
Sunday, May 17, 2020

"ENTRUSTED with TREASURE" Intro, 1-3

"The AG Women’s theme for 2020, for women in the Assemblies of God is “Entrusted with Treasure”. AG Women understand that women have received a charge from God to stand strong and be faithful,humble, courageous under fire & prayerful."

I came upon this study sometime after the National AG Women's Day in February and then this corona virus surfaced in the US; and found that YouVersion (YV) had a sample of it (basically a clip of Week 2: Courageous with some of the Introduction on YV's day 1). So since I was interested, I purchased a copy of this book to know more about this study of the life and character of Daniel, written by Kay Burnett, AG Women National Director, the theme study for 2020 being "Trustworthy". 
"Maybe it was Daniel’s life and character that caused the apostle Paul to write to Timothy later and encourage him to “guard . . . the treasure which has been entrusted to you.” Women today can take Paul’s message to heart, learn from Daniel, and guard the treasure of the gospel." AG website
More than anything in 2020, I would like to "guard the treasure entrusted to me" and be found "trustworthy" as I focus on the 2020 Word "Promises". Beginning a study like this, however, takes commitment and listening to God's voice as you pray for the Holy Spirit to transform you, not just doing it as another checklist item ... so, as I do often, I start with defining the key concept. In this case, that would be "trustworthy". If we look at just the word and not a dictionary definition (yet), it clearly is a compound word of being 'worthy of trust'. According to the dictionary definition, it means "able to be relied on as honest or truthful". My curiosity took me one step further to asking "what qualities does a trustworthy person need to have?" This search shows me these traits necessary: availability(being there for others), compassion(empathy), consistency, humility, honor, kindness, authenticity, selflessness. As I look at Daniel, or the set-up of this book, I'm pretty sure these traits are found in Daniel and I find similar traits listed for each week in this study:

WEEK 1 Faithful Ps.86:2
WEEK 2 Courageous Ps.31:24
WEEK 3 Humble Ps. 25:9
WEEK 4 Steadfast 1 Cor. 15:58
WEEK 5 Visionary Acts 2:17
WEEK 6 Prayerful James 5:16
WEEK 7 Promised Heb. 10:23
(study uses CSB version)

I have completed only Week 1 and Week 2 so far.

Being completely honest, I don't see myself, or me in
my earlier life, as being trustworthy, nor do I trust most others.
Looking at these traits: faithful and courageous,
I probably would say I lack them also.
With this in mind, I have much to learn and gain
from this study and Daniel.
Contrary to what others say, I know that at least I am
full of faith, if I have not been faithful in my past, I remain
faithful and hope to always be faithful to God.
And as regards 'courageous' ... that's yet to be determined,
God is at work and in my heart
I am learning to be strong and courageous.

Being able to view the videos as I read this book,
I find encouraging, helpful and inspiring.
Although I seem to lack these traits fully in me,
I know that to some degree I am, but in Christ
I truly am, so I will allow this to refine me
as I continue and perhaps the Holy Spirit
will renew, restore or stir up more
of these traits in me.

I am so very thankful that I am
"entrusted with treasure"

12 The confidence of my calling enables me to overcome every difficulty without shame, for I have an intimate revelation of this God. And my faith in Him convinces me that He is more than able to keep all that I’ve placed in His hands safe and secure until the fullness of His appearing.
13 Allow the healing words you’ve heard from me to live in you and make them a model for life as your faith and love for the Anointed One grows even more14 Guard well this incomparable treasure by the Spirit of Holiness living within you. (TPT)

I pray that you too will guard
the Promise in 
2 Timothy 1:14
as your own

For this next
Week 3

Psalm 25:9 (CSB)

Daniel 4 & 5

Day 1 God Works Humility in Us
Day 2 God Helps Daniel Walk in Humility
Day 3 God Gives Daniel Wisdom
Day 4 God Gives Grace to the Humble
Day 5 Humble

Before encountering this study, I might have thought or others may have, that I am trustworthy ... and in these times, more than ever, as lights for Jesus Christ, we need to be and all of these traits should be found in us. However, if we're honest, these times are bringing out the worst in most of us, especially with those around us daily. I have heard good stories also where people are actually doing really good things for others; most certainly those in the front lines without question are ... let us remain faithful of who we are in God and follow Daniel's example of treating others (especially in leadership regardless of whether we agree with them) with respect, dignity and honor. Sadly, I have seen quite the opposite, even from people who call themselves Christians. We need to influence others and stand firm on God's Word. May we shine more of Jesus & less of self. May we walk in these character traits & treasure our worth in Jesus by showing ourselves to be "trustworthy" vessels.

[this is just one of many that I've been wanting to share]

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy