
Sunday, October 18, 2020


This is the perfect image for the 2020 Word I was given that I am holding on to this throughout this year and forever, from Dr. David Jeremiah, Turning Point ... for a Prayer Guide, being promoted and given as they Move Forward, with his newest book "Forward" which is on his television, radio, online event series, encouraging us that it's time for us to move forward: Claiming His Promises, Reclaiming His Power, Proclaiming His Peace as we pray. However, I'm not using the image only to promote watching, listening and Praying (with or without this prayer guide) but because it so vividly depicts my 2020 WORD: Promise!

... and that I was led to this today, a significant day for me, (and our Lighthouse of Prayer blog) of our dear and precious sister in Christ, Denise Oldham, better known to many of us as "Shortybear", who stepped into heaven on this day in 2017, gone from here, but lives on in our hearts and memories, our sweet prayer warrior - the anchor with Jesus at our Lighthouse of Prayer (which currently is not being kept up, except for one more post since she left us). 

I miss her dearly, but find comfort recalling our earthly time together -only online, yet ever so close, as if we've known each other for ever and will one day meet in person in heaven (as is with many of you). There is so much to remember about Denise fondly. She made an imprint throughout blog-land by her precious, sweet spirit ... and lives on each time I come across her comments, or return to her little prayers, videos, emails, or say a prayer for her Lovebug & Coco, (wherever they may be and whatever they're doing) Denise, would not want them to be forgotten either or the rest of her family, like her dad ... which was her last blog post & video "Dancing with Dad" and now Denise is dancing with Jesus!

let us rejoice
as we
continue to pray
God's Promises

I do encourage you to join Dr. Jeremiah's campaign Forward and pray as I'm sure Denise would also ... and sing for us "To Turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus" (not Denise) or this one which is!

“Lord, in the midst of the world’s madness thank You for being ever-near to us! We know You are working on our behalf in all things, both good and bad, so we can CLAIM Your promises, RECLAIM Your power, and PROCLAIM Your peace in our lives. May we be grounded in Your Word, strengthened by Your truth, and directed by Your Spirit! Let us pray without ceasing, preach wholeheartedly, and love unconditionally. Your blessings are many. Your promises are comforting. Your love undeserving. Thank you. Amen!” Turning Point, Dr. David Jeremiah

Friday's television show with Dr. Jeremiah: FINISH: You're Not Done until You're Done

Let's continue FORWARD with Jesus in 2020 and beyond!

I love You Lord and you 💜 too Denise!

1 comment:

Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy