
Sunday, May 31, 2020


WEEK 5 and WEEK 6

"The AG Women’s theme for 2020, for women in the Assemblies of God is “Entrusted with Treasure”. AG Women understand that women have received a charge from God to stand strong and be faithful, humble, courageous under fire & prayerful."

 Last Week 4 was STEADFAST

Week 5

Acts 2:17 (CSB)
"We all need vision."

"... We need vision to drive what we need to do daily to stay moving in the right direction. We need vision to see beyond the setbacks and disappointments we will undoubtedly face in life. We need vision to believe God when He promises something to us, and there are no signs around us to fortify His promise in our hearts. We need vision for the work He's given us to do."

DANIEL 7:1-8; 9-10; 11-14; 15-22;
DANIEL 8:1-14; 15-27

Day 1 God Gives Daniel Dreams and Visions
Day 2 God Gives Us Vision
Day 3 God Speaks to Us
Day 4 God Assures Us of Victory
Day 5 Visionary
"... To cultivate a Visionary heart,
We need to seek the One who is the author of biblical visions and eternal promises." ...



James 5:16

The time in which we live
most definitely
calls us all
to be
more than ever
for our homes, to our communities,
to our nation and world

and other biblical people
indeed are examples for us to be
in times of turmoil, trials and
even temptation

Day 1 Daniel Prays Daily
Day 2 Daniel Cries Out to God
Day 3 God Treasures Danielp
Day 4 Daniel Prays as a Warriorl
Day 5 Prayerful

DANIEL 9 and 10

"Prayerfulness is one of the most needed and beneficial character qualities that Daniel exemplifies for us. In the good times and in the bad, he faithfully and consistently prayed, thanking God and asking Him to come on the scene and move on behalf of His people. Prayer connects us to God."...

The best way to end this blog post clearly should be with a prayer. I have been praying alot these past few weeks, more than my morning and evening times, especially in June with 21 days of prayer from Watermark Church. And yet words for a concluding prayer right now seem to escape me because there is so much in my heart so I need to pause, reflect and allow the Holy Spirit to pray through our many needs & groaning as only He can... perhaps I will return with one that truly encompasses being visionary and prayerful. Praying God's promises and seeking God's will & words.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy