
Friday, July 1, 2022



[image credit: You Version/Rick Warren]

This is not my title so I'm borrowing it to share an upcoming study in July with Pastor Rick Warren (he has done this one before in May of 2016, but is doing it again) at Daily Hope, however, I also found a 10 day sample version at You Version BUT I mostly like this title because it contains my One Word for 2022 and I hope that ALL my RELATIONSHIPS become better & more AWESOME by the time I complete this year! [This also is a book (DVD small group) by Pastor Rick, who (by the way) is retiring from Saddleback Church & has now shared his new successor.] 

[image credit:Rick Warren]

"The bedrock of every friendship is trust. It takes time and intention to create awesome relationships. In relationship we learn to be unselfish and we learn to love. Life is a laboratory for learning how to love. We crave the safety of a relationship where we are fully known. Everybody wants soul intimacy. We all long for genuine connection." (book description)

According to a daily devotional email I receive from Daily Hope, this "Awesome" study begins July 25, so I will start my You Version plan then. 

relationship (n.)

1640s, "sense or state of being related" by kindred, affinity, or other alliance, from relation + -ship. Specifically of romantic or sexual intimacy in 1944.

Since 2022 began, I have wanted to do an "etymology"of RELATIONSHIP (my One Word) but decided it was just a compound word of relation + ship so I wasn't thinking it was necessary, although I found this short version - interesting, plus the definition: 

relationship (n.) noun

relationshipplural nounrelationships
  1. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
    • the state of being connected by blood or marriage.
      "they can trace their relationship to a common ancestor"
      the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave toward each other.
      "the landlord–tenant relationship"
    • an emotional and sexual association between two people.
      "she has a daughter from a previous relationship"

Clearly, RELATIONSHIP is how we RELATE with one another. God created people to be in RELATIONSHIP with Himself and one another in friendship, marriage, family, society and the church. Yet I believe what's important in each RELATIONSHIP is that it is healthy and built on godly principles. I found this article from Christianity Today to sum this up nicely: "What Does RELATIONSHIP mean in the Bible?" and I can agree with almost entirely. From my own personal life journey, I realize that I lack much in having 'healthy RELATIONSHIPS' and I don't think I had any clear model of this except later in my observation of church family RELATIONSHIPS. I found many I respect and wished to emulate yet knew I need(ed) to discover in my own RELATIONSHIPS how God would show me to develop and not compare to others. I'm still working on this and know that it will be a continual lifetime (improvement) project - my best example is Jesus, found in His Word, with God, the Father & then unconditionally with other humans, by His Spirit (because truthfully, some RELATIONSHIPS will take the work of the Holy Spirit to be able to do this). We might get parts of it wrong so that's why we keep on working on it to develop better and healthier aspects by following after those godly principles, given by Jesus, in the Bible - His Word & basic instructions for our time on earth. Here's another good article on "what does the Bible say about RELATIONSHIPS?I am sure that Pastor Rick's "Awesome Relationships" study starting on July 25th will share good building block material on helping us have and make our RELATIONSHIPS Awesome! Perhaps you might consider joining me in this endeavor either through the Daily Hope program (you can watch or listen online) or by reading the one at You Version (or both). I'm positive it will bless you!

God is always open to having a closer & better RELATIONSHIP with us and showing us how to do that in our earthly RELATIONSHPS with others to draw them closer to Him while making our RELATIONSHIPS more healthy and changing us so that we love more authentically and extending much grace as we do. I hope and pray (one of the best ways to connect with God) that your summer is filled with better days and better RELATIONSHIPS with one another as Jesus fills you with the fruit of the Spirit and power to accept & build godly ones. Our world is desperately in need of Jesus and His LOVE which starts with us & how we RELATE.

Wishing you a Happy 4th of July weekend! Stay safe and enjoy the freedom we have in Christ Jesus! (little by little our country has less freedoms, but that is an entirely different topic and one which brings me great sadness and concern). 

May Almighty God bless America once again, have mercy on us, and bring revival hopefully as  we repent & humble ourselves, with liberty & justice for ALL!

[*image is a snapshot from Jesus Listens, Sarah Young, p.195]

this 4th of July

that everyone in your circle of love is

and that your celebration is

is so

*may need to remove due to copyright

{if you follow the link to Amazon, it's marked down & also has used copies, 
great book for the entire year - one of Sarah Young's best (imho)!}



  1. This statement "Life is a laboratory for learning how to love. " is so very true. With so many diverse relationships, I'm so very thankful for the example of our awesome God. Even though I fail in my pitiful human efforts, it is an ongoing project like you wrote. The Father's longsuffering mercy reminds me to show the same to others. The Lord Jesus' overwhelming love helps me to remember to do the same for my fellow undeserved wretches. The Holy Spirit's comfort, counsel, and revelation enables me to share hope in our hopeless world and point others to the one who supplies peace in the middle of chaos.

    1. Amen (for now, with more to come) ~ Peggy

    2. Such wonderful reflections! Such candor truth about relationships, our human frailties and God's best example in the chaos of our messy parts of our lives, the Holy Spirit has revealed the answer to you & you to others. That's full circle ... Life - the circle of life, begins & ends in God! Thank you for your words Anonymous - always appreciated, timely & uplifting. The kind of encouragement needed on a blog. Thanks


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy