
Sunday, November 3, 2019


When I originally headed to my laptop with the idea to share a blog post, it was not at all for the one, previously posted. I came here with the intention of continuing with ...

... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 4: 
His Call to be Transformed
Devotions #76-100


The reason was simple - the year's almost over and the topic this past week (Session 4) in the Laura Story (OBS with Faith/Study Gateway

"I Give Up: The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life"

(with only one more week left)

... and truthfully, I'm just not finished with this at all. In fact, it appears like I'm just getting starting again and have much still to work through and do. Then I remembered that this last part in Lysa's book "Embraced..." had to do with "being transformed" (or perhaps, without having read these last 25 devotions in Part 4, it may be about Embracing His Calling). Either way, with so many studies and plans, I really dislike leaving Lysa's book unfinished or God's work in me in 2019 ... so I need to press on and tackle reading these devotions (at least 5 a week) so I can find out which one it may be - help to "be transformed" or to "embrace His call". 

Looking at this more clearly, it looks like it's about "Embracing His Call to be transformed" ... because most of us do not easily want to embrace being transformed. We know we need it. We know we should. We even realize the benefits, but getting right down to answering His Call or letting His Spirit transform us ... (well?) I kinda think "transformation" is a life-long process; some parts more easily done than others (I could be wrong) but I don't think it's complete this side of eternity. 

I've been observing the caterpillars getting ready for their big transformation to becoming a butterfly, getting into their metamorphosis and they look pretty slow about making this come about, creeping slowly, not really settling on any one spot, reticient, and often I find them just curled up in a ball or ring (not on any branch-ready to go). Just saying. They're ready to blame it on the weather or other conditions for not proceeding. Maybe they're afraid of the change or giving up crawling around. They most definitely do not seem to be embracing, even a twig.

Nonetheless, I have much to learn just in the 'surrender' part and much more in being transformed. I'm ready (Laura Story) for your last part on "The Ripple Effect of Surrender". And all Lysa TerKeurst has yet to share in Part 4: Embracing His Call to be Transformed:

Devotions #76 - 80

76. "The Beginnings of a Miracle" Psalm 77:11
"A God who still does Miracles"

..."I knew my progress would be imperfect, but it could still be miraculous." ...

77. "Is My Pain Talking?" 2 Corinthians 10:5

..."Our Lord doesn't whisper shameful condemnations. Spiritual cnvictions, yes. Personal condemnations, no." ...

78. "Getting Unstuck from My Thinking Rut" Rom. 12:2

... "If we change the way we think, we'll change the ways we act and react." ...

79. "The Root of My Rot" Psalm 139:24 NLT

... "How we react is a crucial gauge of what's really going on inside us." ...

80. "I Quit" 2 Corinthians 7:10

{I'm pretty sure this isn't the same as "I Give Up"}

... "There is a big difference between being sorry and being changed." ...

" "

{Not enough time or eye strength for all this reading, but I'll give it my best}

and all along I will try to continue to




more gracefully than 
the caterpillar until it's a butterfly
but imagine the joy in flying and flittering 
about instead of crawling or rolling up into a ball

it's not so easy to die to self
even when we know it's to be someone better

*if you don't see a post next week, it only means I'm running a little behind ... or poor to no connection ... certainly not because I'm too busy (ahem) reading here and there ... and everywhere.  Maybe I need to Embrace ... less reading more leaning into Him and trusting! Less doing and more being. Less of me, more of Jesus. 

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy