
Friday, December 25, 2020










So many PROMISES given to us in God's Word, the Bible and so much to share about "the PROMISED One" and these Promises, but not enough time to concentrate and compile all this right now. Encountered my Word for 2020 everywhere throughout this year, seeing it surface and noticing the word PROMISE in so many places and reading it especially during this final season of 2020. PROMISE (in various forms of the word) seems to be the focus in many readings and prominent in many sites this Advent, like First 5's Advent plan: "Pointing to the Promise". Clearly, even the skies were pointing us to the Promised One, on December 21st, 2020. For me, through this very difficult year for everyone, there was a thread of PROMISES and God trying to point us all to the Promise; His Promise, the Promised One - Jesus Christ!

I'm certainly not able to summarize my 2020 Word PROMISE yet.

Instead I will share today some You Tube videos from a YouVersion Bible reading plan by the LUMO ProjectThe Promised One-the Everlasting Gift (they're short, but very inspirational & authentic looking)

1."Out of the Darkness" The Promised One
2. "Praising the Promise Keeper"
3."The Rising Sun"
4."Light of the World"
5."Victorious Power"

"...Lord, thank You for Your promises. Every word You’ve spoken will be fulfilled because You are faithful. Help me see Your character and give me faith today to believe You and respond with praise. Amen.(day 2) 

"... by cherishing the Promises of God, you can break the power of anxiety, despondency, covetousness, bitterness, pride, impatience, misplaced shame & more..." John Piper

Thank You
for the incredible Gift that is found in Jesus
even when ...


You are faithful to Your Promises!

Thank You Father
for the Gift that keeps on giving!

Debbie McDaniel has written some prayers that I'd like to share:
A Prayer for Christmas Day, A Prayer for Those Who are Weary, and many more

And even Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, have named their website  Daughters of Promise ... I have delighted in the emails I receive from them.

As you can see, God had so much PROMISE for me and you, in 2020, if we open our eyes, our hearts and our minds to the Promised One!

Wishing you all a blessed and merry Christmas in 2020, filled with God's Promises for now and forever! (looking forward to what's coming, in Christ Jesus) ~ Peggy

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy