
Sunday, October 17, 2021


by Joyce Meyer
[releases October 19, 2021]

"Strength for Each Day" is the 365-day devotional, I should have had to start this past year of 2021, and many of us probably needed this inspiration from Joyce Meyer during the previous year even more. Joyce Meyer knows exactly how and what to share in a one page devotional that is just enough to give and set your mind positively for the day. She speaks right to your life from experience and wisdom. Joyce understands God's Word and what we need to strengthen us in our daily journey. 

Each day starts with a Scripture and ends with a prayer. This makes this reader drawn in right away because these are the ingredients I look for in a devotional book or reading plan. I was able to enjoy a 3 day sample on the You Version Bible app but then I discovered on Joyce's website a 10 day Study, that you can sign up to read, which goes one step beyond the devotional, with a link at the end to "Read More" in an article that Joyce uses to expand on the topic. These whet your appetite well but having this book would be a great asset all year long. Since I started in October and read to the end then the beginning, I realized that you could open to any day and find the Strength for that day.

I do wish that the Publisher (or whoever is responsible for this) would have added a couple more special features: a simple ribbon to bookmark & move each day; and an index, in the back of the book, either of scriptures or topics; since this compact, beautifully designed book does not have a *Content Page of each devotion (probably not used because it's a January - December book; however another one year book I am reading for this year does include one with the date and title of the devotion through the verses of Isaiah). It's helpful to be able to locate more easily a devotion that perhaps is one needed or addresses an issue you would like to go to for Joyce's wise and practical teaching. 

I definitely am encouraged by reading from the concise way that Joyce Meyer is able to show us to spend time with God first, learn from her life experiences and those of others, along with Biblical wisdom and insights; that on your worse day you can discover Strength from God's Word - and hers. Well worth the daily reflection offered in this book filled with gems (of Strength) as always from Joyce Meyer, to lead us through our weariness and weakness to the power of a victory with Strength to "...Make Every Day a Great Day"; and if not, change it (and our mindset to see the blessings even in the hard days). This is a wonderful gift to renew our Strength whenever we may need it and give to others when they do.

 I will refer to this book often & receive the strength Jesus is & gives!

Book Description:
"Discover a powerful and positive mindset each day of the year with uplifting insights and motivational Bible verses provided by #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.

Find new mercies and blessings each day when you spend time with God: reading His Word, listening, and praying for His direction. When you do, God will strengthen and enable you to handle life peacefully and wisely instead of merely trying to get through the day. He will renew your strength and empower you to bear up under trials with patience, so you can experience them with a good attitude. Maintaining a positive view in the midst of something unpleasant is the key to victory, and it enables you to enjoy the journey!

With the constant demands and pressures of daily life, it can be hard to regularly pause to be with and listen to God's voice. Joyce's practical teaching format in this 365-day devotional will encourage you to take the time for yourself so that you can receive Strength for Each Day! "

Disclosure: I received a hardbound copy of this book free from the publisher in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255

*Update: correction (at least in the ebook format, not the hardbound copy I had) - there is a Content page listing each devotion with date and title. The book I have looks like the image at the top (pink & golden lettering) but I noticed a new beautiful scene of a sunrise or sunset on the new release. The one I have is the more feminine cover & beautifully designed even on each page of the devotion is a floral imprint. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

"You Are Stronger than You Think ..."

Releases on October 12, 2021

I could not wait to begin reading "You are Stronger than You Think ... " by Joel Osteen (Pastor & Author) to learn more from his motivational style of how to "...Unleash the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold and Go Beyond What Limits You" (the rest of this title) & Pastor Joel, as an author, pastor and motivational speaker, never disappoints - book after book, or message after message to America's largest church in Houston, Texas - Lakewood Church and throughout the world online. 

This book does Go Bigger, and definitely is filled with wise words that go Bold & go Beyond; using biblical and personal, individual stories of people that help us to be Stronger (especially after the year we just went through and continue to face with this pandemic, etc.) in 15 chapters of encouraging words to see ourselves the right way, as God sees us, and the fullness that is in each individual awaiting to wake up, be unleashed and flourish. Each chapter shows us how we are designed with the inner strength and the ability to take on each challenge as we reach for the next level and purpose in our life. 

For many years, I have been encouraged by watching Pastor Joel online & through reading some of his other books. So as I began reading this, I could actually see & hear him speaking these words to me & into my life. As I started off reading Chapter 1, with the same title as the book, I could sense a “can-do power” rising up inside of me & already impacting my attitude & mentality, but then I thought what can he (as the author) possibly add to this message in the next 14 chapters. So I sat back & read on, seeking more of his inspiration & God’s to strengthen me further chapter after chapter. 

I learned that:
  • I am stronger than I think; 
  • to Invite God into each difficulty; 
  • my victory begins (began) in the dark
  • to fight for my future; 
  • special strength is coming (one of my favorite chapters, although I have favorite parts in each chapter); 
  • I am who I say I am; and who God says I am
  • I am designed to withstand; 
  • and overcome weakness (my favorite chapter & one I really needed); 
  • I am still going to get there (that passion & fire is still in me);
  • my faith... is anchored in Jesus Christ, so I will stay in faith & release my faith as I walk by faith, not letting negative voices silence my faith & I will throw off the ‘beggar’s coat’;
  • I am a ‘nevertheless person’ who sees the impossible as God’s possible miracle; 
  • and ‘by this I know’ (like in Psalm 41:11 ) as I proclaim “But God...”;
  • the hot winds of testing (though never easy) are meant to develop & strength me & become part of a better me testimony;
  • as I keep on walking;
  • because I am surrounded by the Most High. 
[The previous bulleted part is a paraphrase of each chapter’s title as I personalized them into what I learned & intend to apply as I will need to reread this often, whenever I may need to recall the strength & power already within me]. 

Thank You Lord, & Pastor Joel for speaking strength back in to this weary & worn soul through faith words in this book.Now I just need to align all these lessons in my heart, mind & life and truly believe that I am "Stronger than You Think" (and I think) and walk in His Strength. This is a great book to help turn around any difficulties, defeat & discouragement with a positive power to overcome & move forward. 

[Because of my personal preference to have each chapter conclude with a prayer, a declaration or scripture, I would rate this only a 4 star for me, however, Joel Osteen writes books that are meant to motivate a wide range of readers, not just religious/spiritual readers, even though he does use scripture stories and Biblical characters well to illustrate his message or point]. Nevertheless ... Joel Osteen has done it again - another successful book with great encouragement that "You are Stronger than You Think"; so overall, this really does deserve a 5 star rating! If you’re feeling tired, weary, worn out — this is for you. If you want to tap into God’s supernatural strength and rise to new levels, this is for you. If you just need to be motivated & encouraged to be stronger than you think & more bold - this is for you or someone you need to encourage. It was for me & will continue to be until I am ...

Book Description

"Unleash the untapped power inside you!
You were designed with the ability and inner strength to stretch to the next level, to stand strong and overcome the opposition, to learn new skills, to believe bigger, dream bigger, and to take on new challenges.

In You Are Stronger than You Think, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen encourages you to stand firm when the difficulty is not turning around. When the pressure mounts, when you feel overwhelmed, when the struggle looks too big, or the goal is out of reach, you have to remember that is not your destiny. You are more powerful than you think. You need to see yourself the right way and realize what’s already inside you. You were made to outlast the competition, to go further than you thought you could, and live a life beyond what limits you.

As you read You Are Stronger than You Think, you will find the power to break the cycle of defeat, the courage to set a new standard for your family, the hope to conquer your fear, and the confidence to accomplish every dream. You will discover that you have more strength, more talent, more determination, and more endurance than you ever imagined. Nothing can hold you back…because You Are Stronger than You Think! "

Disclosure: I received a hardbound copy of this book free from the publisher in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255

Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen
shared in Sunday October 10 like a promo