
Sunday, November 24, 2019


... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 4: 
His Calling
to be Transformed

Devotions #91 - 95

91. "I Want What She Has" Proverbs 14:30

..."I am not equipped to handle what they have, both good and bad." ...

92. "But, Lord, I Can't Do That!" Exodus 4:10

..."The exact way God made you is in keeping with how He will use you."

93. "Feeling Guilty?" Psalm 139:14

... "Sometimes I feel more guilty for what I'm not thankful for than what I am."

94. "Even When I Fall Short" Proverbs 24:16

... "When circumstances shift and we feel like we fall short, we should ask, 'How can I see Jesus, even in this?' ...

95. "The Friendship Challenge" Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

... "The Lord knew we would need each other to get through this life." ...

Now, in retrospect, I should have gotten "Embraced..." in Kindle, but it really is a beautiful book and I love to hold a book in my hands still. The reason I write this is because sometimes I could be reading the devotion, if I could read in Kindle, so linking these devotions, ends up helping me too. However, sadly I have noticed they're either not available or the same. My apologies... missing 1 this time #94


I really don't like doing this, but as you can see there are still 5 devotions left to finish in this last part of "Embraced ..." AND November is over by next weekend, after Thanksgiving Day. ADVENT begins on Sunday, December 1st, 2019... SO, I have to hold off doing those last 5 until probably after Christmas Day, for the last week of 2019. {or I could add them on to this post} I already have a plan for December during Advent to EMBRACE ... and some over at You Version as well as continue with "One Thousand Gifts" (for 4 more weeks/sessions} ... so that's far more than enough for me. You'll have to hold on and see the rest ... later or ... in the last week of the year 2019!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy