
Monday, February 28, 2022

Centering our RELATIONSHIP around Jesus in our World

As I open to write this blog post, I have no idea what to say or pray or share except that in the recent blog posts I have been sharing from "Jesus Listens" and focused on "Centering RELATIONSHIPS around Jesus" and that most certainly encompasses other countries in our world, such as Ukraine (currently being invaded by Russian troops sent by Putin and finally today the 2 countries - Ukraine & Russia, are meeting in Peace talks, I pray that there is some peaceful resolution). I've read & heard that Ukraine is asking for immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of all Russian troops. This photo above that has been circulating definitely depicts Jesus centering (and praying) over Ukraine, which means He is not only Listening but answering, at least to my pleas for Divine Intervention, because I trust with God all things are possible. His will. His deliverance from all evil. Isn't this what He taught us to pray in the Our Father?(Matthew 6:9-13) verse 13. Please keep Ukraine in your prayers; the country, their leaders, their families, their homes, their children, their faith, their refugees and the wonderful surrounding countries opening their arms and helping/assisting as best they can.

The next week in Jesus Listens would be "Week 24: Building Trust" (which would be really great for what is happening in the world) however, just like last week, I will be skipping ahead to the following week; Week 25: Pouring From and Refilling Your Cup - which you and I and Ukrainians all need! I cannot imagine what they are facing (or you in your own world) yet I also can't believe that Jesus wouldn't want us to pray and center our RELATIONSHIPS around Him (Jesus) AND our relationship to others - such as other countries in this world in peril, and other people outside our own personal relationships. Just like that first photo image, Jesus lays His life down & covers Ukraine as we pray, as we pour from ourselves to fill and be filled so that we might pour out to the many souls in Ukraine but we must (as they must) daily refill our cup to overflow on others. 

The scriptures referenced & prayer are from Jesus Listens the July 18th entry:

"Ephesians 2:8-9; Psalm 62:5 HCSB; Psalms 23:3 NKJV; Psalms 23:2 AMPC "

written to

My (Our) Shepherd

HE is the SHEPHERD for Ukrainians also

[the discussion guide question #3 follows]

"When we're deeply rooted in our RELATIONSHIP with God and have a restored soul, {which far too many of us truly need now} we are more effective messengers of His love. What are some ways you can relax in God's Presence now? How do you think that rest will benefit those you serve? {and my question: how can you be a more effective messenger of Jesus to/for the Ukrainians?} Please do it. 

The Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine!

Plant some seeds



{I'm sure that you can find places that are helping, our local news even provided a list but this is one place I found: Convoy of Hope listening to prayer service}


1. Pray for God’s peace to be a source of strength. Pray for the workers there — that they would have opportunities to share with others because they do not trust in governments, but in God.

2. Pray for God’s protection. Pray for the safety of people on both sides of this border. Ask God for their physical protection but also their spiritual protection — ask him to help people seek the truth during the conflict.

3. Ask God for comfort. As the war continues from the 2014 Russian invasion of the Crimea region, the thought of more intense war seems overwhelming to the many families who have already lost fathers and sons.

 4. Ask God to intervene. Pray for wisdom as world leaders maneuver, strategize and speak out. Pray that God would move in their hearts and guide their steps and plans.

 5. Pray that Ukraine and Russia would be places without corruption. Pray for leaders of both countries to know God’s truth and peace and be transformed by his Holy Spirit, that they would seek to lead their countries in the way of peace. Ask for repentance, grace, forgiveness and reconciliation throughout Ukraine and Russia. Pray not only for the leaders of these countries, but for the people — that they would not have animosity between them but be united in reconciliation.

Ask that this would open doors of opportunities for the gospel. God has a way of showing up when things are difficult. Pray that he would make his name known across Ukraine and Russia as the result of this conflict



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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy