
Monday, February 1, 2021


One month has already gone by in 2021 and once again (I think) I have not shared my One Word for 2021, although I a lotm fairly certain of my verse in the Bible that contains that One Word ... however there are various words in that Scripture verse that it could be, such as "Hope", which I've heard or been told, many are leaning towards "Hope" in 2021 (understandably, after 2020). Yet HOPE already has been one of my One Words in previous years, which does not mean that it could not be again. As with my One Word that had been PROMISE for 2020, I still have plenty that could keep me focused on God's Promises for an eternity and I probably will in many ways, continue to seek His Promises on any given topic. The same may be true with the repitition of any of the One Words that I had in previous years, like "HOPE" but I don't think that's the One for me, for 2021. It could be though, so I'm not ruling it out completely. Like I mentioned, it is in my verse! But I'm still not revealing my verse or my One Word ... from many words & His Word. 

Another word that is in my verse for 2021 is RENEW, which seems like that might be a really good One Word also. Starting this month of February, over at YouVersion (, there is a 21 day challenge that I usually have done in other years. In fact, the reason that I decided to do a blog post today, is/was to share this and a reading plan that I did back in 2019 with the word RENEW, even if it isn't my One Word. I have decided that it is one that would be good to share here on aMazing Grace, especially since it is connected to my One Word - actually it's the action word (verb) to my One Word. However, the reading plan has a couple other words, related to RENEW ... which I believe will be helpful to me once again, as this plan was back in 2019. I have not chosen this for my plan again over at YouVersion because there are so many other new ones to choose from but I have been setting myself & time aside (doing a fast somewhat) so  I can Seek God more diligently & hunger after Him better to meet me in this season of restoration & renewal, being rebuilt in my faith in so many aspects already in 2021 but perhaps mainly because of 2020. I think 2020 was a year of having a 20/20 vision for many of us that refocused & challenged us, stretching us to the maximum & still requiring more from us, & in us, & through us. So it only seems fit that these 21 days should be in prayer & fasting, refocusing on God, His Word, His Way, His Will.

Let's Run Forward in 2021, perhaps with this reading plan, in part, or along with another one you already have chosen and let's

                          in 2021

Of course, there are many other good plans at YouVersion and studies available right now, with so much available now online.

This one, not only goes well with my One Word, but also with a Faith Gateway and Chrystal Evans Hurst's 28 day Prayer Journey plan that I've already started, as well as the one that Max Lucado has on his new book,*Begin Again... with Bible Gateway as a reading club. I had already begun 2021 with First 5 in the book of Ephesians, so truthfully this was plenty for me to focus & fill up my daily faith journey putting Jesus first & center in my life. 

"Jesus, as I start this 21 day challenge & continue with others, help me to do it from a heart that wishes to know You better, rather than just for what You can do for me. I want to finish this journey more in love with You than when I started. Amen."

*By the way, the rest of the title of Max Lucado's "Begin Again..." book is "... Your HOPE and RENEWAL Start Today".  


Day 1 of 21
days in prayer from


Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Holy Spirt and Your glory will fill our hearts as we set out these next 21 days in prayer. Help me to be open to hear from You and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice in my life. Lead us and guide us as we will be renewed, rebuilt and restored through our prayers. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. 

Please join me and others in prayer & this reading challenge to RUN FORWARD for the next 21 days, however you choose with God, the Father, Son & Holy Spirit! The Church and our Country really need us to RETURN to JESUS in 2021. Fix our eyes on Him & may our Words & Hearts follow Jesus only. RELY on JESUS, REST in Him and READ His WORD, not the words of others. Let's SEEK Him alone, for our Salvation is found in Him. Be REFRESHED! 

{I hope to be back with at least a Prayer each day!}

A Very Happy & Blessed Birthday
to my special sister & friend
in Christ

1 comment:

  1. "Oh, yes, amen! Powerful words to start with in 2021.... Hallelujah to growing more and more in love and awe of my Savior as we journey this year together. All my hopes rest in Him!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy