
Saturday, December 10, 2022

PREPARING ... with PEACE (10)

Week of December 4 - 10


"JOY is Found in the Wonders of This Season"

December 4

"PEACE is Found in the Wonders of This Season" 

Isaiah 9:6-7a

Luke 2:13-14; John 14:27; Romans 15:13; Ephesians 2:17; Philippians 4:7

Christmas Peace verses


I will be adding the following days each day:

December 5

Peace Is Found in the Forgiveness of Sins 

December 6

Peace Is Found in the Little Moments

This is a good reminder for this season:

"Slow down. Find peace in little moments. ..."

Take a breath. Close your eyes.

Thank God for His Peace

in this moment.

O Prince of Peace

I thank You for the little moments

when You fill me with

Your Peace.

I love that You are in every detail of my life.

Continue to reveal Yourself to me

in every little moment when I might not notice 

it's You - You touch my heart in so many ways.

I long to be close & meet You in these moments! 


December 7

Peace Is Found in the Trials

Forgive me Prince of Peace

for not seeking Your Peace first when trials come.

I let the circumstances or situation overwhelm me.

Help me to realize that I need to come to You.

It's in the trials that I need You most.

Whenever I face any trial

remind me that I can find Peace in Your arms.


December 8

Peace  Is Found in Serving Others

"There is no greater joy and thus no greater peace for the believer than to experience God. Those serving know immediately and profoundly that caring for another person is not a two-person relationship, it is a three person relationship. There is the one being cared for, the believer doing the caring, and there is Christ. Knowing this is priceless. Knowing this is peace." (notes from a sermon)

"Faithful Father, help me see the needs of those You have placed around me.
Give me a heart to love & serve those You lay on my heart."
Help me to serve others in peace and find peace by serving others.
Remind me how I have seen that when we take the focus off 
ourselves (or our own problems) and place it on others by serving them,
we are filled back up with peace and joy, as You tell us 
"whatever you do to the least of these, you do for me"
Matthew 25:40, 45 (NIV)

December 9

Peace Is Found in Spiritual Growth

"... Jesus, I invite You to shape & refine me 
in ways that need chiseling.
Cut, prune and remove"
in my life
- those things that give no purpose -
(no growth)
in serving 
(and others)
I give 
my heart
Make me a channel of Your Peace

December 10

Peace Is Found in Remembering
Who You Are in Him

Who am I without You, Jesus Christ!?

Praising You for who I am and all I have because of You!
You created me with a plan and gave me purpose.
I hold tightly to the truth but often I forget.
"In a world confused with their real identity,
will You boldly declare who I am in You?"
And never let me forget.

[if in doubt or you need to be reminded, scroll down my blog past all posts to the end
to the declarations in a bell shape & the last image of Who we are in Christ Jesus]

"Breath as Prayer" by Jennifer Tucker

This is my new Christmas ebook! 
(blog & Advent podcast)
{sshhh don't tell Santa I peeked - it's in my Kindle, can't help it}

It's a fresh "Breath of Heaven" (song) but "Breath from Heaven" 
is available from Jennifer Tucker

I think I have found

some new ways to deal with my anxious thoughts in prayer
past anxiety/occasional panic attacks/ptsd 
from reoccurring 

Leaning into Jesus'

and some


I thought I might share

"Let There Be Peace on Earth"

but instead I chose this

Prince of Peace

You can return to "Preparing My Heart with Peace" for more

{the main post for PEACE}

If you need more Peace, I encourage you to get

"Peace for Your Journey" (author's blog)

(the book is by F. Elaine Olsen)

Jennifer Tucker

{I recommend signing up even though Advent is halfway over}

I have also been enjoying Sarah Young's 7 days of
"Peace in Uncertain Times"

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy