "greatest sermon" ... the only Bible page some may read; 
'Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.'
and not live by my natural flesh and react in the flesh to so much that is part of my every day encounters
"For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:15-17

After I read today's devotion, I changed what I was planning to share here, hopefully led by the Holy Spirit. I've been thinking since I began and shared that this Part 1 is about EMBRACING ... God's Pursuit and all that means, which is what I thought I'd write about today ... and then God's Direction. Clearly, this devotion today is about God's Direction; "not my will, God, but Yours be done" (Lysa covers this in her last page of this devotion, in her 'invitation' part of "recognizing I've just invited Jesus to do life with me" and that phrase"...minute by minute becomes" the theme ... in my thoughts, reactions, words and actions. My, how I desire to live like this and pray I will. Not a sermon preached but lived.


This is what each and every Christian should be doing and wouldn't this world and its darkness be much better if and when we do ... instead we disagree and judge others rather than addressing our own behavior and words. With God's Direction, we can live a message that speaks loud and clear "Jesus is true and the principles found in His teachings work." Well said/written, Lysa.

However, I really was thinking more about writing of God's Pursuit and what EMBRACING this ... looks like to me. By the end of these first 26 devotions, I'm sure to have a better grasp of how EMBRACING God's Pursuit draws me closer ... to know Him is to love Him. Today, I just need His EMBRACE ... and to know He is holding me closer (until I step out and am awakened to the reality of the world outside or around me, which for years I was away from and now have returned to the heartache and the unresolved conflicts that I left behind some 20some years ago, believing that with Christ and in Christ, "all things are possible" still ... at least tolerable. Some days are good and some days I want to runaway again, so I try to avoid or isolate, which isn't always possible - hoping to lower my high blood pressure and spend time with the Healer, His Embrace brings the healing and this is why I choose to spend Fridays with Him. He builds me up and gives me strength to meet another day, so I think ... until it happens ... 

Knowing that so many others face even more difficult days and situations, circumstances far beyond mine ... I feel trivial ever writing anything about my days and pray that God is near to all the broken hearted and the struggles that others face that He cares and is there.

Thankful for His everlasting EMBRACE - hoping I remember the lesson from today's devo.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy