
Sunday, December 1, 2019


1st week of Advent

I'm choosing to

as I, "Come and Behold Him", with this book
in The Passion Translation by Brian Simmons


Day 1 Nothing Will Be Able to Stop Us! (Psalm 80:1–7
Day 2 Every Great Story Has a Great Beginning (Mat.1: 1– 17) Day 3 What’s in the Name of Jesus? (Matthew 1: 20 – 21
Day 4 The God Who Lived Your Life (Matthew 1: 23
Day 5 What Do You Do When Life Doesn't Turn Out the Way You Thought it Would? (Matthew 1:24-25)

Simmons, Brian. Come and Behold Him (The Passion Translation): Advent Devotional (Kindle Locations 21-31). BroadStreet Publishing 

So basically reading Matthew 1:1-25 (TPT) and Psalm 80
{Bible readings linked to TPT in Bible Gateway}
to get us started this week, along with the devotions

Day 5
looks like that one is meant for me
{maybe that's how you're feeling too}

I'm thinking that if after a week of
we will be more
in any
hopeless situation we face
as we keep our eyes on Jesus
preparing for His coming
we can open our hearts
to live more intently
we can bring
our little flame of
to others in need of more hope
as we open our minds to
open our eyes to notice
more of the good in
the good in humanity
so that
our spirit will receive and give
HOPE in Jesus

*The following is an addition from a YouVersion reading plan

"What is Advent? Advent simply means coming into place view or being; arrival. There are literally dozens of historical and traditional ways that advent is celebrated. As Christians, we can use this advent time to highlight 3 key places that Jesus promised His coming. 

1. Advent can be used to highlight the suffering of the people of Israel throughout the Old Testament and prepare us for the coming of Messiah, Jesus. 
2. The second aspect of advent can be the coming of Jesus into your specific situation and life. 
3. The third aspect is to anticipate His second coming where He will rule and reign as King." ... Illiminate Advent, YouVersion reading plan, day 1, from the Abiding Network 

"... “This is Christmas, the season of perpetual hope.” – Kate McCallister from Home Alone

The first attribute of Christ we see in Advent is hope. Hope is defined as: a feeling that what is wanted will happen or that events will turn out for the best; to look forward with desire and reasonable confidence; to believe, desire, or trust. 
Hope is a driving force in human life that when present can change everything. However, hope in and of itself can lead to disappointment. When we discuss hope we must ask, hope in what or whom? Many people view Christmas as a season of hope simply because they think there is a magical piece to the holiday season. Many people practice religious traditions without the relationship with Jesus. This actually can leave us hopeless." ... [part on Genesis fall] ..."Christ’s arrival offers a holistic response to the sin problem and can directly affect your life today and give you hope for a future in Him. This is the promise from God that we want to illuminate in this devotion. In Christ, there is hope for restoration of God and man. In Christ, there is hope for freedom from sin. In Christ, there is hope for eternal purpose for your life. In Christ, you have hope to live as a son or daughter of a loving and compassionate Father. In Christ, your religious traditions are overshadowed by a relationship with God. We pray that this devotion illuminates the knowledge of the Glory of God in your life today." Illiminate Advent, YouVersion reading plan, day 1, from the Abiding Network 

{just in case I find more to add* as I prepare, read and EMBRACE HOPE}

Other Resources:

...How Does Hope Shape Us? (part of an online Advent Retreat) Video also available {I'm pretty sure it's Catholic since it's Ignatian, who is a saint, as are the Jesuits}
Really good - I highly recommend the following:

Discovery Series| Hope  - Introduction
Chapter 1: Hope for Desperate Times
Chapter 2: The Meaning of Hope & more to 6

Chapter 3 is the Source of Hope (without reading this - Jesus is mine!) 

"Discover the Power of Hope" Joyce Meyer

"4 Promises of God to Give You Hope & Security" Wayne Stiles

"9 Promises from God Guaranteed to Give You Hope – Part 1" Hope Discovered, Gary Hardin

Both of the following are from
iBelieve (dot) com
"10 Beautiful End Time Promises to Give You Hope (Not Fear)

"20 Biblical Promises You Need to Give You Hope in the Future" Tamela Turbeville

If you're in need of more HOPE resources, I can find them
just let me know
the best source
of course
is found
God's Word

as the above resources show

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy