
Thursday, September 30, 2021

God is NOT Finished With Me (and others) Yet - More aMazing Grace

When I began September with my "September STRONG" post, I really was hoping to share more throughout this month of September & more about JESUS STRONG!

My intention was to proceed into October and this final quarter of the year, sharing more on the 2021 Word of Strength (being Strong) through so many Bible verses, yet truly God isn't finished with me still. So, not realizing this fully and what that might entail upon finishing that short 5 day sample plan "Jesus Strong" from Lisa Whittle, I ordered and received promptly her book, thinking it was her new book, only to find out that "The Hard Good" is her newest, "Jesus Over Everything" before that, and that " Put Your Warrior Boots On: Walking Jesus Strong, Once and for All" was written and released back in 2017 - Not that this takes away anything from the value of this book and me reading it, since I totally loved the sample and knew I wanted to read more, so I have it, began reading it...

BUT I was so easily sidetracked once again by another offer of two books being released in October. Both of these books just so happen to not only be in what I call 'my month' ... but also they are about my 2021 Word: Strength/Strong and I was being given the chance to receive and review the books from the Publisher. I couldn't decide which one ... so God did! I will be reviewing that book in the near future, on or before its release date of October 12th. The *other book, not sent, is also from a well-known author that I like, but would have been one that I should have been using for this entire year since it's a 365 day devotional. There's not much left to this year, and although there's much still to gain about Strength, I already know this will not continue to be my One Word for 2022 because I have another one waiting. Anyways, I did read a 3 day sample devotion of the other book in a You Version plan and may consider getting it still in my Kindle when it releases on October 19th. As you can see, I have not revealed either of these new releases, nor their authors. But since I am reading one to review, you will find out that one soon enough. And the other, I will mention after that. 

As we wrap up the month of September, I am also wrapping up the 4th Week in "Take Back Your Life" but not to worry, I still have two more weeks in this 40 day interactive journey to "thinking right so (I)you can live right". Truthfully, I am not really doing very well in this at all. Week 5 is "Be the Difference" and then Week 6 will be "Think Right, Live Right" - so there's still hope for me as I continue & finish each day with the "Breathe, Think, and Live" section, with many questions to ponder & if you were doing with a group - to discuss. For me, this has been a very personal journey and currently looks like I will need a "re-do" of this book. I need to journal more of my ponderings and thoughts as I had intended to do when I started because "this is more than a book;" (as the back of the book reads) "it's an intimate self-analysis tool that helps you recognize what's weighing you down or holding you back and equips you to embrace it head-on ..." AND I am not doing this, as I hoped to so that I can "... become the best version of" myself. In fact, my failing to even interact as I planned is an indication to me that I just wasn't ready to "take back my life". Yes, I was serious about it and that this year of STRENGTH would be the year that I could perhaps handle something like this, however as I read, I discover ... I need to be & stay committed to this immense LIFE task (which I haven't been) and come to realize that I am Stronger than I think and only in God's Strength for Each Day will I be able to think right & live right. Hopefully and prayerfully, that day, my day, is coming soon in Jesus' name


God is NOT Finished With Me (and others) Yet - More aMazing Grace



Lots more 


to be


Thanks Lisa Whittle!
all images belong to Lisa Whittle
{but her email says you can download & share}
so I am

* update on October 1st: I was sent the other book also, so now I really have to get reading to finish & review by their release date. Thanks to this Publisher, I have received a double portion of blessings of STRENGTH for October (and it's just the 1st of the month). 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


[Sign up for this 5 day Bible study plan]

I cannot believe that I have not posted anything since PALM SONday and the entire summer has gone by and fall is approaching. However, I most definitely have been pursuing "Strength" every single day, especially in my Bible reading plans & studies. So I can be #Jesus Strong (with Lisa Whittle).

Currently, I am in a 40 day Interactive Journey to "Take Back Your Life" by Levi Lusko among many other OBSs. Plus I just completed one on "Restored" & * "Strengthen Your Faith..." Clearly, by taking back my life, I am hopefully strengthening my faith & perhaps have a totally different idea than Pastor Levi, but if you have read my testimony or know me & my life, you will understand the significance in me taking back my life. On the other side of these 40 days, I hope to be filled with God's power & strength to face better anything our future & my personal future may hold. Only with God's Strength can I overcome my past & build my future based on God's principles & my beliefs. God is the Strength of my life! Without my beliefs, my faith walk & my relationship with Jesus, I don't know where I would be now or throughout my entire life. 

Here are some Promises that strengthened my faith*

"I (you) can trust, because God will never change." Matthew 24:5

"The miracle depends on my (your) response." Matthew 9:28-30a

"Having peace of mind is a position of faith." Psalm 46:10

"God is the one who fights for me (you)." 2 Chronicles 20:15

"Sons of Israel (Peggy), march!" Exodus 14:15

"Whoever believes in God will never be ashamed."1 Kings 18:37-39

"Don't give up on what God has promised you." Genesis 15:5

{those were the 7 days of *that plan}


Yet another plan of 30 days & a book I have now too!
I completed this one on May 1, 2021

I will continue to press on and 


of my heart

Perhaps you read the title of this blog, and came here looking for "Strength for September" because you are so weary, or weak and really need some strength to make it through some current situation, crisis or difficult circumstance. I began this post only as an update because I have been away so very long & wanted you to know that I am still here. 

Other than that I had no particular gem of wisdom to share so that you might be filled with God's strength, yet the plans at YouVersion & the Song at the end are the best I have to share because I, myself, am really leaning in and seeking more Strength every day to battle all that currently faces us in this world. We all need more Strength in our daily living. So get in God's Word & seek His Strength in many verses & may you be encouraged this September in the Lord with an abundance of His Strength, which I've read & heard comes through having more JOY ... so sing it out "the JOY of the Lord is my Strength!" (Twila Paris) or maybe this one with Jenn Johnson (Bethel) Joy of the Lord/You Make Me Brave!!! and Joy Unspeakable (Bethel) with Steffany Gretzinger! YES, be filled with Jesus, Others than You (true JOY will come) as You serve in Jesus' name!