
Sunday, March 28, 2021


There is Strength in Humility

Jesus Modeled Humility

"...humility was expressed most when Jesus became a man and died on the cross."{clearly}

Isaiah 53 portrays Jesus as the suffering servant. Jesus had lowliness of heart.
We see more of this on Maundy Thursday when we commerorate the Last Supper.
"Throughout His life on earth, Jesus demonstrated a spirit of profound humility."
(Matthew 20:28)

Jesus exemplifies Humility & Strength throughout this Holy Week.

 However, today, on this Palm Sunday,
I want to draw our focus to the

Humility of our KING

Palm Sunday
traditionally known as the
Triumphal Entry

NLT reads Jesus' Triumphant Entry for John 12:12-19;
Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40

For me, in the story of Jesus entering into Jerusalem, I see His riding into town on a donkey colt, reveals His character quality of Humility ... which requires His strength, but demonstrates much more. He is fulfilling prophecy as He claims His rightful place as the prophesized Messiah. And He chooses the precious, lowly animal - a donkey colt rather than a majestic warhorse/stallion.

{Don't get me wrong, I love donkeys and God must also since He placed a cross stripe down the middle of their back in black plus notice the frequency that donkeys are used in the Bible, even with Jesus' mother Mary, on their journey for His birth. Yet, let's be truthful, donkeys are known to be stubborn & dumb creatures and still expected to carry large burdens. I can relate. But I regress ...with my [Lessons from a Donkey] The sweet donkey also symbolizes peace and God's blessings to His people. This story also connects us with the Old Testament story of Abraham with his son Isaac (in Genesis 49:10-12). 

So much rich symbolism starting out this Holy Week and the events that unfold beginning with the celebration of Palm Sunday. I also think the people that greeted Jesus with those palm branches (and even their own cloaks/clothing) being placed on the road beneath the feet of the donkey and Jesus, their King, showed humility ... laying it all down at the feet of Jesus. 

It was the weakness of His humility that doomed forever the power of evil.

the Palm branch
- the victory of the faithful over enemies of the soul
-justice and good; victory, triumph, peace & eternal life
-associated with the Feast of Booths, the establishment of the kingdom
-custom to honor & greet great leaders, heroes & winners of competitions
-a mark of rejoicing

the Palm tree
uprightness or righteousness

Jehovah saved His people out of Egypt

Palm tree wood may not be strong, it is surprisingly resilent & malleable;
they are more flexible than sturdy

the Strength I'm seeking this Palm Sunday is NOT in the Palm branches

it's in the characteristic of
exemplified this
Holy Week
our Lord & King

"... Humility comes from the Latin word “humilis,” which literally means “low.” It resides just a stone’s throw from “humiliation.” Sure enough, excessive humility eventually softens into obsequiousness and self-subjugation. False humility is even worse: a conscious manipulation covertly aimed at winning praise, often to compensate for unacknowledged feelings of inadequacy.

But genuine humility is a reflection of neither weakness nor insecurity. Instead, it implies a respectful appreciation of the strengthsa lack of personal pretension and a more relaxed sense of confidence that doesn’t require external recognition. ...
" Tony Schwartz, NY Times, 11/15/13

Humility is Power

I can find strength in the power & the victory won by Jesus

"...Jesus’ submission to His Father’s will was an expression of 
His strength and irrefutable trust in God." ~Megan Pacheco

"... Great strength hides in weakness"... ~ Pastor Steven Furtick, 3/28/21

My intent for this Holy Week was to present a series on my 2021 One Word: Strength* - and show STRENGTH throughout this week found in Jesus through each of the events as we journey to the Cross and onto the Resurrection, where we find the ultimate Strength for each day of our Christian walk - with Jesus Christ. Bits and pieces of His Strength poured out in my scattered thoughts shared today & for this week Jesus undeniable

 "STRENGTH in Holy Week" 

Clearly as each of us reflect throughout this week, you (we) will notice the examples of the Strength it took, even for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, yet He chose to obey His Father, even to His excruciating death on the Cross to show us the power of Life over death! The victory He won, giving us the choice for an eternal life. This is what gives me HOPE which is what gives me STRENGTH & Joy in the Lord, our Risen Savior, our Messiah, our King ... and is the Strength of my Faith to believe that my Redeemer lives!

May you find STRENGTH & HOPE each day as you look to Jesus!

 A Blessed Holy Week and Happy Resurrection Sunday!

* due to circumstances beyond my control (and they all are) I won't be able to fulfill my intention of this series, but I pray for STRENGTH for you and for me ... and all that Jesus portrays to us through this Passion Story ...

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy