
Sunday, September 1, 2019


[My plan was to finish this Part 3 in August, but I needed to take a pause and tried "EMBRACING JOY in His Presence" (another devotional book, but by Sarah Young, which You Version had 2 different reading plans that I sampled). There are 10 "Embraced..." devotions left in this part that I have divided into the next two weeks while I continue "EMBRACING Him (even) in the midst of hurt and heartache", because no matter what, "Embracing Him" is the best way, and for me, the only way I get through, move on and move forward with His Grace.]

... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 3: 
in the Midst of Hurt & Heartache
Devotions #49-75 
(#66 - 70 in this week's post)

66. "Alone in a Crowded Room" John 13:34

"Proximity and activity don't always equal connectivity."

{that's for sure!!!}

67. "Three Things You Must Remember When Rejected"

Psalm 34:19

..."Satan knows what consumes us controls us."

68. "The Best Worst Thing"  Matthew 8:26

"We live in a broken world full of broken people But isn't it comforting to know God isn't ever broken?"..."He can take our worst and add His best."

69. "A Better Place to Park" Philippians 4:8

"To dwell on hard things keeps us in hard spots."

70. "Wisdom Together" James 3:13

"When we can rise up on the wisdom of others and get a new view of our situations, our next steps seem a little clearer."


Lysa has such a gift of writing devotions applicable to her life, but there are times when I read them that I cannot relate to experiences in my own journey (other times, instantly they are triggered) however every devotion makes good points for the reader and the brief prayer prompts at the end of each one often speak my very heart leading me to a deeper reflection, like some of the chosen ones that follow (which even if the devotion did not seem applicable, the prayer somehow was, bringing it home for me, tying it into the scripture with her devotion - now that's the gift.) 

So I just had to share some from this Part 3 that helped me heal while "EMBRACING HIM in the midst of hurt & heartache":

{not just from this week}

Lord, I can't thank You enough for the promise that I can trust You at all times. Even though people may fail me, {or I may fail them} others may abandon me, You never will. I'm choosing to let that truth steady my heart today. ...

Father God, I don't understand this situation. But I do understand Your goodness to me. Help me replace the fears threatening to consume me with truth, I know You love me, You are for me, and I absolutely can trust You with all of my heart. ...

Dear Lord, thank You so much for the way You love me - with a love that can never be shaken, taken or tarnished. Help me look to You and You alone to fill and satisfy my heart. ...

Dear Lord, You know the hurts I have from the past that still drain me {or affect me}. Please show me a good place to park my mind when that pain stings me{or someone or something else reminds me}again. [Help me not to dwell and rehash on the hard things that keep me in hard spots because that only serves to deepen my feelings of emotional emptiness.] ...

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your mercies and patience in this journey of imperfect progress. Forgive me for allowing disappointment (etc.) to capture my heart so easily. Adjust my perspective and help me to see things You have brought to life in me. ...

Dear Lord, I choose to hand my situation over to You today. ...


in the midst of hurt & heartache

also and always
as I face each heartache
and heal each hurt
in Jesus' name

I will continue to


Your Joy




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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy