
Saturday, July 20, 2019



... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 2: 
the Fullness Found Only in Him


44. "The Courageous Choice" Philippians 1:20

"It is possible to layer one courageous choice upon another and find victory in your area of struggle."

45. "Telling My Flesh No"  Ephesians 3:17-18

"If we grasp the full love of Christ, we won't grab at other things to fill us."

46. "Why Do I Have So Many Issues" Romans 8:1

"How dangerous it is to hold up the intimate knowledge of our imperfec-tions against the outside packaging 
of others."

47. "If Only We Knew" Hebrews 4:15-16

"One drop of the Lord's mercy is better than an ocean of the world's temporary comforts."

48. "The Real Peace We Need" John 20:19

Do I want to make peace or progress? | Lysa TerKeurst

The Secret For Unleashing God's Peace In Your Situation | 

"The peace that flows despite circumstances can only be found through Jesus being with us."

As I reflected over this past week's devotions, there was not really one that stood out and spoke to me, although each one points us toward "the real peace" and "EMBRACING the Fullness Found Only in Him". Before reading #46 and #47, I thought that I would be sharing one of these two, yet not after I read them. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, I often felt when I went to church "why do I have so many issues?" however, it wasn't the one that Lysa shares, and yet currently it may be ... Lysa does write that her issue may not be ours but assures us that "All God's Girls have issues. Every single one of us" that we wonder about and ...

"...Jesus wants to help you with that issue. He really does. But you've got to stop beating yourself up about it and determine to follow His lead. ... But we can make the choice to identify our shortcomings and instead of using them against ourselves, hand them over to Jesus and let Him chisel our rough places. The grace filled way Jesus chisels..."

"...Having issues isn't the absence of victory in our lives. It's simply a call to action reminding us victory is right around the corner. Today is a great day to start be-lieving you were made to walk in victory..."

"The Real Peace We Need"

the Fullness Found Only in Him

truly living and believing
Jesus understands and cares
for us so deeply

I know and hope you too
have EMBRACED this


I decided to wait to begin Part 3, "Embracing Him in the Midst of Hurt & Heartache" which begins with #49 and would have been this week. It might have been that I was subconsciously avoiding "EMBRACING" hurt and heartache. However, the reason was more simple and basic: the devotions ended before the week did and I did not want to start the next part, even before I looked again at what this part was going to be about. But for sure when I did turn to this part and read the title, I chose to wait on this one.

After this journey through EMBRACING the Fullness Found Only in Him, I probably should be ready to "EMBRACE Him in the Midst of Hurt and Heartache" yet I'm sure that this is the only way that I've ever come through any hurt or heartache because Our Lord was with me, embracing me and I clinging to embracing Him. Really for any of us dealing with or having journeyed through our hurts, heartaches and the pain in life, I can only believe that it's because of this mutual EMBRACE that we make it through and go forward inspite and despite all that life throws at us, with scars, bruises and so much aching ... we hold on because of God holding us in the midst and the encouragement to face all of it with Him and go on. So thankful that God knows and looks at our hearts ...

Those who do not know this incredible EMBRACE of Jesus, His love and mercies, His grace and power, must find it near impossible to come through life unscathed, and I guess this may be why some give up, and give up their own lives too ... sadly. The despair of not finding that EMBRACE, or believing that Jesus will not see them through nor can He, of not accepting Jesus' truth and having a deep relationship in the midst of any hurt or heartache ... would cause any of us to be defeated, discouraged and disheartened in the midst of our battles through our life journeys, hopefully not letting the enemy of our souls deceive us and win, but truly EMBRACING Him, His Life and His Promises for an eternal life, where all this heartache will be wiped away. 

So I wait to begin ...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes! - “I can only believe that it's because of this mutual EMBRACE that we make it through and go forward in spite and despite all that life throws at us, with scars, bruises and so much aching ... we hold on because of God holding us in the midst and the encouragement to face all of it with Him and go on.”

    That is so very true, sis, and it brings to mind a song from my teenaged years:

    “As I walk the road of life toward Heaven,
    Hills and valleys seem so hard to climb.
    And if victory is a little slow in coming.
    Remember the hands that held the nails
    are still the same.

    So I'll keep holding on to Jesus,
    I'll keep holding on to Jesus

    I'll keep holding to those precious
    nail scarred hands.

    Though I cannot see the way too clearly,
    And my steps become so weary,
    I'll keep holding to those precious
    nail scarred hands.

    Though sometimes the pathway seems so narrow,
    Fear and doubt tend to crowd my mind.
    But then I feel the gentle touch of Jesus.
    He says: "Child, just keep holding to my hand."”


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy