
Sunday, July 31, 2022


In the Radio Teaching Series with Pastor Rick Warren on Awesome RELATIONSHIPS,  the Message is divided into 4 parts on "Fighting for an Awesome Family". I believe we all would like to have Awesome Families - the one we originate from and the one we have as adults. I have an awesome extended family but only 2 left in my original biological family, I love them dearly, but at times, our relationship seems strained or distant over the years. So My Church Family, for many years, is the one I counted on, because 'they' (many of the members in the Church) became and were Family to me (and my kids) which exemplified the role of a good, healthy, spirit-filled family. In many ways, 'they' took us under their wings (so to speak) and included us as part of their families, showing us care and so much more. I can never adequately thank any of them, but tried to do so often during those years.Since I brought our kids to church alone and frequently throughout the week, not just Sunday, Church, for me, is/was my family. Yes, I had my biological family and a spouse, so I was not a single parent, yet 'they' nourished the spiritual aspect of family and helped us even have fun. That is the Message of today's devotional from Pastor Rick Warren: "Families Should Be Fun" - I couldn't agree more, however I realize that wasn't always the case then and now, even with our grandchildren, which saddens me. But I skipped ahead quite a few of the devotionals, so let me go back to the first devotional on "...Awesome Families" because it is/was essential to begin this part on Families. 

"Five Things You Must Learn in Your Family"
Awesome Families encourage growth

I will just list the 5, so you'll need to go and read the short devotional linked to understand them better and to get the full context.

1. You learn what to do with feelings.
2. You learn how to handle conflict.
3. You learn how to handle loss.
4. You learn which values matter most.
5. You learn good habits.

You can use this to evaluate your own family relationships - both your own personal family from which you came and then the one you were part of as an adult (created or adopted or otherwise - like my spiritual family became later). I'll just say that in both of the families, I lived with - I do not fare well in these 5 - either having learned or instilling through teaching and example. And not because I did not try. I agree with Pastor Rick's opening that "they create an atmosphere of lifelong learning." Some, I'm getting better at personally, but I'm still learning in my old age, because I never learned, nor do I think (feel) that I knew how to pass them on or function as a healthy family/individuals (at least in 3 out of the 5). I believe that values and habits were part of both families yet the question may be - how good? As in the previous "Awesome RELATIONSHIPS" of Marriage, that I do not feel qualified to write or share about - the same goes for Families.

"Fighting for an Awesome Family" Part 1 (July 29, 2022) Radio/ available as a Podcast too on Spotify or probably wherever you listen.  The other 3 parts of the Radio teaching will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. However, here are the devotionals: 
How Family Members Help Each Other Grow   7/28/22

Relationships Are a Raincoat in Life's Storms  7/29/22

Leave a Legacy of Hospitality                        7/30/22

Families Should Be Fun (linked above)           7/31/22

{I'm thinking that if you read these after the broadcast, the links may not work, because the messages will be archived, depending on when you read this. Sorry.}

[I, even include many dogs as part of our family, which you dog owners will understand. I believe that caring for animals and loving them teaches invaluable lessons on values and good habits. Yet dogs, for me (even though I've had horses and other animals, to care for as an adult) love unconditionally and they have taught me many lessons. In Mexico, for the 20 years I lived there, dogs were a big part of my life there - they were my family away from people family back home. All of those special dogs, my family for years, some since birth or soon after- so 15 years+) are now all gone, but I have the hope of Rainbow Bridge and I know that they are/have been teaching me #1 and #3, even still in their absence. I also have a beautiful Mexican (people) family that included me there. As far as dogs, I am just starting over with one, rather than 6 and also a rescue one that I share with the owner. An excellent author on pet loss is Kate McGahan (and her Jack), but of course, there are many others. Also there are great books written on Lessons Learned from Dogs ... Horses, etc. So, if humans seem to be failing you in this, try a loving pet or a good book.] 

Let's keep building (and learning) on Awesome RELATIONSHIPS!  

1 comment:

  1. FYI...the links still work! My favorite was "Relationships are a raincoat in life's storms", but all of them told important points and reminders.

    My birth family was an "awesome" one and as I scroll through the memories, good times greatly out number any not-so-good times and most times I can't even recall any of the not-so-good times. I was blessed indeed.

    The family I raised provided wonderful memories as well (as they still continue to do), but an equal amount of regrets hover over those memories. So many things I wished I'd done differently, but my grown kids assure me those memories aren't the ones embedded in their minds, just as my childhood memories omit those times my parents have shared their own regrets while raising me and my sister. So that gives me hope....

    Our furry families are definitely true and equal members IMO. So many lessons learned and remembered....KT


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy